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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Thing is...its very rare for a player to regain pre injury form/production after this injury...so he will get starter money for sure...but not the most...he could be damaged goods now...especially seeing him hobble around the last few days and in playoffs...a Lisfranc recovery period you shouldn't be as hobbled as he is right now at this juncture...his playing was risky and quite frankly stupid...
  2. Yeah..lotta Argo love and hope...false hope...lotta yapping bout that 1 point win...which is kinda moot when u remember that bs Banks td... I will go by the prediction of the only one who really knows anything about the teams...Lemon...he picked bombers...u can tell BLM wants to..or would too but he being neutral on it
  3. Considering all 5 starters are free agents..they will be hard pressed to pay him the leagues top salary
  4. No he wont...hasnt earned that yet..but he will be up there
  5. Argo keep talking about they fought through a lot to get here..lot of adversity and what not...what exactly was it? No fans.. being irrelevant...fighting amongst themselves and coaches during games? I just dont see what they yapping about
  6. Effin eh?? This is so what this team is Yip...dream on Yeah nice to see him back after his battle..
  7. Preaching to the choir...and baffling he is so hung up on that...cripes with 4 players of our own off top my head I can think of since 2019 we have done something similar to this..it was also implemented to help teams with SMS as well for first 2 yrs of draft picks career..
  8. To be frank...hes full of crap...or just doesnt get it...or both
  9. Again...overlooking the whole option part and not having to pick it up at the entry contract terms...which happens more times than not...just dont understand how u dont get that..like really??!!...man u musta been a treat to work with too
  10. I would think if they didnt sell they would go...be dumb not to...but we are talking Rider fans...so....but also agree...if they no show...then I wouldn't let them host for a good 15 yrs...minimum...factoring in the lack of infrastructure too
  11. Most his catches are clean open grabs..from gaining separation and crisp route running...he can make contested catches...but doesn't have to...sign of an elite receiver...plain and simple
  12. Betcha ours comes out first..always does...no dicken around as we know what to put out there for success
  13. Yeah...was gonna mention that too...that's interesting for sure But the leading reciever in the fancy stats...2nd down conversions...avg yds per catch..all the while doing it as a rookie and with under 80 grabs not making it is laughable..but they dont care...they have eye on a diff prize
  14. Yeah was getting a bit much...especially when other Canadian stars were basically an after thought it seemed...like he was the ultimate thing ever produced with a Canadian birth certificate...and really..what about the several dozen kid Canada's in the nfl...if anything they are kid Canada's playing in the most elite league
  15. Yeah...I gave up posting on riderfans and just couldnt have legit convo..just ended up in juvenile stupidity...and attacks...even when fact based Was also shocked to find out the age of some the posters there too...you would think they were pre teen and teens with a smattering of living in mama's basement 20 somethings...sadly that isnt the case...I do go there and read daily tho for pure entertainment
  16. Pretty much...its still a bit of a popularity thing.. and old boys club thing...
  17. Who is ben grant??...and talk about clueless haha
  18. 2 debunks in succession...like b2b champs haha
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