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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. The city of El Paso better worry that they don’t send little Rudy down there to wreak havoc amongst the townspeople..
  2. Religion and politics/courts eh? During a world-wide pandemic..
  3. - What it’s come to: Trump phones in to cry about fake fraud to a fake hearing in a state that’s already certified a win and a slate of electors for Joe Biden. New levels of sad and pathetic. - Trump’s ‘campaign’ has sent out 332 fund raising emails since Nov 3 - Donald Trump’s cabinet had a combined net worth of 3.2 billion dollars. - Molly Jong-Fast - Biden - surrounding himself with knowledgeable people who will tell him what he needs to hear, not what he wants to hear. - Both Republicans senators in Georgia have insider trading scandals https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1331772020611313665?s=21
  4. Are you trying to take the joy out of my post?
  5. This is too rich. You know who Flynn’s lawyer is? .....Sidney Powell. I guess that’s the only way he was getting out..
  6. He’ll be taking extra practice reps accordingly..
  7. I like the sounds of this.
  8. Yes. Every effort should be made to hold into account, all the enablers. They are the ones who allowed Trump to do all his siht. Make note, keep track and bloody slap them when they aren’t looking. Either that, or let Katie Porter have a round with them.😃 There are many ways big Donnie will be dealt with. His future isn’t so bright.
  9. I guess there are enough stupid people who would welcome this, even though the timing would be horrendous. The idiot president is creating Kaos, and the US needs its own Maxwell Smart to fight this.
  10. Of course this has arisen because Trump feels he’s been fired so many times lately, it’s the only way he can fire back..
  11. It wouldn’t surprise me..
  12. I like this guy already..
  13. You’re a small man Mnuchin, a small man.
  14. Glenella, Mb. Small hotels can’t afford to do that k8nd of siht. EDIT - This is now being disputed
  15. No, you’re kidding, right?
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