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Everything posted by Booch

  1. wish we would roster a couple of our PR guys to see what they offer....Fox looked good i his 1 game, also looked good in limited time in BC as well, and I have no doubt him and Walker together at same time, as well as rotating with Lawson would be a nice trifecta in the middle...keeping all fresh....same with the Jeff's and Haba....roster those 6 with Bennett to see if he can actually develop into something would be ideal...and all guys we currently have in house...Thomas in my opinion could be taken off for a more useful piece for ST's...(where we are bleeding....christ hemorrhaging)...add in the eventual Hansen return and that group of 8 would definately give us some serious push up front than what we are trotting out now and if those guys on PR don't have it...or even if we feel without playing them they don't have it...then why they here???
  2. I say that about our dline.....tho Lawson is not a yeesh guy....He is actually top tiers for a Canadian and would be more apparent if he didn't have to give reps away to Thomas and Bennett....But our Nationals Neuf...Gray...Eli...Dobson...Demski...BO....Woli absolutely blow their National talent right off the field...without question...If we were to lend them Eli and Dobson for a game their oline would be totally transformed...and they aren't even starting here...Thats my point
  3. or just scout better and not rely on their politics of how they determine a roster, also a good chance if those money losing leagues were not functioning...a lot of those guys may have been in Canada, and if they were good enough to garner a look...they would have been spotted
  4. Looking at that SASK depth chart...they getting lean/hardup for National starting talent?....Korte-Moore....Teitz....now Blake has supplanted a lousy Johnson fresh off a pec tear....and who turns 38 in 2 months...so obviously isn't the future there.....yeeesh
  5. thats a long time for young guy with minimal film to sit and do nothing...he will be back here...and I bet this yr
  6. Yup...NCAA and the CFL.....Thats all the NFL needs and really cares about.....they would probably be more annoyed if the CFL went belly up than these lame U.S spring leagues....The owner group will soon pull pin....they won't bleed money forever, and likely lose a lot of advertising rev's....companies are not gonna pay for tv time ads where nobody is watching....it's always the route these leagues will go...why people keep trying is beyond me
  7. Well it's here or nowhere for 2 yrs unless he gets another NFL shot....which seems unlikely
  8. yeah....and of that a lot isn't likely liquid, and if anything each person is probably only allotting a tiny fraction of their wealth....and no deep pocket investor got that way throwing money away....within 1..2 yrs this will just be another skid mark in the under pants of failed US football ventures
  9. We declare 6 on offence and one on defence but we yes are starting 8 Canadians...not sure how u say we are not..and we don't take advantage of that by ever going all American up front in games when we could ..fielding a best defensive set...that's what I was saying Kramdi has been inserted for whatever reason...hardly earned and if that's the best we have...over every one else...and then refuse to upgrade that spot then it's an epic coaching and scouting fail
  10. In the end...the HC makes the roster decisions...and generally his coordinators give input on things...but fact of matter the HC will put a roster together who the coordinator has to work with. It's why some games you see a guy stand there all game and not take a rep...he's a last resort and basically not really part of the coordinators plan...he gotta use what he's provided with...and some won't use certain guys because the end product is on them...so why would they wanna compromise their unit... Kramdi is who Osh is giving Hall...and knowing Osh and his ideals has told hall he wants 2 Canadian starters on defence even tho we don't do anything to take advantage of that with our roster. That is a concern of mine for yrs actually with OSH and a bit of favorite thing with Canadians at times over Americans more so than an American coach would ..no knock on Canadians but it's not always ideal...I guess also it's with military...seeing as he doing the reverse with Jackson...that's the only reason I can see that move...
  11. the bolded part (taxi squad) does date you as a longer tenured fan...love it And agree, and really going into this yr was the yr that we should have had at least 2 under studies working in and along with the starting lineup....That also goes for role players who are strictly just ST'ers...and a few guys should have been released in camp this yr as they are either 1) not gonna be in cogs next yr and beyond (Thomas...Machino...Scmeckle...even go as far to say Briggs) are a few off top my head and just blocking a fresh body of valuable experience and reps, or 2) They just not going to be good enough any more. Doin whole sale moves of a bigger swath next year, which seems likely now is not the way to do it...and why you see some teams go from top dawg...to being a risk to not even make the play-offs in short order ....in almost stunning fashion. Osh for all his success, still is learning and has some pretty significant flaws which it seems he is not willing to address, or maybe doesn't see and I chalk a lot of that up to his stubbornness and in some instances his personal bias's.....example the Nationalized American thing....no reason we don't use it, is because he doesn't agree with it, and likely in the rules committee mtg/vote was on the losing side of the majority Look back to 2019...we made significant moves to address weakness....Brought in ZC...Maston...Taylor and moved BA...all came at the back-end of the season...the majority of it in final 4..5 weeks...and look how it revitalized, and transformed us....it's needed again, but not sure it's gonna....Osh has been here what 9 yrs now?....no reason for these almost rookie type errors and omissions....That excuse no longer will fly
  12. yeah...can see all that occurring.....If we can just tweak that defence....roster better and just stick to the offensive game plan that is tried and true and just works against everybody'...we be aight goes hand in hand tho...when we do adjust on defence....it's a lot of times over using the players who...well are good, and they slowly wilt, add in that some games the offence is just stinking out the joint...well then we see what we have got I am a former defensive player, and I can see the fatigue, and the times guys just cant get up and go, or have to kinda coast for plays, because they just need to.....It's obvious and clear to me as anything And our depth guys to help take some of the burden for a lack of a better word are weak to barely adequate....sadly....no team but us rotates and relies on 6 dlineman, where 2 of them, are basically just roster fillers
  13. basically....first stages of both going titties up....within another yr...2 max....they will be kaput
  14. The being un-prepared is a function of coaching not ensuring everything is addressed, and possibly giving too much leeway on letting the locker room self police....which Osh has said he does, and thats where also some complaceny may have crept in as even tho we are a roster full of legit quality veterans, they have won a lot, and did a lot of easy winning and may have lost their edge a bit...it happens to the best of them.....Osh maybe needs to take a bit more control again and get a good feel for the pulse of things, and also injecting some young hungry blood wouldn't hurt too....not wholesale, but 2 or 3 position shuffles would do wonders, and also put a bit more of a spark into other vets, with now knowing they can be replaced....
  15. YEAH.....I hate the team name across the collar bone....looks amateur and stripeless pants too are crap...reminds me too much of practice gear
  16. especially 2 lousy back up dt's.....Use Dobson both ways, and dress Kelly in lieu of Schpackle and limit Thomas or put Burtenshaw back on and make it easier to dump Jackson...easy peasy here here.....
  17. gotta give him props....he was a fan thru the suck....hahaha
  18. yup....Dobson for a big bugger is ultra athletic...would cause a lot of chaos....could be the 2020's Eric Wilson playing both lines....why not....
  19. I enjoyed the synopsis....nothing wrong with good content...But yes the Argo's lick lol
  20. I've said before we should use Dobson at nose on occasion to either tie up 2 guys trying to control him, or have him just go =balls to the wall bullrushing up the gut and collapsing things....cause he could....Imagine a center an his guards trying to control those 2 both bullrushing?...good luck with that
  21. Or Swarmay for Houston to get another look....he can return as well...and he is a damn good tackler...something we are lacking a bit
  22. we also tho have a lot of long in the tooth guys on teams who are on 3rd...4th contracts too....which adds up....
  23. yeah...perfectly put....and it's noticeable. Having just 1 other legit end to rotate in, and or a legit DT in the middle would do worlds of difference....Even then we could run our 3...or 4 de sets and it would as well make things extremely difficult because they way we did it with twists and stunts there was generally 2 guys coming free And back to having a legit interior....would allow Biggie and Wilson to be way more effective like in those yrs, a lot of things being chalked up to Biggie slowing down, or not being as effective is due to whats going on in front of him. Once our ends flush the quarterback or make him walk up in the pocket, or escape it there is no resistance most times between the tackles...Thomas can't get off a block anymore, and has next to no athleticism now to get after anyone and is 90% of time jogging following up the play....like literally go watch some pvr'd games and see it...Walker is much better, but he is not dominant, and when 2 guys can attack him....it's tough sledding for him and he can get washed out easier. Lawson is our best interior guy, who can take on 2 guys and not be eliminated, as well get off and make plays at l.o.s but again too many times we trot out Thomas with him, and basically it becomes negated. And then our LB's get wshed away or have to contend with a lineman or two immediately in their face...or look to be just running into the mass of bodies....they have no choice, and if they try to circumvent, and go outside or around it, makes them appear to be whiffing and not reading the play...they can't win I been complaining and likely annoying many here for months now about this, and it's purely a roster issue, and personnel thing... We roster poorly position wise, and we play personel who aren't good enough, and refuse to inject any new blood, or even try something else.....it's maddening If we rostered the Jeff's with another actual legit end...Be it Haba or give Garbutt a shot....he sure looks quick and explosive in the practices I observed, And went heavy with Walker and Lawson and found a way to get Fox in the mix...it would be night and day...and it's doable...Jackson off roster, and try Fox in place of Clements or Cole....they are never both on field anyway together on defence so pick your poison, and I would actually sit Thomas a few games and get Kelly on roster for more young athletic ST coverage...and if Hansen is back, or close then even better...we would have a front line rotation of WJ...Jeffcoat..Walker..Fox..Haba..Lawson and Hansen....7 guys...7 legit quality guys....cause as I see it..Osh will keep trotting out Kramdi at SAM, so we don't even need to actually start a Canadian on the D-line....so why the need for Thomas....he plays no teams, and just doesn't have it anymore....poor drafting the last 2 yrs and the failure to sign a National DT in FA basically made us have to keep him on
  24. well we did bring in some guys....and then just dumped em...why?...who knows..Salima was a good back...and could return as well...kind of a more rounded Mcrae...given an apple and a road map Sterling at end...looked real good...and talking to Willie J he said he realy liked him and saw ton of potential....sent packing That linebacker too...Barrington Wade ..ultra athletic...just need to learn the game....showed good...and showed inexperience....sent him away, and he got a TC with Bears after, and actually did some good things in a few pre-season games Thomas that DT as well...was really good....and even tho just pre-season...still stood out...again...sent packing And now...where are we weak and deficient...KR...and all along the dline, and with a Biggie transition player to learn under him To me...all on Osh....doing his usual sticking to guys who have been here...even tho there are better options...kind of playing favorites...and standing pat and not continually improving where and when you can And the maddening part is the wasted roster positions now during games and hand-cuffing us more than we need to be....as we have regressed...ever so gradually
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