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Jimmy Pop

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Posts posted by Jimmy Pop

  1. 21 hours ago, MC said:

    This is an interesting belief, and one that gained traction last fall because the President likes saying it.  Not that anything has to be true in order for the public to believe it. 

    Youth enrollment has declined in most areas of north America, but participation does not equal interest.  If it did, then the most popular sport in North America would be soccer with no other sport being close.  I wonder what received higher ratings last year between soccer and the MMA?  Not too many parents are signing their toddlers up to climb into the octagon (not sure that daycare is that rough).

    The TV ratings for the NFL did drop slightly last year but attention over other electronic media did not.  Also, ratings for college football continue to improve.  The first two nights of the NFL draft will dominate the ratings regardless of what the NBA, MLB or NHL do.  ESPN had the most traffic on the day NFL free agency opened since the super bowl.

    There is a huge appetite for football in the United States.  There will always be investors looking to take a piece.

    2017's worst-viewed UFC on Fox card drew 1.5M viewers.

    MLS Cup drew 1.4M on the same network. 



  2. 5 hours ago, Mark F said:

    and this is the main thing  you get from the career of Sydney Crosby?

    Take out the other players admiration, the Olympic medals, the Stanley Cups, off ice citizenship, and just think of him as a whiner?


    I'm challenged to think of any star player who didn't / doesn't whine.... aka complain to refs about a missed call. 

    "ya know that James Wright was always nice to officials, that's why I wear his jersey" - this board, probably. 


    Be thankful you're all not NBA fans, 98% of the sport is the best player being fouled.  So entertaining. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    He didnt retire due to cancer.  He took time off and returned in spectacular fashion.  He had long been critical of the way the game was heading and felt the NHL wasnt doing enough to protect star players.  He then retired.

    Is this like that MJ retired 'cuz of gambling, theory?

    Mario retired 1st time because of cancer.  2nd retirement was 6 weeks after being diagnosed with irregular heartbeat. 


  4. Quebec City I feel for.  No city "deserves" the NHL, because that's a silly idea to begin with, but their fans deserve a big league team no question.  They check off Bettman's 3 keys registered trademark; arena, fans, ownership.  Unfortunately for them, Winnipeg got a team first.   What's going to change in the not-so-distant future to change their outlook?  Beats me.  And before people say the Coyotes..... if Bettman wanted to move that franchise north it would have been done already.   To me, the Coyotes move to downtown Scottsdale or Houston, or live in purgatory in Glendale. 


  5. Good god... 1 ) Outdoor games have LONG since worn out their welcome.  Scrap 'em all together for 5 years.   2 ) Having an NHL outdoor game in Regina is the stupidest thing since the NHL-to-Saskatoon talk.  Never. Should. Happen.  Neither of them. No reason to other than further glorify a fanbase that gets far too much love as it is. 

    3 ) Since MBB is accrediting a member for CFL Week ;), can I call dibs on our Jets Finnish correspondent?  Would looooove to go to Helsinki.  I promise not to be annoying as gbill.  

  6. Evidently the bloggers from Motown read MBB.   


    The Red Wings are in Winnipeg tonight to take on the Jets in a game that will definitely feature fewer fans in the stands than when the Jets came to Detroit on December 5th (a 5-1 Red Wings win to end a losing streak that featured Gustav Nyquist as the player of the game with a 2-goal, 3-point, +4 night).

    I can already hear the well-actually from Winnipeg talking about percentage capacity and blah blah blah. I’m sorry. I love that there’s an NHL arena that sits fewer than 16,500 and I like giving Winnipeg fans **** because they deserve it.

    Funny, I didn't know Detroit still existed.  Thought they shut it down because 90% of the city is derelict. 


  7. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    Yeah, it might be IGF was looking at certain major concert events that required that scale.  But after going to a sold out GnR, I can tell you IGF is UNSAFE when its that full.  They must have a fire marshal on payroll or something.

    And if that's true, it's a flaw in the plan.  How many big concerts have come to IGF since it was opened?  Half dozen maybe?   

    We never should have even thought about anything > 30,000.  Of course, she has to expand to 35,000 or so to get our Grey Cups.   

    It's a shame because strictly as a place to watch a game, IGF is fantastic.  But 6000 empty seats every game is an eye sore & the atmosphere suffers for it.

    15 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Jets did not sell out the old arena many, many times.

    I'd bet even now, there's a few every game that don't sell.  The holds they release on gameday, no biggie.  But I'd be shocked if those were 100% sold. 

    @Floyd I'm keeping you in mind next time I can't make a Jets game!  It's not easy getting rid of them, trust me! 

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