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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. Mark, I agree on the OL comment. Was just musing that maybe those things help compensate a little. Hopefully we find a good RT and figure out the RG spot.
  2. Is it fair to assume that having a back like Harris, who can catch and who is strong in pass protection and two receiving options like Smith and Dressler will take away some of those issues?
  3. The Chiefs are a good team defensively. This may be his last shot.
  4. Too bad about Heenan but realistically hurts the Riders more than us.
  5. I'm going on record now, if we can score more points than the opposition in half of our games, we'll be 9-9 and in the playoffs. That is this week's lead pipe cinch.
  6. I like the idea of Mulumba but I think he's our big 2017 addition.
  7. Don't burn a year, wait until July 1.
  8. I'll ask it again, point blank Noeller, what has MOS done to make anybody think he's going to be an all-time great coach?
  9. What evidence is there that MOS is poised to become an all-time great coach? Just to compare, Wally was 22-13-1 in his first two years and Matthews was 23-8-1. Hugh Campbell was 20-10-2. MOS is 12-24.
  10. Somehow if Winnipeg hired a guy like Tillman, I feel there would be more of an outcry.
  11. Taken was a good Liam Neeson movie. Schindler's List too.
  12. Yay, put more teams in the states where you'd behind the NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA Football, NCAA Basketball and Nascar.
  13. Here's to the Riders and Lions sucking in 2016 and the Bombers back in the playoffs.
  14. Reunite the Selanne-Zhammov-Thachuk line. Smail, Steen, Boschman, Hawerchuck etc How about Steve Penny in goal?
  15. Urban Meyer should watch some CFL games and learn a little about our game before he talks next time.
  16. Popp should sign him. The Als only have 10 QBs under contract.
  17. Nice but this regime needs to produce. 12-24 the past two years and some awful football to boot.
  18. I should clarify, Ladd on a five year deal at second/third line money would be fine. Ladd for 6-7 million a year, no.
  19. Is Ladd going to make us a contender or just tie up cap space?
  20. $700,000? They still need to cut what, $650,000 to be safe (ie pay a fine but nothing harsher)?
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