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Everything posted by Booch

  1. yeah....lean depth there....hopefully he stays upright but the way he plays...I see him getting dinged up....then........gonna be trouble on offense. Kelly needs to learn touch tho as well...he howitzers everything and doesn't need to, and will be interesting now in the 2nd 3rd of season if he gets figured out somewhat.....only time in recent memory I didnt see it happen during that first yr is whn Ricky Ray came in...and just kept getting it done....I dont think Kelly has between the ears what Ray had...so as season goes...I expect him to make forced errors....and have certain things taken away from him by defense's to see if he can figure it out
  2. we can prob sustain a QB injury a bit better as Brown has some experience...and lots with his teamates....who even are the ARGO BACKUPS??....
  3. basically yup....thats my gripe... basically a total lack of any depth on the D-line, and the one depth piece we do have who I see being somewhat of a possible quality rotation guy (Fox) we have only dressed once...and he fared well. We have no DE depth at al...none....sure Bennett is on the roster as "depth" but in all honesty he is pretty much below average at best...and doubt he is even on team next yr. Was thinking that Hansen would be back by now, and he would help, but seems like he has hit a hiccup in the rehab That and how we use the DA and the non use of the Nationalized American...why we are the one team not taking advantage of it is beyond me, and isn't helping our over all roster one bit in not doing so....wasting a DA on a full back is just plain pointless when anyone can be coached up to do that job....and I see no use right now in DA the extra receiver like we did with Agudosi and not using him...Our starters can be more than capably backed up by BOLO..as he can play outside, or inside and really...save for injury how many reps will that DA receiver get?....few if any as we have already seen that this yr, and last year...an extra DL , DB or LB would be way more useful and make way more sense...again why aren't we doing that?....one reason is a useless PR allocation
  4. when its The Jeffs..Walker and Lawson with Haba subbing....I'd rank them right up there.....but we have diddly behind them right now
  5. nope...but seen several with average to almost below average offenses tho
  6. yeah...we choked a bit in the Ottawa game at the end...but had multiple things go wrong to contribute to that..Castillo missing his first FG and convert...the BO fumble....the pick six..Schoen drop....for most part all very uncharacteristic things.....and yes...you still have to make the plays to win, and the other team is trying too...but all those things lined up just right that particular day to allow that...Ottawa had done nothing all game pretty much until that last 2+ minutes Those things, the easing up on the gas... and that weak roster we put out with minimal defense depth (which several of us moaned about and could be the demise that game) came to fruition and caused the collapse....lesson learned....move on....well I hope it was learned
  7. agreed....and why....cause we have depth behind them...on the roster (Eli Dobson), as well on the PR (Richmond)...the area is d-line where as it stands we have the Jeff's....and nothing....sure Bennett is on the roster, but thats by default basically because...well we have no depth...We may spill Walker out to the edge, but as we have the rostered configured that mean we need to use Lawson and Thomas....which isn't ideal at all.....but.....we do have Fox who would be excellent in the middle, but luckily we deploy a DA fullback to take 10 snaps a game where basically you could have used a number of players already on the roster to do that job...remember he is an American...with minimal experience even coming up to Canada...and that was at D-End and linebacker, and just picked up FB play 2nd week of TC....Surely we could have a guy who has been playing Canadian style ball his whole life do the same thing...no?....Thats what Miller was coming out of College...a Linebacker....it can be done lol
  8. and likely better with Lawler here, and BO and Schoen having a solid yr under them
  9. build it from center out, and if the issues still are there...re-visit whats going on...I bet a bigger...more physical center....with huge upside, not to mention pedigree fixes a lot of what looks like poor play...plain and simple...Its one small simple tweak, and wouldnt upset the apple cart...also its a player who has been here, and played with all the guys on the oline for parts of 3 seasons now....so he will be familiar with everyone and everything
  10. well when you break it down....by numbers you are mistaken...Its more depth thing right now, and rotation issue...due to said depth, and if not fixed...will prob wear the Dline down currently we rank 1st sacks...we have played 1 more game than BC but the other teams are well behind us...we give up the lowest 1st down yardage in league....1st in comp. % against and 2nd in pass yards per game...a lot which can be linked to the dline play, as QB's are obviously not getting the time to make reads, or stand in there and deliver the ball....we also are 2nd in QB efficiency against as well...another thing which is a direct link to the dline play. and are middle of the road in rush yards against. So our starting Dline guys....save for a flip flop of Lawson from Thomas, and when Haba was in are doing their job and upgrade in talent is a mis-informed comment......Its the total lack of depth behind them on the game day roster, and zero of it on the PR which is the issue, and pretty much playing with fire until we address it
  11. Yeah...receiving corp has been in some flux....Schoen not 100% all year....after the break...with Likely a healthy Lawler/Demski/Schoen/Bailey/Woli set....I am sure you will see all of a sudden a night and day look....ZC getting ball out quicker...Moving around more and just finding those spots like he has so consistently the last 3 yrs...thats not been seen as much this yr, and things just seem out of sync...Bet that is a blip and in the rear view moving forward what about the second half?....maybe we made some adjustments to what the Elks did, that we didn't see before...and hence didn't scheme for?...lots at play when a particular unit is being iffy....tells me we made the adjustments...and have seen that in several games this yr, save for that BC debacle...and even then late in the game we still had a chance to win if we got a break some where...or a big play Teams have tons of film...and homework on us, as we have sent out the same unit pretty much for 3 yrs....so teams have looked for and found some cracks to exploit....they adapted and evolved to scheme us better...now it's our turn to recognize whats going on, and evolve and adapt right back....I'm sure as we speak things are being installed
  12. dare we say...eased in....lol But agree, they doing it the right way, and we will have a future re-occurring all-star there if he stays healthy
  13. well there goes the O-line is in shambles argument....
  14. he's getting pushed around...and back into the pocket a lot....and as mentioned he is fine with 50blocks....but a lot of time after that is lost, or misses his man....also being undersized as he is...doesnt help him with covering deficiencies
  15. well apparently Jagared Davis in Ham was available.....
  16. was an issue I figured was gonna hurt us right from get go and yeah....at moment I have no faith in what he would have utilized with that DA spot....and won't until he gets on board and at least declares a Nationlized American which he hasn't lately anyway....not like he was using it to its potential like every other team in league does
  17. agreed....and first 2 games were just dominant....as well as dominant spells in some others....the BC game was just weird all around, and the O-line shouldn't be judged solely on that....We gave up 1/3rd of our sacks basically in that game
  18. Theres other ways to move the pocket and not depend soley on the tackle...everything for most part seem just a bit out of sync for good parts of the game....will that go away now with everyone on offence back....guess we will see I think a lot of the oline issues tho are way overblown....I truly believe the switch at center will go a long way in making a difference...Commend Kolo for filling in and being adequate and holding down the fort...but he is not a topline center, never was...and never was gonna be.....Time to get the future in there...and grow into the role....
  19. 2021 wasnt luck...we dominated, but almost effed up in the Grey Cup...and the following yr we just rode that wave...didnt eveolve and reload in a few areas.....and this yr we may be seeing the delayed effects of it... they certainly did...that and we had a gimp at QB....thats why u play the games....but also we didn't make some adjustments either which didnt help....so we were out coached as well many a championship has been won that way....team gets on a heater and is unstoppable
  20. I curios as to what and who we line up as first teamers on both sides of the ball the first practice after the bye.....and if we make any transactions of any kind over the bye
  21. no...I wouldn't...But I would like him to a bit to sustain things...and get the jump on teams who have caught up...to again be a step or 2 behind...thats all....and he hasnt done that...all great HC's evolve....he needs to a bit now as well i like this adversity this yr...will be key for us down the stretch....and part of that teams basically folding before, or being grinded into submission...but not so much now is they have caught up...and caught on...hence time for Osh and Company to set a new bar...dominate it and have others 2 steps behind again...show me a coach/gm that didnt adapt..evolve...tweak, and I will show you a coach walking the streets or doing TV color.. from coaches playing the lax passive game, and easing up as to not make an error....which is a fools game...and has burned us over and over....MTL comeback....Game in T.O ...and thats just off top of my head....learn and evolve from those instances....dont repeat them
  22. there no issue with our run game as it's one tops in the league, and save for the Ott game usually takes over in the 4th quarter...which you want...and 9 times out of 10 thats a direct result of your oline when you dont have a burner scat back who gets gobs of yards on 2..3 plays a game...and middling yardage on the majority Brady compliments things well...as longer drives kills defenses...and keeps offences off the field.....which is key....ZC got hit lots at times last yr too....and this yr is what...1/3rd complete...lets see how it looks after 2/3rds....but he also hasnt been moving the pocket or launch point like he has in past...and we also havnt been using much misdirection and jet sweep type stuff to pull defenses away from the intended play and have him roll out and nail those receivers like last yr....scheme this yr for most part has been weird and not doing that as much....and will have a ripple effect on how the oline and offence as a whole looks....in games when we went to our bread and butter for periods of time....lately in late 3rd/4th quarters...all facets looked fine...I expect more the same all game now coming out of the bye with Lawler back...likely a healthy Schoen and the O-line with some much needed rest and recovery
  23. never said 3 yr run was flawed....that being said...depth last yr was a reason we lost and poor in game adjustments....who's feet does that fall on...basically squarley on coaches....
  24. and to be honest...to be a good HC u lean heavily on the other coaches, and talent afforded to you....u make a few decisions and or calls....but for the most part they are petty standard and almost at times a given in what you are to do...really good coaches are guys who take chances an go with hunches....and succeed at it more than not...If anything Osh has stopped doing that....HC has basically final say in the roster after conferring, and if he doesnt have morons as his co-ordinators they call 99% of the plays...now if he doesnt give those co-ords the best possible players to run the schemes with...well then thats where the u=issues arise from.....People put too much value in what the HC actually does to be honest, some time warranted...many times not....they oversee the whole thing....they arent doing some secret special thing that others are not to be successful....they manage the whole package....With a good roster and group of OC's....a good any of us could stand there on game day and have same success if you have a brain in yours head....and I sure many here are gonna argue otherwise here...but this is from seeing it first hand. The one thing Osh...and his team...management on down included have done bar none better than anywhere, and others are trying to emulate is create the culture....pillars....and quality where players want to be, and at discount in many cases...that cannot be denied and was the major cornerstone in turning what was a flaming heap around
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