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Everything posted by Booch

  1. what you just said totally exemplifies what goes on at Riderfans.com....except there is less name calling here and just out right pathetically baseless posts Passion for a person's allegiance to their team id great..and makes for good rivalries but some of whats said, and goes on there is just juvenile..I truly think most poster's there are teenager's or pre-teen because it's pretty ridiculous
  2. Totally forgot about this addition to neg list...possible roster spot as extra DB in lieu of the Roc and be able to have Dressler added to roster and not remove any of Thorpe/Flanders/Lankford/denmark
  3. That was an idea if they were wanting to keep Lankford on the gameday while adding Dressler...
  4. Randle gets screwed alot because he doesn't get the sexy stats because teams just stay away from him.
  5. Correct...but technically Flander's took Dresslers spot on the roster. I would for the LDC sit either Lankford and let Thorpe do his return role and see what we have there, or sit Santos-Knox for a game and see how that affects special teams. I think the addition of Dressler and his production far offsets Knox on the teams, tho he is good, but we have a lot of Canadian ST players who could fill in just fine. Also, Poop needs to be in as well...so either or of jeffcoat/Opo The other crazy idea maybe is to have Thorpe take on Flanders role and sit Flanders...Thorpe has running back experience and would garner same type of attention that Flanders would...possibly more because he is more of a threat catching coming from back field
  6. couple Rider's supporting this...just goes to show thew type of culture they are harvesting there, and the type of locker room they must have...sad
  7. your in last place in the west...won two games against 2 teams who shat their beds...You think that the nRider's have hit some kind of revelation or something but are basically the same team that sucked the previous 6=7 games You have games in hand against BC, but you have to win them and that only gives you a chance at the cross over..not sure why all the boasting and delusions of grandeur to be honest...plus you have Kevin Friggen Glenn..poster child for never getting it done..choking in big games and disappearing when it gets cold...good luck
  8. thats not a what if...that happened... regardless...riders have more wins than only the Ticats and Ottawa...nuff said...bottom of the barrell record wise, Canadian depth wise and right out of Riderfan poster's yaps...coach wise...and 2018 ain't looking no better with Glenn at the helm..because that's all that's going to be available to you guys...
  9. Mosaic is the newest...not the nicest. I have heard from players on several teams who still say IGF is louder, a nicer football stadium to play in and generally just better. Mosaic looks like a generic box style stadium with nothing unique or giving any type of home field advantage design wise. Also heard too, that stuff seems cheap in it..give it 3 years and major overhauls will be going on
  10. regina had Mcdonalds then?...I know high speed internet is relatively new
  11. your funny...you brought it up on who has beat who in the west...truth stings eh....ouch
  12. and 2 less wins...so what you have games in hand...you still need to win them for that to matter
  13. iF not for Johnny Sears brain fart...T.O most likely wins that game..that was in no way shape or form domination of any kind
  14. who have riders beaten in the west in general lately...last 3 years let alone the road?
  15. Yeah I guessover the last 2 seasons, ...18-9 record is all a result of lucky bounces and getting breaks...cmon man...thats laughable
  16. But we are talking about the modern CFL here...which attendance wise just reflects this and last year ...haha
  17. Not to mention in Wpg the city has it's own Junior B teir 2 hockey league within the city itself. As well as the MJHL similar to the SJHL but Winnipeg has several teams in that loop whereas I do not believe Regina has a SJHL team.
  18. Well take away the 2 games and we are 5-2..Sask 3-4. We won the head to head, but wasn't because of the missed field goal...the miss played a part in it, but that comes down to Wpg having a better FG kicker then..no?...sign of a better team. Factor in our first game of the year, after a week off...we should have lost..but didn't Montreal actually other than the T.O blowout have played tough games...heck beat CGY as well so they aren't really a free spot on the bingo card. Wpg didn't really get stomped by the Stamps either...leading at halftime, a stupid goal line penalty and a pick 6 combined with Nicholls worst game in Wpg doesn't really add up to a stomping.
  19. Yeah we were on a streak. And the Regina Pat's are not the number 1 rated team in Canada in Junior Hockey...not sure where you pulled that number from. Brier?..yea a one time a year event...hardly sucks up consumer dollars and the curling crowd is pretty limited and and a select group. As much as you hate to admit it...the Riders are pretty much all Sask has to follow sports wise at a professional type level, hence a solid support from the population...And I would hope so.
  20. who said anything about the ARGOS? Their attendance has been an issue since the 2000's and everyone knows that..tho they have never needed a telethon or sell fake stocks
  21. You played well in all 3 phases sure...but do you really think BC didn't drop a deuce?..after totally dominating you the week previous? The 2 line-up changes you made that game weren't the difference...Most experts too said the same, and Wally prior to the game even basically predicted it. We shall see over next 3-4 games what kind of team shows up each game...The one that beat BC..Or the one that showed up the first 6 games...I do hope tho you win tonight truth be told...not betting on it tho
  22. pretty much is when comparing stats and numbers...you have to use the whole sum of stats for the true picture..not just pieces here and there.
  23. Define the modern CFL...2016 AND ONWARD??? I guess in the modern CFL that team has been the biggest circus and joke and perenial basement dweller as well with no real relief in sight. Had a fluky win against BC that has the hopes all in a tizzy, and tonight it will be more of the same from the "faithful"...fire Jones...So and So sucks...what the heck...blah blah blah
  24. you can't just cherry pick your best years and use it as a fact...take your 10 best...10 worst and average it out then...and you can't state that you drive attendance in all cities...thats just really reaching..only people who claim that..are Rider fans
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