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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Holy quick whistle...u gotta go here
  2. First undisciplined error ..dummies
  3. Grind this out to let d rest up so they can keep the intensity up
  4. Once our offence gets rolling...we be ok
  5. Flat on offence so far...defense will carry till we dial it in
  6. Yup...we in game now...argo will wear out..
  7. Defence says enough's enough....mbt also looks jittery
  8. Wadnt really open..darby right on his hip..it u underthrown just a smidge it going back other way
  9. Notice crowd actually sounds like cheering..not that fake droning noise the riders pipe in?? Hmmmm Good start btw
  10. Well...9 times a year there is a big turd tumbling around in it...we that blue liquid about to cleanse it
  11. I wore shorts to gym today...that's how we roll
  12. Yup...Bombers...20th business trip of the yr
  13. I miss Sarah...screachy and gurgle boy annoy
  14. Hope they drop the narrative now sask fans best in league..good thing bombers are in this and we filled seats..or would have looked like a Rider regular season crowd
  15. Yup...be lethal early..often and no let up...worst thing to happen is let these posers hang around...I think we come out and set tone like 2019 in this one...gut feeling Same...rep their schools...not sure why they went away from that They forgot to say and put your teeth in if u got em for the sask fans
  16. Do they pay people to wear argo swag and appear as fans?? Lol Reason to never allow that city a cup again....ever
  17. Rubber bout to hit road gang...good luck boys..none the less been a great yr but let's end it right!
  18. Valley...never to be heard or seen again
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