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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I am Looking forward to this game for some reason.
  2. Another instance where Canada looks very good compared to the U.S. Our Judges are appointed by party in power, but a person like Trump's guy wouldn't have the slightest chance of being on the Canadian Supreme Court, no matter which party was in power. Course we did have this guy, out in Alberta But he was kicked off the Bench.
  3. Not saying Mcleod isn't any good, but ....not much of a find, if I knew about him five years ago. He's been around for years. two or three NFL teams, a few Canadian teams, hasn't stuck anywhere, this is is his first starting job, and he's thirty years old.
  4. Have to wonder if some people in the Republican party are now wondering about their own position re charges recommended by Mueller inquiry. When Mueller brings a charge, it seems to stick. The once noisy, and highly visible Nunes character seems to have gone very quiet. Same with the first daughter, (as she calls herself) and her wonderful husband.
  5. America, richest country in the world. http://www.startribune.com/son-s-death-pushes-mom-into-drug-price-spotlight/482344871/
  6. Maybe if Chris Jones wasn't the coach and manager it would be slightly less difficult for people. Only slightly mind you. According to MBB The Riders were slated to be dreadful this season, comically bad, so the team must be just lucky. lol. Made worse of course, by the Bombers being pretty bad. It's a tough season for hardcore Rider haters. And there are a lot of them here.
  7. Paul Maurice sometimes resorts to cliches, but also gives a lot of information in his interviews. Considering he's talking to the media before and after every game, well done. He also never gives the impression that a question is stupid, or that he knows far more than the person asking it.
  8. what did Harris see, when he threw that int at the goal? three Edmonton guys around his receiver, basically impossible to complete a pass to that receiver. wierd. looks like Harris just throws it to the first receiver he sees, even if the guy isn't open. not scanning the field much at all. Maybe Harris can't read a defence. Boateng seems to be pretty good contrary to popular opinion. field goal record, all his kicks are from the red zone, no wonder he never misses
  9. saw a few of his plays with the Browns, that's what he did there as well. Won't work. I guess he's still going with what worked for him in college.
  10. The radio broadcast was somewhat enthused about how well both of them played. According to the radio broadcast, Manziel can make all the throws. I think Doug pointed to the Montreal O line as being little or no help. Sounded like Manziel under pressure sometimes runs quite a ways backward from the line. That definitely won't work in the CFL. Skip Cox.......Even I was surprised that Montreal signed/played Skip Cox this season. He didn't look very good last season.
  11. actually, last season, when they were the league leading O, some people were critical of Lapolice. Went through a lot of complicated hoops to explain how that could be. So for them, this season has just proven that THEY WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG!
  12. I read an article about investigation of sexual assaults in Minneapolis. No wonder women don't report these assaults. Every day Trump keeps digging that hole he's in.
  13. Trump supporters. I guess Trump will condemn this right?
  14. Silverback that all makes sense, our young qbs are virtually unknown. so much hype for RG3, for instance. also, money, NFL salary cap, a young qb is a lot less money, so they have money to put into other positions, if the young player can do ok, or better.
  15. I was scanning the AM radio last night for some sports , tuned in some American stations, which at night are mostly right wing talk.... They are really ratcheting up the racism and hatred..... against blacks and Hispanics. I guess it's always been there, but, somehow, I thought we were a bit further along. One of them was shocked and angered that millions of Americans don't speak English at home. lol. Not that they couldn't speak English, but that they chose to speak something else at home. promoting racial and religious prejudices, anyone who uses that to gain money and power are without redeeming qualities. But there's money in it. have to take a break from their doings for a few days.
  16. No I agree that is not easy. But it's not insurmountable. the American receivers have to adjust to it. so do the Defenders. Why can't the QB? I'm not trying to say that it's great to start a rookie. I'm just saying sometimes it might be better than starting an experienced player who for whatever reason has not been leading. I guess it's a question of how many chances does Nichols get, and how poorly does he have to play, before Streveler starts.
  17. We also don't have defenders like kahlil mack and Von Miller in our league. Carson Wentz is not facing for example, Sam Hurl, as a rookie CFL qb is. he needs to be quite a bit better than a QB starting in the CFL, cause the players he's facing are significantly better, as are their coaches. Saying a rookie can't start here cause he isn't as good as an NFL rookie who starts, really doesn't hold up. Apples to oranges comparison.
  18. I think it's ok to compare leagues,.....differences aside, in many ways the things the qb has to do are the same arent they? go to line, try to figure out what the D is going to do, run play, avoid rush, go through reads, find open guy, get ball to him. Sure those players are elite, but they are/were still rookies. probably relatively speaking, our rookie, in our league would be capable of the same as some of them. He is without question as fast, or faster, than any of them, and as good, or better at carrying the ball, than any of them. In the old days of the NFL starting a rookie would have been unthinkable. Times have changed there. Why not here too? I think that "you can't start a rookie qb" is outdated, and about to be proven wrong over the next few years in the CFL. Anyway, what we have been doing, isn't working at all. At some point the players won't have the faith in Matt that Mike does. then what?
  19. Did not say it, but I was including the NFL. Wentz, Mahomes, Trubiski, Sam Darnold, , Jameis Winston started as a rookie, Mariotta started as a rookie, Russell wilson started as a rookie, guy in Houston, Dak Prescott, guy in Cleveland this season, CFL...... not so much I guess, maybe we should look into this idea.
  20. Thanks. This is precisely what he does. With a frequent spicing of insults. This is clearly intentional. Who knows what the goal is. There's a name for it "Gish Gallop" As they used to say "bullshit baffles brains" sometime next few days, I'll post a new thread and with any luck this Pigeye will do us a favour and keep away from it. Too much time wasted on his dog's breakfast endlessly looping looking glass arguments.
  21. Wow the hooker screwing serial liar, supporting a guy who is accused of attempted rape, for the highest judicial office in the Country. The Republicans are really burning themselves down with this. Surely they could have found someone less repulsive than this guy, who would just as reliably do what they wanted. A pack of oafs. So used to not having to do anything useful, that they don't know how to do anything at all. Looking more and more like they're done like dinner.
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