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Everything posted by Booch

  1. again...not to knock holm but a few of his knockdowns he was beat and was rewarded by a severe under thrown ball....or just bad pass in general
  2. Teams will game plan and scheme to target areas and players where they will have the best success, its not just random willy nilly fly by seat of your pants stuff....unless you are the Elks....they go into a game with specific targets and plays based on in game situation hahah...I was actually gonna say that as well...Lawrence as well I believe had 4 or 5 knockdowns
  3. Holm..29 tackles ADS..23 tackles BA...21 tackles Darby..20 tackles Houston...19 tackle Nichols..17 tackles Lawrence..6 tackles (3 games) that being said...some tackles can be possible attributed to run support, and being involved on a play where a guy was getting yac from a play not a direct result of them...but the correlation between targets and tackles carries merit
  4. dont get me wrong...I dont hate Holm....he has some usefulness and possible more upside??....that not sure...but we have better in house, and if Parker didnt get hurt doubt we even having this convo
  5. rules now dont allow it hardly anyway and almost looks like he consciously not trying to f=do it to hurt team with a penalthy...so stick him closer to the L.O.S and make plays which is normal...any team will attack the new rookie....or should until they show they can make play You can go look at tackles...if they have a high total...they have a high completion percentage against......excluding a safeties numbers as they are skewed a bit and not a good barometer....you want your safety to be involved and makibg tackles....depending on the scheme or what you have him doing means he's coming up and making plays based on his eyes
  6. and the fact we havnt been using him much in the true safety sense recently anyway would make sense too
  7. BA at Sam is something I'd like to see us do...and would make better use of his skills being involved more...Never thought of Parker at safety but thats an interesting idea...he's be a picking machine I bet and a sure tackler I'd go as far to like to see Cole at safety...or given a shot....dude can cover ground and lay the lumber too
  8. plus...he never fumbled ever in his collegiate career...dont recal any in pros yet either to this point...so he is dependable
  9. well we had Salima who could have fit that role, and he played cover on teams
  10. Rose was pretty much injured most the yr....and affected his play...last few games and playoffs when he was healthy...he was more than fine out there
  11. What makes u say that....has just as fast in the 40...and is more explosive and has better fast twitch that u can easily see when he closes, or moves in to make a play well Gray was kind of knicked up...so wouldnt be surprised...that being said Eli for Kolo with the guards as is would be a stronger front than Kolo at center with Dobson at guard.....Hopefully we shuffle the deck a bit if just to see what Eli and Dobson together gives us
  12. opinions vary Targets and completion percent...and completions for first downs is cut and dry...Piss break and snacking or not....even if u went for a dump...
  13. the same can be said about Holm...But he lacks the tackling talent of ADS....Thats why Parker is our best option at the other HB spot...he's twitchy fast like Nichols to actually break up that pass...or to close before the first down stick and kill drives....plus he is a fierce tackler and physical....if by week 10 or Db's arent Rose/Nichols/BA/Parker /houston then something is wrong...thats our best starting 5 no it hasnt...and I bet the tragets and completion percentage against him verifies it too....he hs wiffed, and missed a lot of tackles...especially in the traffic areas
  14. thats one his boi' s tho...and u will never see it Yeah...every guy will get beat...and eat a double move....But him and Rose will be our best corner combo in whatever spot they use them with our offence tho...he shouldn't have to be...and he hits hole hard now, so 8 to 20 yard pops at a time while he is punishing guys, and taking their will to get in the way is perfect...when we get back to using some misdirection and incorporate Demski and Bailey into the run game...to really open up the intermediate to deep areas for Lawler and Schoen...and come Oct and Nov....u really thik a defense is gonna like having a guy like BO trucking them all game?....I know I wouldnt
  15. Save for a few personnel tweaks, and some scheme/playcall changes to me a lot of the issues with us almost seems to be a sync/cohesion issue....a bit odd considering the amount of players that came back....but also not considering the injuries and player movement trying to make things work, as well as stocking the cupboard with the right depth and development pieces on the PR The bye week this yr couldn't have came at a better time, and should allow the coaches to do some deep thinking and figure things out...Some 6 game guys will have had 2 weeks of practice...the bye week and then the week leading up to the BC game to get their legs and wits under them. Defensively we cannot trot out a front 7 with only 6 dlineman, 2 of which hardly deserve to be on the roster, let alone heavy rotation guys...we are fine at end...excellent with Haba there, or if they bring in Lemon if he out longterm for that 3rd rotational piece...Walker has made me a believer as thats 3 games now he has been disruptive and made plays...so healthy doses of Lawson beside him, and minimal Jake, and a way to get Fox as a DA to help there would do wonders We cannot...I mean CANNOT run out any combo of Kramdi/Briggs/Mauro with Biggie....or we will see running QB's eat our lunch....for like what....the 5th time next game...enough is enough....Wilson back with Biggie will alleviate one part of that, and if they dont want to use Darby again then use Parker there...a legit fast physical guy who can tackle and lay some wood....and if they dont want to do that...BA would be perfect and able to be involved in the play alot and cause havoc, and Darby could go back to safety, as he prob a better safety than BA anyway save for the big hits....but the big hits are great and all...but a pick or a pass knock down is better Sort out the DB's and keep them in same spot to gel...Rose and Nichols we know what that would be, and the leadership and smarts of Rose alone would be beneficial more than anything....ADS needs to stay on..as he gets better and better and never misses taking a guy down...Houston I think as well is fine on the other corner....he's still learning and gets bet the odd time...but what DB doesn't, and how can you take out a guy with a penchant for getting a turnover...and I know u all drool over Holm's member...and the media is too....but we would be a better defence with Parker or AD at the halfback spot...see more upside there...more physicality and way better tackling...which we need bigtime...he's done some good things...everyone has...but he also gets targeted...a lot...and there is a reason for it...plus he has the physicality of a teenage girl...no offence to any teenage girls, but thats a big issue ...he'd be a great extra DB tho right now as he could slot in to a few positions and I guess retirn a kick or 2....but that be a bit sketchy too as his times he has done it since he been here haven't been very comforting Fix these lil things up...allow them to get in sync and re-familiarize themselves with one another....and things should be fine if our Co-ordinators get their heads out their butts before the 4th quarter
  16. that would have been a selfish play to end the half....late in 3rd...early in fourth....also in a game you instinctively make the play...it's harder than you think to consciously just knock it down when you are locked into a play and doing what you have trained to do...even if you considered it pre snap....I'm not concerned with that when it happened...up by what we were...with the time left....and how our oline had took over with the run game not sure if that was tongue in cheek a bit....or what....but to me I dont think that was even a warranted thing to even say...we all say he protects his players and has defended the most ridiculous things/plays/mistakes/poor performances ....a lot....and then he goes and says that??....odd to me....plus guys also are playing to up their value as well as win and honors their team....Houston will be due a new contract next yr....how much cash do you think he may garner with 4 INT's....compared to double digit INT's?
  17. Uglier than should have been...but a win is a win...well needed bye... hopefully some tweaks occur If we have Kramdi and Briggs taking regular reps we will get burned bad by BC Hoping to see a Wilson..Biggie..Parker trio...even Cole there after break with Rose on the corner...and a DE added...if not Lemon then bring back Sterling as he would need minimal prep I think if ELI is inserted...things will look a lot better
  18. Walker has had 3 solid games in a row now...I growing to like his game more...now move on from Thomas please
  19. Yeah he does his job well for sure U can see the Dline is bagged right out now
  20. Now 2 and out them and really grind that elk defense to dust
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