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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. This is good, but I honestly don't think it is simple enough to convince many people. Even Walby says its time to scrap the carbon tax because of how it is affecting people on limited budgets... There's a profound misunderstanding about carbon taxes that people like Poilievre takes advantage of and encourages.
  2. This made me laugh out loud. The thought that we need to double down on investments in oil to think for the future... wow. Throughout this recent oil crisis, renewable energy has been making big gains. The more we have invested in renewable energy, the more independent we become when events like this happen. And they will continue to happen and the results will be more severe. A big part of having a carbon tax is to create a resilient economy with an eye to future energy demands. Complaining about paying more for gas while civilians in Ukraine are losing everything including their lives is a pretty sad, especially when gas prices are being raised in an attempt to stop the tragedies in Ukraine.
  3. You gotta feel sorry for the Shell bigwigs at a time like this. They are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. One the one hand, if they buy Russian oil they are supporting the Russian regimes and the war crimes that are happening right now. But on the other hand, I'm sure the energy crunch is affecting the price they pay on fuel for their private jets. Tough situation for the decision makers in the organization...
  4. @JCon paying any attention to the story about the funding Obby received from the PC's as part of the Buy Local initiative? His company, GoodLocal, received $500,000 - more than all the other companies that received assistance combined. Of course this was well before Obby even considered politics 🙄 The race for Fort Whyte is getting more interesting.
  5. Or cleaning up abandoned oil wells from other attempts at making rich corporations richer...
  6. MP Shannon Stubbs, who has endorsed Poilievre, wrote that Charest was too much like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on issues including gun control and a carbon tax.
  7. I have a friend from Romania with a similar story. He's told me about how savagely the Russian's treated them in WW2 compared to the Nazis. We were talking and a kid came up to him to ask if he had a Russian accent. Harmless enough, but he turned red and got incensed. Unfortunately he really let that kid have it for an innocent enough mistake, but it shows the hatred for Russia that still exists. In my reading of Russian history, I'm sure it exists amongst the people of Russia currently as well.
  8. Shifting responsibility to the Feds to clean up the Covid mess while getting rid of Covid prevention measures because we apparently don't need them anymore. Publicly complaining that the Feds need to step in (Emergencies Act), while also privately asking the Feds to do something to stop the blockade at Emerson.... We don't have provincial leadership, we have leaders that are followers. And the crowd they are following...
  9. I wasn't the biggest fan of Joss Reimer when she compared the persecution of Mennonites to the persecution of Indigenous Canadians, but she's been pretty solid overall during the pandemic.
  10. I'd be interested in other opinions on this, but I don't think this is any indication of China cutting out Russia. I think it is more a bank trying to maintain wealth and not offer credit to corporations that are unlikely to be able to pay off the credit. I could be wrong, but I would also be shocked if China opposed Russia in any meaningful way. China's gonna be China and try to benefit from this in any way they can.
  11. Venezuela Can Bring Putin to his Knees - Greg Palast I’m sure Putin is laughing when he hears Biden list his new so-called “sanctions” which are as serious as canceling Putin‘s Walmart discount card. It’s about the oil, Mr. Biden. The price of oil. The more Ukrainians Putin kills, the higher the price of oil. Right now, Russian tanks have pushed the price of oil past $100 a barrel. That’s a windfall worth an additional half a billion dollars a day to Russia’s treasury. With 43% of Russia’s entire federal budget coming from oil and gas royalties, Putin doesn’t care if his oligarchs are barred from getting tickets to see Hamilton. The doubling of energy prices over the next year would bring Putin a quarter trillion dollar windfall. Want to stop Putin‘s tanks? Turn off his war windfall. How? Unleash the largest reserve of oil on the planet: Lift the cruel, crazy, unjustified embargo of Venezuela. Venezuela is capable of pumping 2 million barrels of oil a day for export. If Biden announces an end to the embargo, the price of oil will nosedive in 20 minutes. However, the US and Europe have laid siege to Venezuela, stopping everything from food to supplies of parts to get its oil industry back up and running. Stop choking Venezuela’s economy and starving the Venezuelan people, who are no enemies of America, who invaded no one, and the price of oil will collapse. The Biden administration continues to prosecute Donald Trump‘s mad embargo of Venezuela. The embargo was triggered by Venezuela‘s insistence on taking back control of its oil industry—and, Heaven forbid, taxing Exxon. The excuse I hear from Republicans and Democrats alike is that Venezuela is not a democratic state. As opposed to Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Qatar and Russia? It’s fascinating to me that European Union blockades oil from Venezuela but continues to take oil from Russia. We are paying the price of Trump‘s policy, now Biden’s, at the pump and Ukrainians are paying in Odessa. When I was a BBC reporter covering Venezuela, I got to know its people and their presidents, including Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, as well as the opposition. Maybe Biden doesn’t like Maduro, and Exxon and BP certainly do not like Maduro, but he is the elected president. And I can tell you that while Maduro is not popular anymore because of the suffering imposed by the embargo, he was democratically elected. And that’s more than can be said for the so-called “President“ that the US and Europe have recognized, Juan Guaido, who never even ran for president. Guaido is a rich white guy who has lived in Washington for years. The Venezuelan people, whatever they feel about Maduro, are not going to go back to white “Spaniard“ control of their mestizo nation. So let’s make a deal: We recognize the elected government in Venezuela and Putin recognizes the elected government of Ukraine. And if Putin doesn’t like that deal, we still recognize Venezuela, and unleash their oil, without doubt the greatest weapon on this battlefield. Yes, the Germans have agreed (for this week at least) to cancel Nord Stream 2, the new gas pipeline from Russia. But that’s one more cruel joke in which the Ukrainians are the punchline, ignoring Nord Stream 1. Germany continues to take Russian oil and Nord Stream gas, sending Putin nearly $1 billion a day. This is the commercial equivalent of the Hitler-Stalin pact. The US and UK governments have seized Venezuela’s oil revenues (and even its gold reserves), leaving its people to starve. Yet, we are not holding back payments to Putin. The fact that Germany has, by reports, vetoed banning Russia from the SWIFT international payments system is a clear indication that German industrialists are more than happy to send cash to Putin as long as the carbon keeps coming. End the strangulation of Venezuela and tankers full of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) from the South American nation could cut Putin’s pipeline noose from around Europe’s neck. So there’s your choice, President Biden: Is maintaining Trump’s embargo of Venezuela so important that you will continue to let Germany fund this invasion?
  12. I found this to be a very good speech. It was made in reference to the Emergencies Act, but it is comprehensive and very well articulated.
  13. I am not sure how they can wear the badge of fiscally conservative. The pointless lawsuits and expenses to win political points and attempt to make Trudeau look bad keep piling up. The lawsuit against federal marijuana laws and the deal Pallister made with Providence Therapeutics in an attempt to make Trudeau's attempts to secure vaccine supply come to the top of my mind. I haven't heard any updates about the Providence deal since they made the threat to leave Canada, but apparently we gave them a non-refundable deposit when it was obvious to anyone that the feds had vaccine supply incoming. "A summary of the proposed terms of the agreement with Providence says Manitoba will make a 20 per cent ($7.2 million) non-refundable down payment."
  14. I personally know, as an acquaintance, Conservative Senator Don Plett. Long before he became a senator he was well known as a pretty big slimeball. Not at all surprised the eventual controversy that followed him as a senator - defending residential schools, travelling during the first Covid winter holidays, etc. And worse yet... he's known as a cheater in curling!!!😁 They say the cream rises to the top, but so does the slime. Senators are not immune from being pretty horrible or ignorant people.
  15. Reading a book about the immune system (Immune by Philipp Dettmer). Did not realize the impact some diseases can have on our bodies even after we have cleared them. According to the book, measles can basically wipe out a lot of your immune cells that remember how to fight infections/diseases that you have already had. So while most people will cope alright with measles, the challenging thing is that your body will not know how to fight previously known enemies and this includes enemies that your body has come to know through vaccines. This is especially dangerous as the anti-vax movement gains steam(which is likely even more popular with Covid). Additionally, previous mono infection (which 90% of people have had by the age of 20 in developed countries), is linked to other conditions such as MS, IBD and type 1 diabetes later in life. The long term consequences, which I assume many of them are unknown, are fairly concerning to me with Covid. We already know children are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes and I'm assuming more lasting consequences will play out over time. Its good that we are learning more how to treat long Covid, but I would really like to know how strong the correlation between Covid infection is with later diseases and how much a strong/weak case of Covid changes these risks (along with how much vaccination would act as a preventative, if any).
  16. Last poll I saw had Reeves in the lead, but that was before Khan was officially the candidate (but I think his name was still used in the poll). Good opportunity to put some fear into PC MLAs that a lot of safe seats may no longer be safe. Also interesting is the outspoken Anti-Science loonie Patrick Allard has decided to run in the election as an independent...
  17. When you've used the term Justinflation to regurgitate Poilievre talking points, I listened, looked up the facts, and proved you completely wrong. You admitted it by saying that leaders sometimes take the heat for things beyond their control. Yet you still think there is some credibility in using it again 🙄 You've admitted that Conservatives can gain support by provoking anger even though it isn't backed up by facts. I agree, but I think this is a bad aspect of our political system and leads to Canada becoming a worse country. Appealing to anger and pandering to those informed by misinformation for personal gain is NOT a way to make our country better. We've seen this show in the US. I have no problem listening to opposing viewpoints, but I have no patience for arguments that are admittedly not based on facts. I will call out bullsh** every time I see it and have time to actually look up the facts myself. I have voted for at least 4 different political parties that I can recall of the top of my head. I do not have my vote parked with any party, but will evaluate where I vote in elections based on who provides the best policy that is backed up by facts. If a party's main arguments are completely, objectively false, I have no reason to support a party without credibility. My hope is that most voters will engage in critical thinking when choosing a political party rather than just listening to their chosen side and utilizing their talking points as facts without actually checking if they are based in reality.
  18. Spoken like a true Conservative with thinly-veiled contempt for Canadians - facts don't matter, its all about how angry you sound to make people believe your lies. I actually agree with you though - that is their hope and it can't be just disregarded in Canada. The next few elections in Canada will be really telling. See what happens in MB and AB with the Conservative governments there and what happens in the next Federal election. While most people I talk with have the critical thinking ability to wade through the noise put out by political parties, I'm concerned that there are a significant amount of people who don't. And we know which party targets them as their base.
  19. We've gone over this garbage before.... If people actually care about inflation and it will be a major issue in the next election, the Liberals should make huge gains. Based on real inflation data, Canadian inflation is doing significantly better than inflation in the US. and most of the rest of the developed world. The gap between inflation in Canada and elsewhere is also continuing to grow. Keep regurgitating what they tell you is the death of Canada as we know it though... It is easy to just repeat Poilievre talking points, but those arguments are laughable when real data is examined. The hope the Conservatives have in the next election is that they can rile up enough people who will vote without taking a critical look at the issues and what politicians are saying and the rest of the informed voting populace is too apathetic to oppose them.
  20. I agree, they are definitely complicit in this garbage. They've given credibility to misinformation-fueled idiots trying to destroy our country. I just don't see how any of "us" can do anything about it. Poilievre, Bergen, prairie Premiers & Co. have all realized that it is much easier to pander to these morons and get easy votes. They are showing they don't respect the intelligence of the general Canadian populace as they think they can win elections while still cheering this sh** on. I just don't see anything "we" can do about this other than making sure we vote and hopefully get them destroyed in elections. Prove a point that you can't cozy up to the loonies and racists and have a chance in elections in Canada.
  21. Who are you referring to that is pandering to their tantrums? I only see the provincial and federal Conservatives doing this.
  22. What does that look like to cut them loose? Obviously when we try to restrict the damage they can do to the rest of our society, they cause quite a bit of chaos for the amount of people they represent.
  23. We're more divided than I can ever recall as a country. At least that I have seen in my life and it really concerns me for the future. But I also don't see how we can find a common ground with people who believe in conspiracies and claim that mainstream media (and facts in general) are all part of the conspiracy that the rest of the population is too dumb and foolish to see(sheeple).
  24. This is because these exact same people, the organizers and the spineless politicians that have backed them, have advocated for violence against other protestors.
  25. Yet many on the right are sharing the hugging of protestors by the RCMP at Coutts as proof that there was never any violence and it has always been solely a peaceful movement. No, it shows law enforcement is complicit and treats protestors differently based on political beliefs and skin colour.
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