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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I disagree. Off the top of my head without even looking at rosters...Jonathan Kongbo. There are numerous others but I will let you do your own homework. If he only wants to sign until the end of this year and keep his NFL option open for next season, then Winnipeg is exactly where he should sign. If he wants to give up the NFL dream, then definitely there are better CFL options for him. I just think he is not done with his pursuit of an NFL gig yet, even if no one picks him up in the next month I believe he will want to keep his options open before signing any multiyear deal.
  2. I am unclear why guys would not see this as a viable possibility. First of all, Strevy loves Winnipeg and loves winning, secondly he is immediately familiar with our offence, thirdly he wants to keep his NFL dream alive and trying to learn a new offensive system and have success in an 8 game span is extremely risky to that NFL future, He needs to come to the CFL, play well, and keep his name circulating. Winnipeg, by far, presents him the best opportunity for that.
  3. It doesn't have to raise his profile, it has to maintain it. The premise is that he would come here if he can't catch on anywhere. Being rostered in the CFL and getting some live action is far better than sitting on his thumbs. Not sure why this concept is hard to understand? A ton of guys come back to the CFL with exactly this in mind. A lot end up staying, but rarely do you see guys coming back from the NFL and signing multi-year deals when they come back.
  4. Exactly. If his NFL dream still lives on then Winnipeg provides him with the best opportunity for team, and individual success over a short span. The only way he should go elsewhere is if he wants to come back to the CFL on a multi-year deal because it will take him the remainder of the season just to settle in with a new team, and a new offence. Who says this is his last shot? He comes up here, plays well, and maybe he gets another look with more film under his belt.
  5. If he's coming back on a prorated one year deal, which is likely, then his best option is to come into an offence he is familiar with and will set up a package for him to get his film out there but most importantly to stay active and sharp. Are there better opportunities in the CFL for him? Sure....long term...but not short term. If he still has his eyes on the NFL and wants to come North to stay sharp but not ruin his chances of going South again then Winnipeg is the best destination for him.
  6. I would think he gets a PR look somewhere, but if he doesn't in the next couple of weeks he would do well to come back for the stretch run and get some more film.
  7. Strev may have extended his NFL hopes with his pre-season play. Might be a team that will PR him, and almost definitely one will pick him up in the offseason for TC if he doesn't land now. Therefore, I would say that because of his TC performance our chances of getting Strev back for a stretch run have increased exponentially. If he doesn't land somewhere in the next 10 days, his very best option would likely be to come back to the Bombers for a stretch run on a prorated one year deal and then set his sights on the NFL in the offseason again. I would say the chances of him coming back to the CFL on a multiyear deal are between slim and none this season. If he is coming back just to stay sharp until the end of the season it would almost certainly be with us.
  8. It's not that he forgot how to pee, he was dehydrated and couldn't regain hydration in the 11 hours they waited for him to do so. Poor guy would have crumbled to dust if someone had touched him at that time. Only on Riderfans would "I couldn't pee" be a legit excuse for REFUSING a drug test, but Andrew suggesting he got a tainted supplement was clearly a lie by a chronic drug abuser.
  9. There is only one comparable to Harris's situation on the RIders and his name is AC Leonard. Not hearing much about his mollycoddling. As for Marino, Riderfans would have you believing this is nothing more than a league wide fan's on social media smear campaign against him.
  10. Ottawa may have a bunch of pansies that let their QB get hunted by Marino, but the Bombers sure as hell wouldn't take it up the arse without some retribution being levied in return. Meat puppet Marino best remember that...
  11. How much of this soap opera does the management allow? It's one thing to be an ass clown on the field, but when you are being an ass clown to the club's own employees wouldn't/shouldn't that be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I can tell you with 100% certainty that a player would not disrespect the Bomber staffers without getting his walking papers minutes after. If the Riders allow this as an organization they really need a complete reset from the top down.
  12. If that's a question that seriously needs to be asked then I have to wonder where the Riders are as an organization right now. I get the feeling that JOD, even though a few years removed from playing, would give Marino all he could handle.
  13. Osh took the high road because, unlike some fans, he fully realizes that was just one of a hundred plays in a game and wasn't the difference in winning or losing. I highly doubt MOS even had a chance to see the play with his own eyes on replay when he was interviewed. I doubt he feels the same way after watching it. His team won the game so I doubt he cares about it now either.
  14. I am not sure where he got the information that O'Shea was told by the officials that it wouldn't be overturned? From all accounts, O'Shea didn't believe it would be overturned, that in no way makes it the correct call. It just means the chances of it being overturned were not there because the CFL has been reticent to do so on RTP calls. There is a big difference between not wanting to challenge because the chance of it being overturned are small, and acknowledging that is was the correct call which to my knowledge MOS has never done....because it wasn't. I am super unclear as to why TB believes that MOS not challenging means he believes the call was correct? I mean really a blind squirrel could see that the RTP call was grossly incorrect. Every bit as egregious as the non-fumble incorrect call. Both plays had impact on the outcome of the game in their own way. Neither call resulted in one team winning/losing a game they shouldn't have.
  15. For sure. TB likes to think he is being picked on, when really it is just that his arguments are so often flawed that illicits the responses.
  16. Not to mention his pension status. The NFL owners are known for collectively blackballing guys like him. Desjarlais is not having a particularly strong camp from what I have read, but we shall see what his coaching staff thinks of him vs the self declared experts.
  17. That's exactly what is so bothersome and tedious. The continual search for reasons to discredit our team's success has robbed him of his credibility when making his arguments. I am pretty sure he takes on the role of devil's advocate for his own amusement, and that is fine, every forum needs a foil. If he truly believes in his arguments though it must be tough to be a sports fan then. If you can't find joy and hope in the past 3 seasons of Bomber football and see nothing but negatives still.....I don't know if I'd bother continuing on.
  18. Unfortunate situation for the league. Hope is resolves well.
  19. I just think that Robertson, Marino, AC are all very over rated. Their sack numbers are inflated due to the time their defence spends on the field. Riders LBers are top notch though. Even with a beat up secondary, the Stamps group is far better than the Riders. Those guys are terrible.
  20. I think that the CGY front 7 is very comparable SSK's to be honest. They generate great pressure, and have a really good LBer corps. SSK pumps their own tires but there are some really good front 7 guys in CGY. The RIders may be a fraction better on their front 7, but Calgary's secondary is MUCH better than the Riders. Overall, I think CGY has the better defence, but even if it is a saw off, or CGY is a fraction, and it would be a very small fraction, not as good the disparity between the two offences is enormous. A giant chasm the size of the grand canyon difference there.....and we swept CGY.
  21. It is definitely a money issue. Stern could not get those handling the estate of Spiegel to continue to float cheques for the Als and he isn't a big enough fish to do it himself. At the end of the day, the Als were needing new ownership no matter what. Unfortunate that Spiegel passed just after buying the Als, but this day was coming by all accounts.
  22. That is true, and we did it just by running the ball down their throats. I am now remorseful that O'Shea didn't send out the FG unit, get 3 more points, and give the contrarians nothing to talk about.
  23. The ref obviously didn't feel it was close. You don't just let every play continue because you may have gotten it wrong. FACT: The Stamps had over a half of football to overcome the 3 points they lost. FACT: They couldn't do it FACT: We don't know how this game turns out if the call was different. Plenty of ifs and buts could have went the other way too and maybe we have a 20 point lead going into the 4th Q. Just a losers game trying to suggest a first half FG was the difference.
  24. For sure. A botched call in the first half is not the reason the Bombers won, nor was any other botched call. Did it change the game? Sure...at the time it did, like any other play changes a game, but at the end of the day it is one play with over a half of football left to play. Calgary had ample opportunity to try and win but couldn't score on us when it mattered. That's the bottom line. The way our offence was playing I am fully confident we would have driven the field if necessary at the end.
  25. Fans can complain about calls until the cows come home but blaming them for a win/loss is stupid. Ifs and buts are for losers, whiners, and contrarians.
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