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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. lol nope. lol Johnzo, garage band is a good product for twenty bucks. but it's not a very good digital audio recording program. there are several free Digital audio recording studios that are much better, and "Reaper", which is sixty bucks, is much much better than garage band. runs on osx, windows, or linux
  2. should have got it right in the first place shouldn't they? "Microsoft has so far released three significant Windows 10 updates since its July 29 release, which, depending on user settings, can total up to 5GB in size. For some users, that equals about one-third of their monthly bandwidth allocation for a couple of patches." motherboard
  3. actually, Calgarians just wear the pay stub on their shirt or pasted to their tie. as they buy a round for the house.
  4. one thousand square mile fire in Washington state. biggest forest fire in recorded history of the state. photo taken during evacuation.
  5. yah but 17 to 85 explained earlier why almost wins don't count. I wish I could merge my two posts.
  6. One thing's for sure, some Winnipegers and former Winnipegers, are ready and able to slam Winnipeg, and Winnipegers for something or other. Always has been, and still is that way. Not sure why that is.
  7. need a receiver that'll block. don't think our current bunch do much of that for the running game, or for the screen pass. like to hear from someone about that. JBR or somebody.
  8. prairie people are great.... I mean it... The night the Jets got into the playoffs it was pretty cold, did not stop people from going downtown and celebrating in and outside. Latest here is kids, as in high school, go out all winter in just shirts, and sweaters. love it. climate problem....I have a friend living on a small island off the west coast, that relies on precipitation for all his water. probably bathing in salt water these days.
  9. the record is dismal, if you add last year's wins, and losses, to this years I agree... Not sure what the best thing to do is.
  10. Thanks for the info. some people posted here that Neufeld would do better at right tackle. new O lineman that hasn't been mentioned here that i've heard. fans aren't the only ones unhappy with O line. Richards hasn't done much this year. played in one game I think.
  11. http://www.pennlive.com/steelers/index.ssf/2015/08/steelers_ian_wild_switch_inside_lb.html
  12. I'm not a huge O'Shea fan, going from special teams three years experience, to head coach, too much to learn, so I'm skeptical that he can get it done. He's learning on the job. I don't know enough to say if he's improving as a head coach or not. Oshea should get the rest of this year, and next season.
  13. haven't seen wild yet steelers packers, or mulumba. NFL is boring. preseason, regular season, doesn't matter. field is too small. mulumba in game now end of first half
  14. http://www.pennlive.com/steelers/index.ssf/2015/08/steelers_ian_wild_switch_inside_lb.html Wild playing linebacker for steelers
  15. nice d sask. more watchable than the blowout yesterday
  16. how many sacks on mitchell? One? willy would look great with this much time
  17. don't mind these announcers normally but tonight, they are just annoying
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