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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I felt Duke was highly over rated last year by the RIder faithful, and this year he is hell bent on proving me right. How is this guy worth 275k? Blows my mind. How did the Riders keep his contract beyond the veteran cut off day. Should have cut their losses when they had the chance. Even without the discipline issues, and probably the poor leadership in the dressing room, what part of his play this year earns him the remainder of his contract? Just makes no sense. The guy is the 2nd highest paid non-QB in the league, is barely in the top 20 in receiving, has attitude and discipline issues, and isn't even the top producer on his own team? 275k? Wow...
  2. The irony of that is just too rich. You can't make up stuff better than that to assassinate his character as a football player. How can a team be so oblivious that so many of their locker room leaders are the problem. Any team led by the likes of Duke, or Marshall, is going to have discipline problems. It just stands to reason.
  3. I agree....but at least he was able to get them to play good football. Good enough to win more than they lost anyway. Now they are just in a complete meltdown.
  4. I am sure at some point he had it, but that day has come and gone. He lost the room when he started talking after the Marino incident. That was the train wreck that made his players question his ability to lead them. They actually had a decent start to the season and then Marino happened, then Duke happened etc and it is no coincidence that suddenly the losses started piling up. It snowballed on him and he has no response to it. Fact of the matter is if he had cut Marino immediately, benched Duke after the helmet swinging, he may have stood a chance of getting it back. Now...too late.
  5. ??... Not even going to try to guess what kind of convoluted logic that is. A player does not have to actively engaged in a block to be blindsided or receive a crack back block....in fact most of the time they aren't. Neither of those are exclusive to blockers, not sure where you got that idea from? Any player on the field, engaged in the play or not, is protected by that rule. You are really grasping at straws now. Do you ever get tired of trying to be the contrarian....asking for a friend. It's one thing to play devil's advocate, but man you pick the dumbest arguments to do so.
  6. I don't understand at all why he would ever admit to that publically. Just makes him look stupid. It's one thing to do it in the heat of the moment, but certainly after the way the game played out he must have realized it was a really stupid move. But hey, let's tell the world how dumb I am. Clearly this is a coach who very tangibly feels the fact that he is losing the room.
  7. Collaros, is not protected by RTP on a lateral or hand off. QB are tackled all the time after handing off on a great option fake. However, he is protected under the UR rules. In this case, there is zero doubt that Marino's hit was UR. If Collaros had squared off to him in an attempted block or something different story. The main thing about this hit was that Collaros had ended his commitment to the play, was in a vulnerable position and was blindsided.
  8. Realistically, Sunday was their Grey Cup. They knew it and came out with their best effort of the year....and lost.
  9. I agree. I also think people forget that the Bombers are the league's measuring stick right now. We are back2back champs and every team in the CFL gets up for games against us knowing that they have to do so, and that we are the ultimate measuring stick of whether they are contenders or not. We get everybody's best game....and we still win.
  10. Yes, but i was referring to the practices he will miss this week. It will be a chance for coordinators and players to actually get some work done without a dozen players sitting at mid field talking about snow boarding with Dickie. It's a rep he had even as a coordinator, that his units practices were pretty loosey goosey.
  11. Especially when Dressler gave them first crack at him. Taman's best scouting came from interviewing his own players and asking them who gave them the most problems playing against them in college. To be fair though, at the time the dollars were pretty tight.
  12. Honestly, I believe that Dickie not being out there will be a positive too. On Riderfans, they say he just goes around chatting players up during practice that should be working on their respective teams.
  13. They didn't view him as highly as 16 other cuts they made, that's for sure. Who knows, maybe he is a guy they really liked but there simply were other guys they liked more. At the end of the day though, DD didn't do enough to earn a spot.
  14. It more or less is true. He needs some divine intervention from the football gods now. That is not to say he doesn't have the talent, just the opportunity to use that talent may never materialize before his team finds another shiny bauble to place on it's PR and shuffles him out to make room. However, if the Saints were to have a run of injuries on their OL, Drew could draw in and from there I believe he would turn heads. Jones was a centre. Not an apt comparison. OGs are a dime a dozen in comparison. More than likely what happens. Although, if he does get rostered and starts it may earn him some time up there. For sure. That is huge as well.
  15. It does seem like that, but when your team is as useless as their's is there is going to be roster churn.
  16. I think Drew would prefer to come back here, over going somewhere else. However, there is always the possibility of a team blowing it's brains out with an offer that we just can't justify matching, or Walters liking what he has right now on the OL and using that money to take a run at a guy like Zylstra instead. That being said, the chances of Drew being here two weeks from now are pretty good I would think. I would think that we would 6 game Neuf and give him ample time to heal. I would suggest we could trade Dobson or Gray but I honestly think this might be Neuf's last year so I can't see us moving on from Gray or Dobson.
  17. There is absolutely zero chance that Couture would ever be inserted into the lineup at LG. None, zero, zip. It's not even a remote consideration. Secondly, our problem right now is not Gray, it is the health of Neufeld who is struggling through injury right now. The only way we are changing OG right now is if one of two things happen: 1. We sign Drew Desjarlais 2. Neufeld is injured and can no longer be effective until he recovers I suspect if both were to occur that DD would go in at LG, and Gray would push Neufeld to the bench until healthy
  18. You must be released in order to be signed to the PR in the CFL as well.
  19. Might have left a sour taste in Zylstra's mouth about the CFL too.
  20. They had a couple high profile FA signings that had season enders in camp. They have the room for VA. Signing VA will likely just prohibit them from making any kind of NFL cut splash signing.
  21. I honestly don't see Zylstra returning to the CFL at any point in the future. He is 30 years old, had a quasi-successful NFL career, and will likely just retire imo.
  22. If you've made 5-10 or 20 million for sure it is moot. However, a guy like Strev whose career earnings will likely be in the 1.5-2 million range, it is a factor. It vests at its maximum of 43k per year at 55, but players can take it as soon as they retire at 22k USD per year starting in 2024. What a player might decide is up to them, but it certainly is worth it for guys who are a few games out from the pension to keep pursuing it. For some players it's a non-factor, for bubble guys like Strev, the pension is a big factor. It's likely what is keeping Strev on a PR right now vs getting a 300k payday in Canada. Yes Strev will likely stick it out as long as he can this year on a PR in hopes he is activated for the 6 games to get his pension. If he is released from PR, or lingers all year on it without activation, I could see him looking to the CFL next year and chasing a solid CFL career that could net him 500k CAD per year if he has success.
  23. For sure..how many people work years in a job they hate because they are only a few years out from their pension. Suggesting a pension doesn't matter is not accurate. It may not matter to the player with no realistic hope of getting one, but to a player like Strev it matters.
  24. I have heard that the actual stars of the Milli Vanilli movie are Sam Jackson and Morgan Freeman and that their voices will be overdubbed and lip synched by the two other actors above. Just a rumor tho...lmao
  25. Which i freely admitted. People have and make uninformed opinions on other people on a daily basis. Its literally ingrained in us as a human defense mechanism. Opinions can be changed as you are informed. My opinion of Biden may yet change..who knows? What i have not seen in the last several posts is any indication or reasoning of why my opinion is wrong, simply several posts suggesting i am wrong for having an opinion. It fully illustrates how far in the gutter partisanship has gotten us.
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