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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. “There’s good people...on both sides” - a Trump quote.
  2. Gotta pay those Holy F&*$ wages somehow.
  3. To keep your starting QB as an elite player. Streveler would hardly play, but he would be a change of pace. How would Arizona handle an injury to Murray, like the one that almost kept him out? You guys are making far too big a deal about Streveler actually getting in a game.
  4. And the hits keep coming...1 win and 40 losses
  5. Like they’re going to wear masks and social distance. This should be stopped..
  6. Your quote, not mine, but I see you want to carry on. So go ahead, carry on...
  7. That’s certainly not the same as saying he’d be unbeatable at QB for Arizona. Reading and understanding what you’ve read seems to be an issue with you. It’s almost as if you’ve never seen Streveler run from the QB position. All along it’s been said that he should have a package designed for him, to take the hits off their main man Murray so he could continue his marvellous play. That’s it. That’s all. Your grading fails..
  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/528429-katie-porter-in-heated-exchange-with-mnuchin-youre-play-acting-to-be-a-lawyer 👁‍🗨 I only wish, K. Porter could question the out-going nut president. Then you would see some real crying by Trump
  9. He’s not interested in the job other than to do trading..
  10. Certainly, the most important disinformation speech he’s ever made. Give him a bottle and some Goya beans and send him on his way... And it’s a beautiful chart. I think Kayleigh drew it up. It was in one of her binders.
  11. Nah, it’ll be in the arm like everywhere else.
  12. 100 days? Is that longer than 2 weeks?
  13. Little miss trumpette goes further down the hole. She’s nuts...
  14. Good gawd, the loonies have a chapter up here.
  15. Keep the faith and keep plugging away...
  16. Will be going to Georgia for a big Trump Rally in support of our two great Republican Senators, David and Kelly. -Donald Trump. 👁‍🗨 He’s going there to advise his candidates to keep repeating a phrase to themselves “I have the right to remain silent”...
  17. The Flynn flam man pipes in...
  18. From a bipartisan view: A group of senators announce what they describe as a bipartisan and bicameral Covid-19 emergency relief framework aimed at helping Americans affected by the pandemic https://cnn.it/2VlwdEX **** That son of a Mitch’s response: Basically a partisan plan that he’s pushed before. Quite a bit of difference between the two.
  19. We know it’s coming...
  20. Evidently, he’s on to something... (to be determined what that something is)
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