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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. Uh huh. This game also played a part in Cal Murphy's firing and subsequent hiring of Jeff FuckingReinbold. It was also our last playoff game after a 17 yr. run
  2. Exactly. I don’t fault him because I don’t think he received an offer from us. It’s the FA guys who we actively pursued that didn’t want to play here that I’m talking about. Looks particularly good on Derel Walker and his illustrious horseshit season.
  3. HH - B Burnham, D Walker and any other "upper tier" WR who was courted by us but decided against signing here.
  4. Keep Collaros clean. Everything else is secondary.
  5. Those muthafuckers will be outed by their own teammates and will rightfully become pariahs in this league.
  6. You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season. - Hugo Drax
  7. Yeah, I can eat these up like salted peanuts.
  8. It would mean an incredible change to the standard of living of he and his family. Housing prices alone would make the move a non-starter.
  9. He didn’t have the class to retire. Instead he blamed the covid regulations and cutbacks that didn’t make it worth his while to return. Don’t let the buffet door hit you in the ass on your way out Brendan.
  10. It’s all relative. I have a kind of break away speed when I’m racing my Grampa for the last cookie.
  11. Rose is vicious and undisciplined. I can see him injuring a QB.
  12. I knew that they brought in McCoy but hadn't heard he overtook CS. Thanks to the MBB posters for setting me straight.
  13. Colt McCoy just went in for Kyler Murray. Looks like Chris Streveler has moved down the bench from backup with the Cards.
  14. I seriously think we are watching the end of a great QBs career. Riley can still throw a sweet long ball but the days of him as a dual threat are over. Unless he goes to a team with line support or Lions drastically revamp their online and run game, then iIt’s all downhill from here.
  15. They were also prevented the end zone and needed to kick 6 fgs against that putrid BC defense.
  16. Labatte bailed on his team because he didn't like the restrictions. The dullards from Podunk Hollow don't have the brains to realize he deserted them.
  17. You want memories? I’ll meet you at The Paddock for a Sidecar or two. I’ll be the guy sitting between The Friar and Cactus.
  18. There aren’t many RBs out there who use the stiff arm as effectively as AH either. How many additional yards has that amounted to over the years?
  19. To your second point; of course he is. There is no way that the club is comfortable with the status quo regarding either kicker. If a reasonable option to improve the kicking game is out there, they will take it.
  20. Nor should you take my question as controversial. I'm just asking you to clarify who you feel is a better pure runner.
  21. Who would you suggest is currently a better pure runner, because you can't base it on body of work? This is only Stanback's third year in the CFL and I'm guessing you aren't talking about Wilder or the Calgary guy. Harris' spin move alone, sets him apart.
  22. Grasping Sparrow’s Tail Step back and repulse monkey Oops, thinking tai chi
  23. Where are the plaudits from his TSN colleagues? He's been there long enough that there should be plenty of tweets of congratulation.
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