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Posts posted by captaincanuck12

  1. 17 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Still remember that training camp after we signed Brendan Dillon.  Dillon was going around hitting guys in the scrimmages and then Wheeler took him aside and told him to stop doing that.  You could see the bewildered look on Dillon's face, like "what kind of country club of a team is this?"  I knew when I saw that happen that Wheeler had to go.  You have to hit guys in training camp, you're all fighting for a job.  Can't play it at 3/4 speed.

    I thought it was Adam Lowry.  And the reason was because he was hitting guys very hard and almost injuring him.  Lowry basically said to him "We need these guys for the season" .  I'm fine with ramping up intensity in camp, but these guys need to respect each other to not injure them before the season starts.

  2. Blackwood kept the Sharks in the game in the first.  Could have been 4-0 Winnipeg.

    Same script as last game so far.  Sharks open the scoring, Jets tie it up.

    Not sure what it is about San Jose, but they seem to play the Jets tough. 

    Quick game too.  1.5 hours and two periods of hockey are done.

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