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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. He's a #1 rec and a good one at that. I think that's a good contract for both sides.
  2. Could be a replacement for Briggs, assuming he's going to retire.
  3. I think it'll be the opposite. This team has been about 2 things since Miller took over. Community involvement (wpg boy who is known for community work) and tough ground and pound bully ball. I don't see that changing next year.
  4. Cody is at his best in the scramble. Something Schoen is also very good at
  5. But can they cut him if he's still injured? How does that work?
  6. They could, but won't. And I don't at all think BO leaves wpg for another squad unless it's 100k + more in salary. He's said in the past it's the NFL or WPG. Obviously money can change that, but I'm guessing it would have to be serious money. He has some deep roots here currently.
  7. I agree with all of this, but I think Brady's highest bidder will be the Bombers.
  8. I ******* love that they moved Younger to DC. Hopefully he can fan the flames and get them roaring again!
  9. Which is fine, because they don't need huge changes.
  10. Ugh... Dunbar was released. I posted he'd be adequate replacement should Schoen leave. Someone else said, they'd rather the team went with a pure rookie/rookie type of money contract. I disagreed saying the club has not been great at bringing in rookie WRs who produce immediately. You chimed in, talking about wrs the bombers signed in FA (which is exactly what I want them to do) thinking you were disproving a point I made. However, you actually confirmed what I was saying.
  11. Because the discussion was signing Dunbar if Schoen leaves vs going with a rookie. Don't interrupt if you're not paying attention. Not quite. BLM is for 225k. We're not paying ZC over 600k this year.
  12. My mistake, I swore he got into the lineup once or twice due to injuries. Either way, he is still not a good candidate to showcase the mafias ability to bring in good rec who produce immediately, imo. I would have brought up Agudosi, who I'm just remembering.
  13. On that list, Woli is the only WR who wasn't brought in via Free agency and was a true rookie when he joined the team. And no I don't want a woli type to replace Schoen should the team need to.
  14. He was also cut by EDM I believe, or maybe he left for the NFL in the offseason... "Playing for the Vikings" is a stretch. And NFL success never equals CFL success. He had opportunities here to play and did nothing with them. Which again is my point. We've brought guys in who on paper should be good. But haven't been. Even though I disagree with you about him...that's 3 wrs. This regime for whatever reason just doesn't produce high quality rec on the regular. Lbs, dbs, OL/DL, RB....sure. but WR...I'm not seeing it.
  15. Tons of talented rec? I'm not sure about that. No one has been able to do much of anything with the exception of Schoen and Bailey.
  16. Well you quoted me in that comment. And we essentially agree. I said it comes down to $$ and effectiveness. There's only a few guys who know how they will work that evaluation. I think solid replacements are likely already on the roster, and I wouldn't be upset if they moved on. But I'd also understand if they decided to not move on.
  17. Dunbar would be an adequate replacement if Schoen lands elsewhere
  18. The biggie situation is probably more in line with can we get similar play or a bit better at a cheaper price? And I think there are a few vets that the team will look at via that lense.
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