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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. I spoke to Smith and Forde after the game and they were soaked in their suits. The temp was in the high 20s but the humidity was through the roof. Forde said it was stifling in the booth.
  2. I weep that Denny couldn't have lasted long enough for a ring. Maybe not A-List but definitely FIFO appropriate. ....Romby? Not so much.
  3. Hal Sigurdson had a nice touch. A bona fide counterpunch to Matheson's acerbic writing/broadcasting style
  4. ...unless his team scores a passing TD. In which case, the limp magically disappears and he runs down the field like Michael Flatley to join the celly.
  5. FaJ wasn't born yesterday, he's just trying to swerve everyone. It's actually his right knee that is injured.
  6. I'll just really be surprised if they bring Demski off the 6 gamer early. Convinced that they have a plan for the $ they are saving.
  7. HH Pt. 2 - Malcolm Thompson, for the hit he put on Lawler. I wonder if Kenny got his ribs taped at the half?
  8. Gainey was the hb on that side too. 2 former prider defenders that weren’t even in the same time zone as the receiver. Beautiful
  9. HH - Les Mauro. Possibly the first Japanese player to ever record a sack in the CFL regular season. The “crane kick” celly was icing on the cake.
  10. Rourke is happy to have a “healthy lucky whitehead”, sounds mildly disgusting.
  11. His bellowing “get offa me” is the best. I first remember hearing it when he was referring to a long Streveler run during the 2019 B. Bowl.
  12. The paperwork has already been drawn up. If he is released and decides to return, I imagine this would be about as seamless a move between leagues as it gets.
  13. I didn’t think it was possible, but in my opinion, Craig is now the lesser of two Dickies.
  14. Been hoping to see more of Lavigne. He recorded 6 tackles and a sack in the pre-season game against Sasky.
  15. Unfortunately, nobody has reviewed it because their 8mm film projector is broken.
  16. Although I've worked alongside some hard working union reps, some of the most work-aversive guys I have ever seen are shop stewards.
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