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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. ....and Father TIme remains undefeated. Andrew took him to the 10th round though.
  2. The punt would have had to be a boomer. 55 yards in the air to be sure it wasn't fielded. Not exactly a gimme, in fact pretty unlikely. Not sure why people are considering this a better option than a 32 yard FG.
  3. Not going to pull a Riderfans and blame the officiating in any way for the loss, because as many calls as I think were bad last night I probably missed as many that went our way too. However, am I the only person thinking that the PI on Winston Rose was just awful? I honestly did not see anything more than a very mild hand fight which is completely legal. Also, many spots on forward progress were extremely generous....like a yard or more. Just awful. There was one play where we stopped them about 2 to 21/2 yards short on 2nd down and it's suddenly 3rd and inches...like wtf? I am not sure who the reffing crew was last night but they were brutal. As I said earlier, probably went both ways, but man that was some bush officiating last night. I don't often complain about officiating but that was the worst I've seen in a while. Maybe I was biased in my initial assessment so I am going to rewatch this dog of a game just to see, but that's the first time in a long time I've been upset at the officiating like I was last night.....and I was upset at them prior to us losing btw.
  4. Can't wait until the Esks upset the Riders on Sunday so that the sliver of hope they got last night that we are beatable, becomes fully snuffed by the fact it doesn't matter at all because they suck.
  5. Honestly, what the OL needs the most is a bye week. The summer months are tough on the big guys, and 10 straight weeks without rest is even tougher. They ran out of gas.
  6. We looked like a tired club that just played 10 straight weeks without a bye last night. I am not offering this up as an excuse, but it is the reality. The heart was there but the legs simply weren't. A stretch like that is especially tough on the guys in the trenches and it showed last night. Leggs had an awful game or we still win. I'm not upset at all by this loss, nor am I concerned about it in the least. We will come back refreshed and go on another roll with a few of our starters coming back to the lineup. Losses are never good, but if there is a silver lining to it I feel that it will serve to motivate Walters if any good ex CFLers are cut in the NFL the next week or so. Prior to this game, I would have put the odds of us going hard after Desjarlais (if he is cut) as slim just based on what offers he will receive....now I think we would be extremely competitive in bidding for his services. I wouldn't have thought we would look at many ex-CFL cuts at all...now I think Walters will make a splash if someone is available to push us even more over the top.
  7. This was the ultimate trap game and the Bombers fell into it. Didn't show up...plain and simple. Guys were thinking about finally getting a bye. No big deal, these things happen and are why undefeated seasons are so rare. 10 straight weeks took it's toll on our team, and we lacked energy tonight. Brutal schedule and a 9-1 record and some are upset tonight? I don't get it.
  8. That is why they should sit him down. He's not effective in any way dinged up, and he is much too fragile to play dinged up. The only hope they have of him being semi-sompetent is if he heals his injury completely and starts with the Jesus Sprinkles and hope to hell that Duke, and Shaq earn their salaries fighting for 50/50 balls. Sorry KG....I meant later in his career KG not the first few years where he was decent. LOL....the RIders do like themselves a big old helping of Nealon Greene type QBs.
  9. He is sad every day but he's trying not to look at social media anymore so that the Saskatchewan River doesn't flood this year. I think I am going to start calling him Karen Fajardo.
  10. Fajardo needs to use his legs more, scramble, and play sandlot and let his receivers run to spots. He cannot sustain drives from the pocket. Jesus Sprinkles is the term I believe they use. Problem is that every DC in the CFL has figured that out and they just play contain on him now and let him self destruct by his own arm. If he could make you pay from the pocket then things would open back up for him, but he can't. For that reason, he has hit his career apex. He is as good as he ever will be and is a Kevin Glenn type talent level. He is a fringe starter in this league.
  11. What favors has he done for his receivers? Just saying. How motivated would you be to fight for balls and make tough catches after your QB went out in the media and told the world that he needs better receivers? Sure passes have been dropped, he has also missed wide open targets with regularity too, When a receiver is tentative because he knows the ball may not be delivered accurately drops tend to increase substantially. A pass/catch has to be consistent because once the brain enters the equation it becomes a very complex set of motions. Fajardo's inaccuracy does not allow his receivers to just go out and use their muscle memory. They have to scramble for passes, and when you have to do that drops happen at a much higher rate. Just cause a receiver gets two hands on the ball doesn't make it an easy catch.
  12. I am a firm believer that there is a shelf life on many jobs, HC would be one of them.
  13. His game trending downwards starting at about the halfway point of 2019. His game then fell off a cliff after he threw his receivers under the bus in 2021. No more Jesus Sprinkles after that.
  14. Like him or not, everyone without green goggles could see his accuracy was poor and that his 50/50 ball % was unsustainable...and he feasted on some really bad teams. When he finally had to play in his own division the Jesus Sprinkles dried up.
  15. Let's get something straight, Cody Fajardo was NOT the West MOP at any point that season. Andrew Harris was, and he was screwed by a bunch of media who took it upon themselves to declare they were the moral compass for CFL fans. It was pure hubris on their part, and a gross overstep and breach of faith put in them by Winnipeg fans. Don't forget that if the situation ever rises again...we love you DT but that shitshow lost them a ton of respect with the fan base.
  16. A QB contoversy is not a bad problem to have. It's only a problem if one of your QBs is psychologically fragile and can't handle the....errr...ok i see where you were going with this...
  17. I agree completely. In hindsight, Sask throwing Zac away is probably going to go down as one of the worst moves of the past few decades by the Riders. Were there extenuating circumstances? Yes. At the end of the day an extremely smart GM decided to trade real tangible assets to get him though, so obviously he was not as disposable as Rider fan apologists made him out to be.
  18. Another way to look at it in hindsight is that the Riders could have held out for the Bombers and gotten the 9th and 27th? pick and taken Rourke AND Schaffer-Baker. The fact they got value out of their 4th rounder doesn't diminish the fact they lost out on two higher picks by making a bad trade. Last time I checked, they could have selected Schaffer-Baker anyway had they held out for the better deal. The fact they got him in the 4th round is luck not good roster management. They could have gotten a 1st round assett and still selected Schaffer Baker. We all know that....except O'Day...he never saw it coming. But would you rather have Collaros than Schaffer Baker AND Rourke? Because that is what could have transpired had the Riders not rushed to throw Zac away. Actually, I would still take Collaros but Rourke evens it out a lot more. Makes it a decision. One the Riders were too stupid to have to make.
  19. Sometimes you get lucky in the late rounds but most of the time the pick is worthless.
  20. They got a 4th rounder for him a full month before the trade deadline. What you are saying is logical until you factor in the return they got, and the timing of the trade. If they were trying to maximize his value out the door then the trade they made seems completely irrational. You hold him to the trade deadline then dump him if no better offers come around, or you hold onto him for the season and maybe he gives you a 1A -!B option heading into the playoffs imo. It's not that the Riders traded him that perplexes me, it's the fact they traded him for essentially nothing a month before they even had to think about doing so. In a 9 team league where QBs drop like flies they were absolutely idiotic for not waiting on another team to make a better offer. Exactly....and he wasn't up against the trade deadline either. He had time....LOTS of time to wait out a better offer. The fact that KW gave up a 3rd rounder, and a 1st for him tells me that O'Day just simply dropped the ball on his ZC evaluation of his worth. Sure everybody though Zac was done....except Walters (arguably the best GM in the league). I know hindsight is 20/20 but Walters traded for him only a month later and paid a much steeper price. 2 years later we KNOW how epically awful the decision was by O'Day to trade ZC at all....but even back then at the time of Zac's trade from Regina many thought that this trade made no sense. No upside to it whatsoever. A low round draft pick for a guy that could still be valuable at the QB position down the stretch.
  21. I never understood that move at all. They had Zac on the 6 game and could have kept him there all season and let him come back and challenge for the starting job when healthy. Instead after 8 games they declared a guy who had been a career 3rd stringer their new starter and traded away a guy with an established arm. That was pure hubris on the part of ODay. Collaros was a Jones holdover, while O'Day could take all the credit for resurrecting Fajardo's career.
  22. At his age, and with the toolbox he has, the NFL will definitely give him a thorough look. All your questions are unanswered, as they should be with an essentially rookie pro QB, but when you can zing the ball downfield like he can and run like he can the NFL is going to be intrigued. I think Jon Jennings might be the more applicable cautionary tale for Rourke. Very similar trajectory and strengths/wekanesses in their first year. Yea, Stegall got in on it too.
  23. Lucky for the Stamps they get Fajardo 3x in the remainder of their schedule and Fajardo will suck against whomever they roll out to replace Roberson.
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