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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. The NDP isn't exactly flush with cash either. There are very few rural areas in play for the NDP. The PCs are still polling very strong in almost all the rural not just Southern Manitoba. This will come down to whether the NDP can gain enough seats in Winnipeg to form government and who gets their vote out the most effectively. There is almost certainly going to be voter apathy in the core of the PC party, and if the NDP can get their vote out then we will see a new government. There are a handful of seats where the split vote has to be a huge concern for the NDP. How they handle those seats will be huge.
  2. I can tell you with absolute certainty that long time PC support will remain PC. Whether they show up to vote or not is the question. The swing voters in the city is where the election will be won or lost. The PC core is not in play or only a very, very small amount of it. The PC core will not waste it's time with the LIberals, will never vote NDP under any circumstance, and will punish the PC party in the way it always has by not showing up for them on election day. In rural Manitoba, the Libs and NDP may as well just not show up. I cannot see there being more than 2-3 seat gain for the NDP in the rural...they are absolutely reviled outside the perimeter.
  3. Absolutely huge concern for the PCs as well. The advantage to a spring campaign is no summer of fundraising for the NDP, who lag far behind in election coffers. I am not buying your byelection theory either. Yes, the Liberals could focus on one seat, same goes for the NDP and PCs though. The Liberals got the votes they got simply because they managed to find a great candidate, and the fact nobody really likes the PCs or NDP. This is the type of election that can be won in the campaign by the NDP or PCs. Neither is very well regarded.
  4. It was definitely a result of vote splitting. The NDP should be very concerned that they couldn't pull either Obby's or Klein's seat away. As much as this should concern the PCs, it should concern the NDP just as much...maybe more. The NDP are obviously not trusted by Manitobans in these swing ridings either. RIghtfully so probably. The rural is going to be blue again. That is without doubt. If the NDP want to form government they are going to have to either hope for a Liberal collapse to under 10% of the vote or figure out a way to take these swing ridings despite the vote split. Until yesterday I would have predicted an NDP majority next election, now I think we almost certainly get a minority and it's a coin flip who the premier will be.
  5. Lawler coming back to Winnipeg might be one of the worst kept secrets out there. At the time he was going to be traded it sure did sound like an extension was part of that trade. Seems the two sides may not have set that contract aside.
  6. I agree. When our choices start becoming degrees of bad we are in rough shape. The far right of the spectrum is a gong show, the far left is starting to blaze a trail there themselves. One should not have to plug their nose and vote and that is quite frankly the choices we are starting to see provincially and federally. Hate this my arm pits stink but so and so's stink worse line of rationalization for what has become very awful populist politics employed by both sides of the political spectrum. I will agree that the far left is not at the bottom of turd hill yet, but they are certainly on there way and not showing any signs of slowing down. But hey....let's point fingers and deflect.
  7. I've been calling him Default Jeffrey for a couple weeks now. It was literally that predictable that they would find no takers to walk the plank with Dickenson this year.
  8. We didn't have a coverage capable safety for most of the year last year. Rose's play became exponentially better after Alexander came back and that should surprise no one as without safety help life on the boundary can be real tough.
  9. I agree. I see little merit, based on US politics, in a two party system doing anything very productive. Very little of that happens. Outliers. The NDP is the party of organized labor, and is set up as such.
  10. There can be no merger between the Libs and NDP until the NDP changes how much power they give to organized labor to run their party. I cannot see a federal, or provincial Liberal base being dictated to by the unions. The two parties are not that different philisophically in many regards, but the NDP's organized labor roots in their party's power structure creates a massive chasm to bridge. Also, I don't think a 2 party system would be any more beneficial at all.
  11. Unfortunate. It is pretty absurd. I am sure she will.
  12. Far right extremism is dangerous for sure. It has been suggested here that there is no far left terrorism or that somehow one spectrum's terrorist is more dangerous. My only point is that political based terrorism exists on both sides of the political spectrum and measuring how dangerous one is becomes purely speculative ergo opinion. It is complete idiocy imo, to even associate any of these wingnuts with any mainstream kind of political label. None of them represent any known part of any political spectrum, they exist in a different political ideological realm than the rest of us. Using far right/left terrorist as proof of concept against any political mainstream system is boogeyman politics.
  13. I think it is a well researched and properly peer reviewed publication from a reputable university. Naturally you don't because it basically proves your bias. Whatever....and anarchists are primarily far left. You don't get to change that because it doesn't fit your left is morally superior narrative. Yes, it is not good.
  14. Nahanni and Wab are not trusted by native leadership at all. I can tell you that with absolute certainty. Many do not like the way they character assassinated Arlen because he withdrew AMC support for Ashton in the federal election. Don't ask me to prove it, and I don't care if you believe it, but I have this straight from the source from a very high ranking native political player in this province. Many in the native community have their knives out, especially for Nahanni who is the ring leader of this according to my source. Her sister-in-law was the one who lodged the complaint against Arlen that has never been substantiated. Greasy. My own people doing this to each other....disgusting.
  15. Nah...don't care what you believe. Belief is free to all. As long as you realize that is just your opinion and not actual fact than right on. But I'll just leave this here anyway: https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Anarchist - Left-Wing Violent Extremism in America.pdf See the link below.
  16. I believe the far left has it's domestic terrorists as well. The PCs lasted 2 terms and defeated morons. It's kind of *** for tat. I am totally in favor of this CONs government getting the boot. They are rudderless, and really haven't done anything worthwhile since setting the economy back in track in their first term. However, people still remember Selinger and his cabinet of buffoons as well. When the NDP start raising that tax spectre, as they inevitably will have to do, watch the polls. People aren't enamored by Kinew. The best he can hope for is to be tolerated and that doesn't leave him much wiggle room.
  17. The only thing different about the far left and the far right is the difference in perspective. It is complete ridiculousness to blame all of societies political woes on one side of the spectrum. Just a complete garbage take. For every far right thing you can drag up there can be an equally stupid far left position or statement linked as well. I will not convince you, so it is an exercise in futility just as your research above means nothing to me because I know that this comes from a very small minority of the population and I also know that the media bias on politics right now leaves very little truth in there anyway.
  18. Maybe, maybe not....Wab will need a very good slate of candidates because he is drawing from an awfully underwhelming set of MLAs right now. If he can get some good people around him, and control his temper...who knows.
  19. Evidently. Any time I hear political discussion these days it just keeps reminding me of that. Good thing you had time to go there and count them. Exactly right. The far left stinks just as bad as the far right.
  20. I think that we are on the verge of a recession. The NDP will not be able to manage the economy, and fulfill their promises on public services during that time without raising taxes. Raising taxes goes over like a lead balloon in Manitoba. Leader? No idea. Yea....BC and Manitoba are going to cede half their northern mineral reserves and give them Saskatchewan and Alberta. You are correct, this is comedy relief. I don't know if that's intentional or not on Smith's part, and I don't care, she is Alberta's problem.
  21. OK..so just bash anyone that brings any kind of different viewpoint by calling them morons etc is valuable to you? My goodness you guys
  22. My opinion is that the PCs pull the plug on Heather this Spring
  23. You are such a condescending ******. You think you are making a point but all you are doing is hating on people who disagree with you and not really adding nothing.
  24. She didn't blame the carbon tax for inflation, she suggested suspending it would give people some much needed relief. You guys just spent the last few days taking down max power on his disinformation campaign. Be better yourselves.
  25. Huh? It's not a federal election? I doubt that very highly. Wab Kinew is going to be a disaster as well, more than likely a one term premier. The Conservatives have to bow out now, they elected a weak sauce leader and badly need to regroup and find a new one.
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