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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I guess taking away an Argos home game doesn't hurt bottom line for the Argos than any other team so I get that....but why the Riders? A diff team each yr would make more sense...it would sell out regardless who is playing.
  2. That oline...looks extra sad sacky on that first possession...guys just flying thru
  3. So....Riders get a good thrashing?...that's what I expect...and excuses abound is Sask with the yea buts
  4. I think they are screwed...C'mon Walters swing a trade for a Carney..or one of Kongbo/Bennet for ratio reasons so we can park our Bennett on the PR
  5. Yeah was gonna say...his passes have no velocity anymore. Just soft tosses..a couple of those int's weren't his fault...but his ball is so easy to jump now
  6. I'm not as sold on his demise as most...he won't be what he was...but if he can adapt a bit there is a good chance he can be successful...guess we shall see
  7. NO....U are correct....and using minimal run plays from it as well....not sure why but it is noticeable
  8. yup...the loyalty thing can be good, and create a nice environment etc....to a point...when it starts to lead to at times lesser talent getting the reps....because of it, then here is a bit of a problem
  9. we would have...as would have CGY ha no clue about the possibility of failing the physical if Hamilton didn't provide that info....did Ham try and pull a fast one...or was Davis hiding something that the Cat's were not aware of...I will go with the latter. So wasn't a reason why we may have passed on Davis, as we dont have a secret technology to see this...we likely passed, and I am glad as it was a trade, so you take on his salary which probably wasn't cheap....and he is a shell of what he was anyway
  10. Rotational guys are just that...rotate in to get the main dudes a breather....other teams rotational guys are that...and behind guys for the most part that are lesser talents than our over all starting 4....that being said...without Haba our rotational guys at moment (Thomas and Bennett) or bottom tier guys....the funny thing in this all, is 2018 - 2021 range we were kind of the first team to do the 7..8 guy heavy rotation and were damn dominant in doing so...Last year just after e traded Wilcott's and dumped Mack we tossed out a lineup with minimal D-Lineman as Osh stated in media he wanted to try something, and see how this worked/looked...well since that point one of our main defensive strengths and calling cards suffered....and it wasnt really doing much for the defense...yet we never reverted back....question is, why?
  11. adding quality and practical players on the PR is easy...there is a lot out there....a couple lineup tweaks here and there is also easy, as we have guys in house in a few spots to plug in and to if anything...see if it makes a difference.....Roster make-up is the tricky one as a) as it sits we have no real options outside the starters and a few guys on IR and b) have no real faith that Osh will actually do the required moves in a few instances....
  12. yeah....lean depth there....hopefully he stays upright but the way he plays...I see him getting dinged up....then........gonna be trouble on offense. Kelly needs to learn touch tho as well...he howitzers everything and doesn't need to, and will be interesting now in the 2nd 3rd of season if he gets figured out somewhat.....only time in recent memory I didnt see it happen during that first yr is whn Ricky Ray came in...and just kept getting it done....I dont think Kelly has between the ears what Ray had...so as season goes...I expect him to make forced errors....and have certain things taken away from him by defense's to see if he can figure it out
  13. we can prob sustain a QB injury a bit better as Brown has some experience...and lots with his teamates....who even are the ARGO BACKUPS??....
  14. basically yup....thats my gripe... basically a total lack of any depth on the D-line, and the one depth piece we do have who I see being somewhat of a possible quality rotation guy (Fox) we have only dressed once...and he fared well. We have no DE depth at al...none....sure Bennett is on the roster as "depth" but in all honesty he is pretty much below average at best...and doubt he is even on team next yr. Was thinking that Hansen would be back by now, and he would help, but seems like he has hit a hiccup in the rehab That and how we use the DA and the non use of the Nationalized American...why we are the one team not taking advantage of it is beyond me, and isn't helping our over all roster one bit in not doing so....wasting a DA on a full back is just plain pointless when anyone can be coached up to do that job....and I see no use right now in DA the extra receiver like we did with Agudosi and not using him...Our starters can be more than capably backed up by BOLO..as he can play outside, or inside and really...save for injury how many reps will that DA receiver get?....few if any as we have already seen that this yr, and last year...an extra DL , DB or LB would be way more useful and make way more sense...again why aren't we doing that?....one reason is a useless PR allocation
  15. when its The Jeffs..Walker and Lawson with Haba subbing....I'd rank them right up there.....but we have diddly behind them right now
  16. nope...but seen several with average to almost below average offenses tho
  17. yeah...we choked a bit in the Ottawa game at the end...but had multiple things go wrong to contribute to that..Castillo missing his first FG and convert...the BO fumble....the pick six..Schoen drop....for most part all very uncharacteristic things.....and yes...you still have to make the plays to win, and the other team is trying too...but all those things lined up just right that particular day to allow that...Ottawa had done nothing all game pretty much until that last 2+ minutes Those things, the easing up on the gas... and that weak roster we put out with minimal defense depth (which several of us moaned about and could be the demise that game) came to fruition and caused the collapse....lesson learned....move on....well I hope it was learned
  18. agreed....and why....cause we have depth behind them...on the roster (Eli Dobson), as well on the PR (Richmond)...the area is d-line where as it stands we have the Jeff's....and nothing....sure Bennett is on the roster, but thats by default basically because...well we have no depth...We may spill Walker out to the edge, but as we have the rostered configured that mean we need to use Lawson and Thomas....which isn't ideal at all.....but.....we do have Fox who would be excellent in the middle, but luckily we deploy a DA fullback to take 10 snaps a game where basically you could have used a number of players already on the roster to do that job...remember he is an American...with minimal experience even coming up to Canada...and that was at D-End and linebacker, and just picked up FB play 2nd week of TC....Surely we could have a guy who has been playing Canadian style ball his whole life do the same thing...no?....Thats what Miller was coming out of College...a Linebacker....it can be done lol
  19. and likely better with Lawler here, and BO and Schoen having a solid yr under them
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