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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. Bastard going to keep on bastarding.
  2. And paid out huge bonuses. This is the greed in this world.
  3. I know it’s the Jets, but it’s also the Jets.
  4. A complete waste of everybody’s time..
  5. SCOTUS - By 5-4 votes (with Justice Barrett in the majority and the Chief dissenting) #SCOTUS has enjoined NY’s limits on in-person religious services pending appeals by Catholic and Jewish houses of worship. This opens up attacks on COVID restrictions...
  6. Just another day at the office, ah well, somewhere anyways.
  7. BREAKING NEWS: It’s been discovered that 1/3 of Trump’s supporters are as stupid as the other 2/3s.
  8. And now you too, can play along with Donnie..
  9. J’y ai pensé, but then that opened up the Pence door, and who wants to go there?
  10. Who’s going to question them? They have guns...
  11. 👁‍🗨That murderous, slimy bastard is at it again..going against all sensible advisories. 55 days can’t come soon enough. “I encourage all Americans to gather, in homes and places of worship, to offer a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings,” Trump said at the end of the annual presidential Thanksgiving proclamation released by the White House press secretary’s office on Wednesday. https://apple.news/AdVMM9ZTBRj6gUYiCDUQ1pA
  12. Go for it! Their lawyers aren’t very good. 🤣
  13. Or you can have them all show up wearing masks (mandatory) and the number pegged around a hundred, then deny them.
  14. Is it of the mind, or of the spirit. Do what’s right Manitobans..
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