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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. He's already spent time with the Vikings, so who knows. I remember hearing Ron Rivera say good things about him when he coached him with the Panthers but he's with Wash. now.
  2. Since we're spit-balling receivers, Brandon Zylstra's contract with Carolina should be up soon. He's another Minnesota product that would look good in Royal blue.
  3. I feel dirty arguing this with you because, more than anything, I want him to be the 2017 -2019 model. With his age, last season’s overall performance, and other uses for his $, I think we move on. But if we find a way to sign him, I won’t be sad.
  4. People didn't want Eaton's torn down for a new arena either. I love what AH has brought to this team and our two GC, but emotions have to be removed from the situation. Bad optics are a fleeting thing, especially when we are kicking Rider ass around the block this season.
  5. His wife is comedian Sarah Colonna. She’s pretty funny and definitely edgy. She had my attention when she did a bit on shower sex.
  6. Putting aside the $, the 2 yr offer could work against BC, because that would lock him in and not allow him another shot at the NFL next season. I can totally see us as players for his services if Walters includes a Kongbo clause.
  7. If we are to buy into the rumours that the BB are interested in Streveler (at non starter $), I would think that signing Woli wouldn’t be a bad enticement.
  8. Burnham looked disgusted during the drubbing they took from us last season. Now with Reilly and his salary gone, he could potentially be offered a raise by the Lions but face an even worse future.
  9. Eli, Masoli and others are placing their hopes on the belief that restrictions will magically disappear. They are so staunch in their anti-vax stance, that is the slim straw they hang on to.
  10. Looks like he plays with a mean steak. As a rotational guy I've been impressed by how often he seems to be involved in scuffles. Nasty and local... Love it.
  11. Burnham should be crawling back to us after refusing our offer last year and having to spend a year in his chosen hell.
  12. Gottfried is sensational. Of course, any chance to track down The Aristocrats (2005) is time well spent.
  13. I'm doing the BB-Als game in Montreal, August 4. How do I get this on a T?
  14. Of BLM, Evans, and Masolli, Bo could be the riskiest choice. No pity if Ottawa signs him after the fiasco they incurred with "damaged property" Nichols.
  15. Not even close to the point. This is a public forum and we all have a reasonable expectation of anonymity in our daily lives. Especially from employees of places we choose to shop.
  16. Here's a fun fact. You better hope your company doesn't find out that you are publicly outing their customers otherwise you will be rightfully out of a job.
  17. So done with wondering what this hack meant. Clearly, he has no metric to apply to this big time throw statement.
  18. I seem to remember that Harris really tried to make it work with Wally before BC lost out to Wpg in signing him. If true, I can't imagine he and Wade won't do a deal. It's either here or retirement for AH.
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