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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. Dear Ottawa, Please pull out a win. Signed The Fanbases for the rest of the CFL
  2. Hey man, everybody knows it takes more than 4 years to find a quality receiver or MLB.
  3. We are just going to have to rely on that noble spirit that embiggins us all.
  4. Hey maybe The Fever pulls a Sean Sailsbury cirac 1988.
  5. I feel excited that Lankford is in the lineup. What is going on with me?
  6. Yeah on that bold point, Dressler+Adams+new receiver is not better than 2002 because Milt was better than Adams and Dressler put together. 2002 Milt had over 1800 receiving yards and 23 tds. That 2002 team also had Arland Bruce who was over 1000 yards and had 12 tds that season. The third receiver was Robert Gordon. I'll give you 2017 Harris over 2002 Blink but 2002 Blink was fantastic. Oh and Sellers. Plus Khari was a better QB than Nichols.
  7. Its a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's moo.
  8. Its not ironic, Westwood is an uniformed, non entertaining know it all.
  9. I for one am hoping that come November 19th, BLM is discussing how he can't understand how his team lost the WF to the Blue Bombers.
  10. As others have said, you are not the media, you are just a poster on this site, so freedom of the press does not apply. Secondly since you are posting on a site based in Canada, you should realize we don't follow the US constitution, we follow the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. So what you wanted to say is that the Charter grants you freedom of expression.
  11. Is there a reason CFL.CA has Jamie Nye do a weekly column on his picks when he had the second worse record of their seven experts all season?
  12. The media is increasingly populated by uninformed hacks, except for Noeller.
  13. We need to give 110% on Sunday and remember that there is no I in team.
  14. Can we sign Milt for the playoffs?
  15. Bowman has done nothing about roads, bridges, sewage treatment or water treatment but focuses on this or opening Portage and Main. Some village is missing its idiot.
  16. I have it on good authority that the offensive game plan by LaPo is to score as many points as possible and the plan for the defence is to give up the fewest points possible.
  17. Given how well the "experts" at that site pick winners each week I am not surprised.
  18. Bob Young has heard of Wally Buono, Don Matthews, Cal Murphy, Bud Grant, Eagle Keys and Hugh Campbell correct?
  19. I think those of us who suffered through Burke/Daley/Kelly and Reinbold can appreciate how nice it is to have a home playoff game and to not be the league circus.
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