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Everything posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. Yeah no thanks to CF. We want high character guys here; not mental midgets, perfectly Fine bringing back the trio of QB’s we had this past season.
  2. The fact that Schoen isn’t at any NFL workouts baffles me. Any scout doesn’t even have to watch him play just look at the numbers, and that alone should be enough, but in that case Walters should be trying to get him on a huge deal, preferably 3 years would be great!
  3. Nice! I’m predicting with a full season in the Blue and Gold this guy is going to be a CFL all star! Love how he came in late in the season and did not miss a beat!
  4. You’re correct X2 but yes that was the big play that turned the momentum of the game. We had no business losing that game.
  5. Pretty sure that was the year we were putting a beating on B.C. in the playoff game until momentum switched when Loffler decimated Burnham and B.C. went on a run and we decided to kick a long field goal instead of go for it on 3rd and 5! Fun year, disappointing result.
  6. He had a good career. Always had a lot of respect for his game and wanted him as a Bomber for many years.
  7. Something to consider besides having to live in Saskatchewan, is O’Day, and Dickenson are in their last year and it’s a good possibility that they won’t be back next year. Any OC has to think that if it doesn’t work out for them, the next regime is going to likely clean house. Just some food for thought.
  8. Maybe Buck doesn’t want to be a head coach. He’s a former player who’s a good X’s and O’s guy. Not every Great coordinator wants or becomes a great head coach. I could be wrong but sometimes if you’re in a good situation why leave it? Lapo proves the grass isn’t always greener.
  9. You rarely see great teams being able to keep this many players, coaches and staff. I think that goes to show how special and deep these ties to the organization must be.
  10. Look how beat up our secondary and our line backing core was. At times he was playing back deeper then usual, I think it messed with his pursuit angles, but as soon as we started getting healthy Bighill was back playing at his exceptional level. This is so important to keep the core together not only for their play but what they bring in the locker room and community.
  11. Look at the weather conditions. Football in late November and early December aren’t optimal for offences. It’s not like any of those teams we played in the playoffs in the last three years moved the ball at ease either.
  12. It’s been hard me and my partner of 7 years broke up in September. Football is something I love deeply, I started a new career the same month that requires a lot of extra circulars outside of work hours; with courses to keep me busy to take my mind off things. I’ve buried myself into my work, and going to the gym in the evenings to try and get over it, nothing quite comforts me more then watching the Bombers play and to an extent the Jets play. As horrible of a feeling it was to lose in so thankful for every game I got to watch, every day I got to take my mind off and talk football with you fine folk, and most importantly I’m thankful for 2019 and 2021, the first two Grey cups of my entire life time. It’s sad that football season is over but as crushed as I am I can see the light and the good from it, as things slow down around here and there’s less courses and work to do I’ll have to confront my realization the love of my life and myself aren’t together but I want to let you guys know it’s been great to have this message board and the Bombers during these tough times. Sorry if this was all over the place I just wanted to speak my truth without going back to it before I lost my train of thoughts.
  13. D is being physical and making things happen O has to to respond
  14. D is hitting hard. We’ll see if the Argos can make plays in the fourth after all these hard hits.
  15. TSN really trying to push the Zach bad ankle narrative. Anything to create an even matchup I suppose.
  16. “The best things in life are three” I said that random time at a resort in Mexico when I meet two ladies.
  17. They should just knee the ball every play, and then punt! Protect the football I say 😉
  18. I just love that he’s here having fun and is healthy. His body language is night and day different then it was he was going through his injuries. It’s crazy to think a singular move can change history so much. It’s not crazy to say ZC maybe hangs it up after 2019 if he isn’t playing.
  19. No disrespect to Eugene Lewis, but come on man. Wasn’t even close.
  20. When it’s all said and done I think Stanley has to be the greatest o-lineman in the history of the CFL. We’re witnessing a lot of history here; we just have to soak in these moments. We may never see it again.
  21. I agree with you although I couldn’t help but laugh when he called people like Aaron Donald “freak daddy’s”
  22. I’m watching the 2021 game. We were down by 12 with 11 minutes left and Collaros was cool and collective. What a surgeon.
  23. Calgary leading the league with 8 selections, good for 3rd and the west and their third consecutive year going 0-1 in the Western Semi Finals. All good let Calgary have their all stars, we’ll take another ring.
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