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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. No, the SENATE acquitted him. In a Bi-partisan vote. He was also impeached by the House in a bi-partisan vote. And if you want to re-try the Clinton impeachment which 1) was an obvious witch hunt and 2) resulted in Ken Starr completely reversing himself years later with Trump, feel free to start a thread. Unless you're suggesting if one President is acquitted, ALL Presidents should be acquitted?
  2. Id have to review their remarks at the time as I cannot remember offhand. I think they certainly would have looked seriously at it since the Meuller Report laid out clear signs of collusion and obstruction. But we cant predict woulda coulda shoulda. Trump felt vindicated even though he wasnt, probably because he cant read very well so he relied on Barr telling him he was a good boy and went right back it with Ukraine which presented an easier path for Dems. Regardless, your boy was impeached so whats your argument here? He wasnt impeached enough?
  3. Dems need to make sure every single American is aware of this especially with Obama's VP running. We left them a plan. They threw it out. Blood is on their hands.
  4. Trump is loving lying to America about there being no pandemic response left by Obama (which, if true, doesnt explain why his admin wouldnt create one), but just wait til Obama gets into the game.
  5. His post is racial if not racist. He focused his attention on Chinese wet markets which we all agree suck. But the Chinese have had no control over how Trump has bungled the US response, other than perhaps Trump's debts to China causing him to be as soft as he could early on and pretending it wasnt happening. Now he's full on blaming China because it's either China's fault or his fault.
  6. Good lord the DOJ told SCOTUS they agree with trump that he is absolutely immune. Wow. The DOJ is fully a trump organization.
  7. Sounds like trumps side is not doing so well before SCOTUS today. Ofcourse it will be weeks or months for a ruling. But the questions don’t favour him. Other than Kav who asks about SCOTUS just declining to make a ruling lol
  8. There are certainly seniors suffering. But they could have provided for seniors Wirh low income quite easily rather than a universal benefit. But it wouldn’t have bothered me if they weren’t also heartlessly laying off hydro workers to save a fraction of the money. That’s cruel and it’s clearly not covid related. It’s all about forcing hydro to make cuts under the cover of a pandemic.
  9. Huh? I answered this. I think if you abuse women and assault cabbies it’s possible you learn from your mistakes and become a better person. When years later you claim you’ve changed while trying to intimidate the victim and lying about what happened it proves you haven’t changed at all. not to mention his embarrassing stint as leader. We’re rapidly approaching a time when there is no one to vote for.
  10. Either you’re engaging in troll behaviour or all of this is way over your head. He was impeached. You’re effort to defend your hero because he was “only” impeached on certain crimes is hilariously transparent. Why do your values align with a liar, racist and serial sexual abuser?
  11. Sure. But when you double down on it by lying and intimidating victims I can’t help but not be so forgiving.
  12. I’ve defended pallister but this is ridiculous. Claims they’ll be $5 billion down but screws 700 people to save $11 million? That’s brutal. He just lost my vote. That’s it. Ofcourse Wab is a disgrace so options are limited provincially.
  13. Mueller intended his report to be given to Congress to use as the basis for an impeachment Investigation. Along came Ukraine which was a slam dunk. But you hate trump right? You spend you’re entire day here defending him
  14. 31.8K people are talking about this Forgetting that the incoming president is actually a criminal, serial sexual abuser, con man and colluded with a foreign enemy. You’re sinking ever lower
  15. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-hydro-layoffs-1.5564810 700 Hydro staff to be laid off for aprox 4 months. And people wonder why people think Pallister is heartless.
  16. https://people.com/parents/becky-lynch-pregnant-expecting-first-child-seth-rollins-exclusive/
  17. Maybe revival. Tony said they’re losing millions on no crowds so I think they’ll be conservative with the signings.
  18. Or, as is the obvious fact, the Ukraine case was much clearer. The Mueller report was hamstrung from the start. Dems wanted it to be simple and focused. Which it was. hence why your hero was impeached.
  19. Your reply has nothing to do with the post. Impeachment related to Ukraine. In terms of Mueller, its clear Trump obstructed but he did so well at it that it was less of a path than Ukraine. No same person reads the Mueller report and comes away thinking there was nothing there. Not even you. Havent you had enough of this yet?
  20. Only alt right leaning sources are factual and true. Everything is fake. Obviously. Never let facts get in the way.
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