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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. And some here too. But are you admitting you post things you know are untrue in an effort to convince people otherwise?
  2. "Why do you have to count EVERY dead person? Cant we just count the white people?"
  3. Okay so let's turn the page on this alleged Obamagate and the unmasking of FLynn. Unmasking (asking the identity of otherwise anonymous individuals caught up in surveillance) is common. Happens thousands of times a year (or at least the requests are into the thousands). Flynn got caught up in this because he was communicating with people who were under surveillance. Flynn was not identified in those reports. When someone asks for an unidentified person to be unmasked its because they dont know who they are. So any suggestion Biden or anyone else asked to unmask Flynn because they wanted to get Flynn is simply hogwash. But it does explain why Obama told Trump not to hire Flynn. He knew he was in trouble. Obama did the right thing. The only issue Trump can be pissy about is that someone leaked to the press that Flynn had these conversations with foreign parties which started the road down for Flynn. In other words, Trump is mad Flynn got caught. And the reason the FBI knew Flynn was laying when he said he never discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador is because they had the ambassador under surveillance and caught Flynn in that surveillance. Why would Flynn lie? Because he knew what he did was bad. Which is what he plead guilty to. Lying. He did it. All of this is designed to protect some of the awful people around Trump and try to undo Mueller. Its Trump's campaign strategy. He has nothing to run on for re-election. Economy is awful. Tens of thousands of Americans are dead due to Trump's bungling. He's an international embarrassment. The country is more divided than almost ever before. He has nothing, So he has to run on "we're bad, but they were too." He's trying to chill voters away from voting for Biden. Anyone above a grade 3 education can see this. You'd have to be incredibly aligned with the values of a racist sexual abuser to buy into this stuff and defend it. Im glad none of us are.
  4. Edited...ill just leave an LOL
  5. In the Flynn case, its actually a major development. The Judge is clearly pissed. I think he's either looking to have this mockery put into the record by someone that wont be easily dismissed or hes looking for a reason to dismiss the DOJ motion and sentence Flynn. This is all about Trump being able to avoid a pardon that will look bad and of undoing Mueller. The likelihood is the Judge accepts the DOJ motion but he's not doing so without some roadblocks. Regarding this Obamagate nonsense, what is striking is you've got a DOJ completely controlled by Trump interests. They can literally get any intelligence they want. Do any investigations they want. And they cant find a single thing to criticize about Obama. Trump is now making this election Trump vs Obama. And why he thinks he can win that is anyones guess. I assume he's trying to rally the racists.
  6. They have a Keto burger that looks amazing (Im currently struggling through a concerted effort at Keto).
  7. Its not that Burr shouldnt be busted. He should. But the Trump admin is playing games and targeting people that arent helping them with the cover up. Its nuts.
  8. Burr stepping down as chairman of Senate intelligence committee. Just like trump wanted.
  9. ^^Sorts agent. Also word is it was Vince ignoring Lucks messages the last two weeks before termination. And it makes sense why they wanted Luck’s iPhone back. Probably so luck wouldn’t have evidence of the work he was doing and his interactions with Vince. I hope this proceeds. A Vince deposition has the potential to be tremendous.
  10. another solid Episode of dynamite. Jericho makes inner circle vs elite in a stadium stampede match at DoN. So I guess they’ll brawl in the JAX stadium. Brodie Lee was good and would be getting over in front of crowds. great tag match. Kenny and Matt are a fun team. Looking forward to jake vs arn promo next week. And Ofcourse Mike Tyson Presenting the TNT title. I wonder if him getting into shape might be to wrestle and not box. Hmmmmm
  11. True but I believe the jets were out of the playoffs if they used the final standings and pro rated it so everyone was equal. I think that’s one of the reasons they’re talking about an expanded playoffs if they don’t play the remaining games. Include all the teams that were close.
  12. The biggest issue right now is voter apathy. Especially among the young. If people vote, he loses easily. Even with the cheating and collusion and dirty tricks. People have to vote. If they dont, they reap what they sow and will be responsible for the fall of the American empire.
  13. Is he the guy that said Trump would live to be 200 and was the healthiest President of all time and weight 210lbs and was 6'5"? Cause if so, now we know why he was willing to lie. What a joke. I bet someone here is a big fan of his. lol
  14. I think he and Manitoba have done a good job with the public health matters. Im here nor there on the seniors money because I wouldnt come down negatively on helping seniors. But the cuts to Hydro are absurd and are obviously being done using the pandemic as an excuse. Cuts to the UofM I do not favour as well. But I can promise you that Wab will whine about cuts today and then whine about the deficit next year. Without a viable Liberal Party and if Pallister keeps alienating people, Manitoba has no real political options.
  15. Intelligent people would hunker down and survive. Trump supporters would believe it didnt happen and the sun is still shining brightly.
  16. Seeing Trump and the GOP trying to gaslight Americans again with this Schiff knew nonsense. No one needs Adam Schiff to tell them what is in plain view.
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