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Everything posted by Booch

  1. At least get someone half way relevant...or known
  2. Here comes 30 mins of life I will never get back...
  3. T.o undisciplined play..and selfish attitudes will be part of their demise
  4. Sensing a Lawrence pick 6...just missed one vs BC last week
  5. Did u know Harris and oullete are a 2 headed monster...downhill runners?? We screwed...MBT led league in passing yards...we super screwed
  6. Looks to be a lot of blue and gold milling around in the crowd
  7. Butler is a better back than Harris and Oullete...and what did he accomplish Bc receivers are better too...and a knicked up Rourke is likely better than goofy guy
  8. Lol...no doubt...what a concept...create a system for your playmakers to shine...what a putz Yeah it no more advanced than ig field..bc place...commonwealth...Interesting tidbit a lot may not know but edm facilities for players and staff would rival most NFL teams...save for the new facilities that have popped up over past 5..10 yrs
  9. So Adam's is out...Walker is in...more willie and Jackson and some beef in middle...Sayles is really come on off edge too in rotation...I'm okay with that
  10. Thing is tho...ZC can be a pocket passer...so if thats their main hope...they screwed
  11. Obviously this teams success was not due to having Harris...we back...with better record than any yr he was here...and a more prolific offense...but according to Sanchez our receivers aren't that good..just a product of system...which is also laughable...this pregame stuff is pure entertainment
  12. Just too funny...and all this north south oullete/Harris babble...BO isnt I guess..keep pouring it on tsn
  13. Trying to convince themselves I guess..and what's all this speedy b garbage..dude hasnt shown up in big game in forever...and done nothing against us Schoen..bailey..demski and Ellingson have like what ..almost 40 tds between them...ya t.o is better
  14. Yeah...they going at it hard...good tho...keep pumping
  15. Same with Kongbo....shepley...and many others...
  16. Truly think as well we win with a less than healthy ZC ...even dare I say without him
  17. Brady is well over 100k...and there were multiple teams offering ...he took less to stay...so right there blows holes in your bound to that 3 yr option at 10%over 80k notion...time to move on
  18. Some guys too...dont want/desire the HC job as well....he may be perfectly happy doing what he does and cementing a legacy there for a while
  19. Be nice...and he also likely wont play 18 games then...and may regress in the process
  20. Yap yap yap...argos won last 6 cups they been to..several decades ago..not same team let alone same era...yet bombers won last 2 they been in...back for a 3rd...with basically same team ...same coaches...same era...holds more weight in my eyes...TSN so bad wants an Argos win it almost embarrassing...and sure hope "things" dont happen during game to help ensure it
  21. Yup...and really only threat is if ott offers him HC job..and I dont think he wants to up root...theres nothing else there for him that's an advancement..and even then we could add the OC/Asst HC to his title..I not worried about losing anyone
  22. They need to create a story and narrative so on the fluke the Argos win they can run with it
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