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the watcher

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Everything posted by the watcher

  1. As I said leave it up to indigenous people.
  2. It seems all my life every government of every stripe and level promises to adress and fix this but it just never happens. It must be sickening as a indigenous person.
  3. I know both the United Church and the Anglican Church have apologised for their part. I don't know what other steps they have taken. I have no idea why the Catholic Church wouldn't at least do the same.
  4. I will use McDonald as an example. So a statue of him with a plaque in front, written by indigenous people describing what he did, how it impacted them and how it's legacy still impacts them still would not be celebrating him. It would flip the story. It would serve as a reminder of what happened and possibly educate those who just don't get it . Ripping it down may feel good but serves no purpose on changing peoples minds or teaching them about what happened. Basicly the same idea as what you see in the museum of Human Rights but not within its walls where some never venture.
  5. Of course not. Did you actually read and think about what I said ? Apparently not. 1: I said it should be up to the people that have suffered 2: I said it shouldn't be forgotten that we as a society took part in this and allowed it 3 : I said I think it served as a better purpose to educate people on what happened than ignore our history
  6. They won't be close to the team or coaches. 500 vaccinated people in a arena that holds over 15,000 has very, very low risk. About as low as anything you could normally do. I think it's frigging great and a classy thing for the Jets to do. It's also uplifting at least to me to see just a tiny bit of a return to normalcy. And I'm thrilled to see those who have been exposed for a year and a half get honored like this.
  7. Ive often thought that it would be far more effective to put a plaque in front of the statues describing the true nature of the person or whatever nefarious deeds they commited. If the statue is removed ,yes they are forgotten but so is our societies part in their crimes. The crime itself is forgotten. On the other hand I also think the decision should be left to those who were wronged.
  8. I personally think it's to late. The only thing chance they have left them out of this spiral to oblivion is their judicial branch. But I dont think it happens.This isn't something that has just happened lately. The US has always had an over the top patriotic zeal. The large well armed hard right and religious right believe their country has been corrupted and stolen from them. They want it back. Now the problem is the country they want back has never existed. It's non stop brainwashing. They are the only country where you hear on a regular basis the following : " they are the greatest country in the history of the world " , "that they police the world and without them all democracy would fall ", they were the 1st democracy " , "the greatest democracy " , " they drive the world economy ", " they have never lost a war ", " the greatest medical system "............I could go on .But the point is Americans believe this BS. That portion of their population feels cheated and robbed of it and they are going to try to get it back. Which of course is impossible but they will burn down the house trying.
  9. Right on ! 2nd shot booked for June 25
  10. Excuse my ignorance, what does WAM stand for ?
  11. So in 2011 the population of 0 to 14 year olds was % 19. Just on a guess, let's say %15 of Manitobans are under 12. That reduces the vaccine eligible population to %85. So to get to %75 vaccinated we can only lose another %10 to the anti vax morons. Yikes ! Do my ponderings make sense ? UNLESS when we are told it needs to be over %70 they are referring to people eligible for vaccine. Are they looking for volunteers to go scoop him up. 🙋‍♂️
  12. I am rather concerned that we are starting the 2nd round of vaccinations yet we are just over %60 getting 1 shot. So are we seriously saying close to %40 of Manitobans are not getting the shot ? Is there something I'm missing here ? Does that % 40 include ineligible kids and if so I wonder what percentage of people eligible for the shot have had their 1st ? I don't think I've ever heard that clarified.
  13. From Pembina Valley on line : South Central Manitoba continues to trend below the provincial average when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine uptake. As of Tuesday, 60.3 per cent of Manitoba adults have received the COVID-19 vaccine. That is considerably higher than most districts in the region which includes: Lorne/Louise/Pembina at 55.1 per cent Grey at 51.9 per cent Carman at 51 per cent Red River South at 48 per cent Morden at 45.4 per cent Morris at 43.1 per cent Roland/Thompson at 38.6 per cent Altona at 33.5 per cent Winkler at 21.5 per cent Last month, the province announced that Stanley had the lowest vaccine uptake among all districts in our province. As of April 29th, only 6.1 per cent of adult residents had been vaccinated. Since then, that number has increased to 10.4 per cent. The exception, according to statistics posted by public health on Tuesday, is MacDonald which posted a 63.7 per cent vaccine uptake among adults in the district. Thankfully I'm a resident in the Lorne /Louise/ Pembina district. One of the things I don't think some of these non compliant/ nonvacc areas realize is just how much business they are losing. I'm not particularly over the top on following the rules. I follow best as I can, bend occasionally, mask as much as possible, follow the general spirit and direction of the rules..... and even I am now avoiding the low vaccination areas as much as possible. When we do have to go there we try to hit buisnesses we know follow the rules. But we probably now send %25 of the business to that area that we use to. We are not alone in this. Many of the people we know are doing the same.
  14. I took a couple of my dogs to the Vet today. I was settling up with the Vet tech who was a little , sweet, soft spoken girl when in walked a young idiot with no mask. And boom ! Out of the sweet soft spoken Vet tech roars this loud voice " Sir ! You can not come in here without a mask! To which the idiot said in a snarky voice " I don't have one " My little Vet tech undaunted snaped back" Then you have to leave. I can come serve you out there or I can give you a mask " The big idiot surrendered to the 100 lb girl and masked up. What an awesome young lady.
  15. I've said over and over, Trump was/ is a symptom not the cause. A stable society would never have elected him. The fact that up to % 20 of their population believe the fairy tales of Qanon shows that their madness will continue.
  16. Thats got some great potential if its done right. I made it to book 9. but a couple of my kids read the whole series. It was a great story.
  17. It ironically, spreads like a disease.
  18. I for one am shocked !!! 🙈🙉🙊
  19. To be fair they are just over half of our population.. So we are roughly one third of their death rate.
  20. It's a slap in the face to every kid who graduated last year. They missed out on all the traditional grad stuff but did their best to do something special. Locally they held a parade with each kid in some kind of a vehicle that they had decorated . Alot of the town and surrounding area came out to cheer them on. But this self aggrandizing church is to important for that type of forward thinking. I have no doubt it will be quietly dismissed with a few public " tsk, tsks" by the province.
  21. It would be simple to end any discussion with A clear " I was not there " Controversy ended. The second that hasn't been said it doesn't look good. So it's one of 2 things.1- Stupid to be there or 2- Stupid to not make a simple clear statement
  22. Gee, I wonder why we are the worst province ?
  23. We had a pretty good handle on it. All that was required ( in my opinion ) to keep it under control till the vaccines caught up was enforcement on those breaking the rules, especially those flaunting them. In the Pembina Valley I could see the percentage of masked people and buisnesses enforcing policy just sliding down. Our tough talking ,firey Premiere turns out to be a coward. I can't see it any other way.
  24. I think for some, liberty and freedom mean the right to do whatever you want or desire to do . Which is not part of Canadian society and to my knowledge has not been part of any society in the history of mankind.
  25. Not just food, water and healthcare but social acceptence of people that are different than us. It like a fork in the road. Which way will we choose ? I really don't know.
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