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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. Man, Ellingson on 6 game now. Going into the Labour Day and Banjo Bowl . That sucks.
  2. That was a great read and I totally relate to you. My dad was the one that got me into watching sports, but it was watching with my mom that made it so special. We would cheer at all the bomber games on tv (and Jets games too). Bomber nights were essentially family nights at our house. I can here my mom's cheers in my head when a TD was scored, and her disgust when an interception was thrown. Sadly my mom passed away in 2009 (exactly one day after Michael Jackson died). She never witnessed the Jets returning, nor did she get to see the Bombers win back to back Grey Cups. When the drought was over in 2019, I imagined my mom jumping for joy in Heaven . And in 2021 I celebrated that Grey Cup win with my dad watching together. It's crazy this thing we call sport, whether playing or watching, some truly special bonds are made. Thank you for sharing this with us and allowing us to share with you.
  3. Agreed. I've been disappointed with Winnipeg Media in general. Too much inference and not enough reporting. I wish they would just report and not try to sell their personal understanding of the situation as fact.
  4. He is a human being. Let's not forget that. However, it is his job to kick. He clearly just doesn't have it. Game should never have gone to overtime. Kick the crap out of that f****** ball
  5. I agree to some extent. However, those were makeable field goals and that's the kicker's job. This game should never have gone to overtime. Why the hell are you chip-shotting that? Kick the crap out of it so it at least goes through the end zone
  6. Offensive line deserves some heat for this game too. Collaros was scrambling most of the game. And once again pressure got to Zack and this time he fumbled and we lost the turnover.
  7. What a f****** joke. This team needs a bye in the worst kind of way
  8. I seriously can't believe this is going overtime. The game should have been over. Defense needs to sack Harris
  9. Unfortunately, that's the rule. It's ticky tacky but called by the book.
  10. I'm a little puzzled by this play calling... Works in our favor. Oh ffs offside
  11. How the f*** are they wide open???? Okay fine. I'm just annoyed.
  12. Nielsen showing his bias saying the third down was automatic for Davis.
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