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Everything posted by Booch

  1. That's just pain medication.. it's normal for some things but not handed out as frequent as it used to be. That's what I was prescribed for my 2 knee reconstructions
  2. LAST 3 minutes of game now you have to receive kick...no longer the option
  3. we had budgeted for his whole salary for the year, so paying a portion of it only just puts us in a better position SMS wise
  4. Nah, he stays...no questions asked. People hardly got to see him play, but he is the better of the 2...such a nice ting to have 2 guys opposite Westerman who can really play. Also, 1/3rd of his salary won't be on the books, so when you look at it he will be paid for at most 12 games this season, so really a pretty good bargain
  5. yup...the bigger problem I think is when OKO comes back and where and how do you get him and Jeffcoat in the lineup?
  6. I'm thinking Lankford gets a seat first. Denmark brings too much to the offence even tho he doesn't have big flashy stats this year. But I think that a combination , or one of of Fogg, Flanders/Walker and Thorpe returning kick-offs wouldn't leave us hurting at all. Flanders can't come out now, and just the threat of him and Harris there together now has DC's I bet scrambling now to try and game plan on this and see if they can find keys now on who gets it and when I could almost see a Santos-Knox /Lankford swap for a game maybe too to see how that affects things.
  7. yeah the way we dominated the line and were getting yards on the ground the going away from it on those drives inside the 15 just gets my blood boiling...I don't know why Lapo does that, not sure if he is of the mindset that a passing td is sexier but man...we left a lot of points out there..could have easily hung well over 40 on them
  8. I dunno...what 5 straight games with 33 or more points scored, two games of over 40 this year and no INT's in what last 4 games?...I think we are being just fine with aggressive and game management...why risk when it's not needed. You have to remember too that football is about scheming, setting up plays and game film and when teams start to try and take things away, that's when the good team's and coordinators take it up a notch and are prepared for it and implement the other stuff that will open up due to adjustments...hopefully Lapo is scheming for this
  9. Agreed, and it's a good thing. The advanced training methods now, better supplements, more focus on healthy living and eating as a lifestyle and not just periodically has been a huge change in it. Also too now it is almost ridiculed now and looked down on when someone is found to be juicing....and thats a good thing
  10. A little insight into this...It is..or was very common in college ranks to use them to gain the edge, and under the right conditions, monitoring and proper cycling isn't as harmful as it is made out to be. I can attest to the fact that programs subtly "encouraged " the use, or hinted that in order to progress and play that it may be an option. Many programs, and I have seen it first hand almost go as far as to telling you where to get it, and actually have medical personnel and a lot of times med students help administer it to guys who were too scared to inject themselves, if they were not taking it orally. It was much safer to inject as to ingest as the toxin elements of some only have to pass through your liver once then, being less taxing on the organ. I will also say and admit that I dabbled in the use as well, it was do what was needed or be left behind. It is as advertised and is definitely a performance enhancer and helps in healing and recovery (the one initial reason why I went on a cycle) My bench press went up by about 180 pounds in a months time and , I grew from about 235-240 to a high of 282 pounds at my biggest and ran about a 4.65 forty at a playing weight of about 255-265 pounds. Never had any negative effects and wasn't a contributing factor in my injuries, but I wasn't an abuser and went for regular liver functions tests, blood tests and the likes to monitor things. also done wisely you keep most of the gains if you stop it properly and to this day I still weigh in around 260-265 The instances where you hear about deaths assumed to be caused by them are the chronic user/abusers who never go off, take extremely ridiculous amounts of many different types, both human and veterinarian types and they pay for it in the end...mainly bar starts, and the professional body builder types. It's just silly the douchers who use it strictly for vanity and ego type things...athletically tho...you will never be free of it and sadly..especially in the U.S it's way to prevalent in the High school ranks..this type of stuff should never be used until the body has already physically matured and I would say that is early to mid twenties
  11. And basically poor management from Jonsie and Co. to roll with Glenn this season rather than develop a new young guy, or have did whatever it took to get an established young back-up via trade to groom for the season and onward. Instead of scrap heap Glenn and pipe dream about Vince Young. For all intents and purposes a total waste of a year as it is pretty universally agreed that the Riders were in no way, no how ever going to challenge for the Cup this year, and really even getting into the play-offs would have been a stretch. Jones was just looking at saving his backside and his ego with the hopes of a slight increase in wins over last year to show he had made progress and deserved a 3rd year, so hitched his wagon to Glenn. Been probably more wise to roll with Bridge, Williams, or actually recruit a quality new guy and seen what you had there rather than plod along with Glenn and his 1 great game once every 4 or 5 with a so-so and usually 2-3 classic Glenn masterpieces mixed in
  12. Glenn always puts up numbers..but not wins..17 years in league and more losses than wins and never performed in a big game to win anything...what more do you need to analyze. He will put up some nice yards this year..decent TD totals and a whack of int's many of which will be game crippling and you will end up with 5-6 wins this year..just a typical Kevin Glenn season and sadly you will be stuck with him next year..or an inexperienced tandem of Adams and Bridge next year which will prob net you the same..maybe 8 wins..
  13. So I guess Riley has even worse ham and egger numbers than Nichols and BLM is very close as a ham and egger cause they had all these comebacks too eh based on your pee brained logic? Also yes Nichols is better as he gets wins. Glenn..gives wins away with picks and turtleing when going gets tough. What's Glenn's win loss record over last 2 years compared to Nichols..that should say who is better...no?
  14. No...it's a stat about QB's when trailing and or tied in the fourth...not necessarily about how many butt whoopings someone orchestrated...It just shows that in the clutch..these guys produce the most
  15. Yeah I only used Scrub as that's what posters on Ridefans refer to him as lol ....not my opinion
  16. Since 2015, only two quarterbacks have recorded 10+ game-winning drives while trailing or tied in the fourth quarter: Mike Reilly (12) and Matt Nichols (10). In the same span, Trevor Harris has eight and Bo Levi Mitchell seven. So far this season, Reilly leads the league with four of these drives and Nichols is right behind him with three Scrub Nichols with a bit more extended stats to say otherwise that he is becoming a top tier QB
  17. Yeah I think if we game plan properly we should be able to wear that dline down and run it down their throats, or kill them with the screens and flats type stuff until they start to creep up[ and cheat then burn em mid to deep
  18. I think how I would take it and from my experience you can have soreness somewhere and it doesn't really impede what your doing, just a nuisance, but having pain when doing it hinders you and doesn't allow you to be fully effective Just like the age old saying from a coach..."are you hurt?..or injured?..if you're only hurt then get back out there"
  19. Thats all it was...a bad BC showing. Jennings wasn't ready and by the time he was yanked the game had got out of hand and that lack of B.C preparedness and attitude wasn't something they were gonna come back from...they packed it in plain and simple. Lulay starts and has the success he had before...and he would have that game would have taken a completely different complexion and direction...But I glad...helped us out big time and Sask is in no way shape or form a threat to overtake us regardless
  20. heck..he was his whole career...can imagine what his stats would have been if he trained..didnt smoke...didn't go out late most nights. I used to bounce at Teaser's and don't remember how many times he would be there till close...most times flying solo. Didn't behave or act recklessly and anything like that, but isn't good to be playing a pro sport with how he went about it off feild...just shows how truly gifted and amazing he was truth be told....
  21. He's had a few seasons kicking around down there...couldn't really fill a role of a true DE or a OLB...so can't see it after a year here..maybe 2 strong seasons being really dominant perhaps
  22. Just because a guy doesn't have a ring, or set the world afire in the play-offfs doesn't mean they are not elite..leagues are littered with superstars who never won the big one, or didn't have stellar numbers...bug whip BLM has actually shat the bed more than he has won in playoff crunch time, so is he not elite then as he is far from consistent in getting his team to win in the play-offs. Calvillo as well lost more than he won in cups, so that would say he wasn't consistent and sub par too then...correct? To be honest, I think that Nichols right now is the only guy I'd want running this team if I had a choice..his tea mates seem to echo what he means to them and the team. I as well was not a big time Nichols supporter either, but he has won me over, and from what I hear from people involved with actually playing, and playing against him, he is very well respected and a guy that guys would love to play with...for what its worth
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