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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I think Montreal will win. Think they are getting better each week, their offence is starting to get things working. great receivers on their team. And…. Gribsby! two yards and a puff of dust
  2. toronto backup to ray looking quite good. And he's 28 years old. They must have some good quarterback coaching and offensive play calling there. They keep turning out good quarterbacks.
  3. how many people are at this game in toronto? 5000? what a lame footballsports city. who is it? I haven't got a clue
  4. Ottawa defence looked good to me. Bad receivers, inconsistent quarterback. many penalties, and giveaways. bad special teams. I think their kicker missed a twenty nine yard field goal last game. They looked good at times, and had some close games. pretty good for a first year team
  5. Probably zero of three who went to the police.
  6. Democrat or Republican, Fox news, CNN, doesn't matter. It's two sides of the same coin. They take turns screwing the electorate. They are all multi millionaires. For instance it is legal for elected members of congress (their wives cough cough that is) to use insider information to make stock market trades. check this out. This occurred with Democrats, (Clinton, Obama), and Republicans (two Bushes), taking turns running things. "Yesterday, the New York Times reported on an alarming new study: researchers have documented that the least educated white Americans are experiencing sharp declines in life expectancy. Between 1990 and 2008, white women without a high school diploma lost a full five years of their lives, while their male counterparts lost three years. Experts say that declines in life expectancy in developed countries areexceedingly rare, and that in the U.S., decreases on this scale “have not been seen in the U.S. since the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918.” Even during the Great Depression, which wrought economic devastation and severe psychic trauma for millions of Americans, average life expectancy was on the increase."" http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal-a/2012_09/shocker_stat_of_the_day_life_e040058.php Five year decline in life expectancy. That is a huge decline, in a very short period of time. don't hear that fact trumpeted on either CNN or Fox news do you? The Democrat / Republican divide is a sham. And furthermore Gomeshi is finished.
  7. they need a microphone. anyone asking a question goes to the mic. heard some of this, the questions were inaudible. The answers were clear. Pretty sure this problem could be solved for $100.00 investment in a second mic. just cause they've done this this way for the last seventy five years, and do this in the NFL, doesn't mean it makes sense.
  8. I thought I heard him say that we gave up too much running yards. Surprised to hear that. I also saw a quote the other day, where he said competition is a good thing, referring to the o line. I don't get why it isn't good for quarterback as well. example….. Seahawks.
  9. wonder how many hours of daylight people living in the valleys in the rockies get? not good. I agree, dump changing the clock. makes no sense now, if it ever did.
  10. that was a really bad hit to the head. I agree, I hope he's ok.
  11. looking for the ignore button now
  12. meant as a compliment 17/85. grigsby had supporters, including me
  13. comment at free press "Fire the Green Drop and use the money to get a bunch of snow machines for the stadium. ….and it wouldn't hurt to beef up the offensive line either." lol
  14. Can Calgary choke yet again? Hope so.
  15. congratulations to the fans that wanted cotton, sears, and a win in Calgary. don't know how 17/85 can analyze players all the way from alberta like that. pretty good.
  16. CBC likes to develop these cults of personality for their "stars" When Gzowski died, there was almost a national day of mourning declared by CBC. They went on for months replaying his "greatest moments" Everyone on staff had to line up and recite some recollection of his brilliance. I think If CBC could have arranged it flags at parliament would have been lowered. re Gomeshi… Hitting people, to get some pleasure, even if they agree to it is not "adventurous " It's vile. Looking at all the photos I'm seeing of him lately, his smirking gaze is nauseating. Latest news, I heard this morning I heard his dog moved out.
  17. snow is a lot better than rain around freezing mark.
  18. the sports centre in cochrane alberta is absolutely remarkable. all inside, two brand new very fancy rinks, complete with fifteen year old boys getting private power skating lessons, a hockey rink sized soccer field, a bunch of basketball courts, a gymnastics facility, another gigantic hall, probably for some other kind of shows, like horses, wow. money money money
  19. I was in Cochrane Alberta in September around the tenth, there was a lot of snow, that was not going away. I liked it.
  20. sure I understand about Forzani being a good person, and don't mind them covering it in detail, so take the full half time show for it would be fine with me, but they seem to like doing that during the game, which I don't like.
  21. I know I know, it doesn't matter, but Lirim and Wild are our two all stars. any guesses on how much Forzani coverage will there be on the tv broadcast? Go Bombers!
  22. Since there was a spark every time that guy went in, and the team had come back wins from his play, I think this is another screw up by the coaches, not playing him more. I would like to hear the coach explain what this guy lacks that they don't play him more. stupid decision.
  23. last post game show he told Bob his job is to keep the team pumped up. which is true. Hard to do that when you're being asked to explain all the things you've done wrong. Also, he's probably not looking forward to having to fire some people after the season is over. He's never had to do that before. I'm sure he's up to it. Nothing wrong with reporters asking about it either, that's their job.
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