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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Did the riders oline take place of argo oline? They are brutal
  2. Hamilton secondary is brutal. .no knock on Kelly but guys are wide open...a lot of times just standing there waiting for the ball
  3. nope and other than B.C they have played mtl..edm and Hamilton....with 2 byes mixed in...Hardly tough sledding by any stretch and he's an under 60% passer....almost the east divsion smoke and mirrors record like the Riders in the west
  4. I'd like to pry that thug Moustafa Johnson out of Mtl...dudes a beast...and cheaper for now
  5. its not CFL all-star any more...It's CFL Dan Clarkeage
  6. for all the good and the way he busts his ass and does his role well...that is just such an epic waste of a DA and we totally dodged a bullet...If say Walker had went down...Or one of Jeffs...Biggie...we would have been so f#$@#!d
  7. he's had some chances already...gonna be 30...and has several black marks against him for being basically a knob
  8. anything Riders?....or the 5-0 start? 😁
  9. so there were two piles of crap created that yr?...lol
  10. I hope this injury to Harris is enough to make it seem an extension to Dickyboi is warranted haha...
  11. Imagie a worse record than last yr?...that would be so funny...and the loss of HARRIS excuse is just that...save for a few drives...he wasn't really lighting it up there...let alone putting up points and his injury was just a matter of time...smoke and mirrors there and a lucky sched to open the season...a team with a record over .500 that is actually good would not have a negative point differential
  12. who hasnt played well in 4 yrs?...Rose was fine in 2021, and in the last games and playoff offs last yr The old boys club is the insistence of starting guys like Briggs....Kramdi...Kolo....and recently now Thomas when they shouldn't be, and its solely because they have been here for 3 yrs and more...I have no issues with any other vet that we are starting.....and not sure what All-star level guy we are taking off.....if its a halfback it wont be Nichols...and other allstars in the west ahead of any of our guys would be Milligan...Peters...Lee...Moxey...and thats just off top my head yeah u definitely would want Parker at HB
  13. what part of this would make even the half intelligent fan fee good?....good grief....our moaning and groaning is peanuts compared to this atrocity
  14. we need depth regardless of the Haba injury, as well...we had none...and now have worse than none....so you have to think we do some kind of roster moves Forgot about Gwachum and would be a good stop gap...and likely cost less than Lemon tho as the weeks tick on Lemons ask will be getting smaller and smaller and more limited We had/have a case of serious warts and still escaped...yes escaped at 5-2 going into the break and first place is still under our control....The game coming out of the bye is the biggest of the season, and this is the game the statement needs to be made....and definitively at that....will the staff do the required things to allow us to do that...History says yes....so we shall see
  15. yeah should have been spotted on the 51...minimum...we got boned there Rose when healthy should be back to his corner spot....with out a question until it is apparent he is worse than the other guys mentioned....and that he is not I highly suspect
  16. do u know that 100 percent tho...u can have combined coverage as well eh...he def bit on a double move...but also if he has nobody else there responsibility wise his responsibility is to follow that play....and as they say look for loose change on a tip..fumble..etc...I dont know the coverage called...but I do know a cb can have man coverage in the lower 3rd but if guy breaks out the HB and or safety is supposed to pick up the deep 3rd...so who knows..and we will never know cause the coach wont tell us who effed up
  17. yeah Willie has played 7 games..has 8 sacks..2 forced fumbles...7 or 8 knockdowns...who knows how many pressures...14 tackles and generally causes fits out there, allowing us to be the league leader in sacks right now...he's doing just fine...and that was with several games with no Jeffcoat and slugs like Scmeckle and Thomas taking reps and playing with Bennett on the other side of him
  18. there a difference between easy and lucky...or fortunate many say...media...coaches and fans that Marshall is the top corner...and that happens to him prob every other game...if not every game...guys get beat...caught peeking and or biting...nature of the position also...where was the safety there?...did the HB screw up and was supposed to take the deep zone there?....did u have inside info on the coverage called?...and going by Suitors explanation on the replay isnt the answer cause 9 times outta 10 he has no clue what he is babbling about...all he was concerned about that game was when Lawler would get a big play so he can throw out his patented "he's back!!" comment
  19. thing is...he gets targeted a lot...by plan....sure he can hang and be close to the targeted guy....most times can wrap the guy up and take him down but the damage is done....I wanna see more explosion to break it up....Pick it off...and have a physical presence out there...maybe he should be moved to safety to be that guy who can glide and slide over to plays to give over the top support in a true safety fashion....as he is not the best option at HB ...all the good things and bad things considered...but we as a team don't use a safety that wau=y...so that would mean somewhat of a makeover in our coverages and responsibilities and at this point in the yr would be more problematic than helpfull until they got it down consistently
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