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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. When was it originally? My ticket says 5:30 Maybe thebsite is eastern time?
  2. I would bet his refusal of those has more to do with his family's situation (wife mainly) and less to do with waiting for the right situation.
  3. I'd actually have hundreds of $$$ more each month to do what I want if it wasn't for my kids. And that's honestly probably low balling it. I'm mostly thinking about childcare, not the extra food/clothing/transport/activities etc etc etc.
  4. There's plenty on RF.com that think Buck is heading that way to be HC now. lol.
  5. I'm pretty sure DT on the post game had mentioned it was that. BO said he wants it during his interview too!
  6. Yeah with the directional style he has, you have to be perfect everytime. I've always wanted to see teams try that more, but he doesn't seem to be the right person to get it done.
  7. Also, I only want guys who legitimately think they can get to 2k on the team.
  8. I wonder if there was just a (maybe misguided) plan to slowly ease younger players in....? Cole had been getting more and more playing time and Lawson as well. I don't know, maybe they didn't want to throw the young guys into the fire immediately and it just hasn't worked out as well as they'd hoped...in terms of older players still holding up their production.
  9. Totally possible. Protection from any possible damage. I had a grade 3 sprain 3 weeks ago and couldn't put any weight on my foot, i was carried off the field. I'm very close to running again and thats with no boot/extra precautions taken. Still had to work after all. But if it's an ankle sprain, the fact he was walking on it during the BC game and afterwards should be a positive sign.
  10. agreed. I honestly find NHL hockey to be fairly boring. Especially live.
  11. I thought John Hodges reply was funny. He tried to interview the Argos President or something about this and was turned down....I mean...I know it's 3down but like it or not they're still very much one of the top media outlets for the CFL. The Argos brass sure seem to like the image of not wanting to be part of the CFL community. WHY ISN'T THE NATIONAL MEDIA TALKING ABOUT THIS!!?!?!?!?
  12. Brent Bellamy was on Twitter commenting on the small crowds at Jets games. People were explaining why they wouldn't go anymore...typical stuff like too expensive, boring game experience, mediocre hockey team, downtown safety etc etc....and he would just brush them all off as "that's a weird excuse" "That wouldn't be a problem in a real hockey town" or something along those lines and it just exemplified the Jets organization to me. I know he doesn't work for True North, but the entitlement that they have with peoples money....like..."we're here, you HAVE to come watch! and if you don't you're not a real fan!"
  13. So we're just pretending upsets don't happen now? Lol
  14. It's actually, The Since Ford, 4-4 Elks team. They have the type of QB who has given the Bombers Defense fits all year. So yes. They could beat WPG. Also it's pro sports. Any given sunday (or Saturday in this case).
  15. Sorry, but playing in the NFL will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever (get it yet?) equal quality CFL players. Some guys just fit in better with different leagues. Saying that, Lucky had opportunities not just in WPG but in the CFL and did nothing. He's caught exactly zero passes this year. But I'm sure he'd be producing more than Schoen. I'm not even sure he's on the active roster. Wade was released by the Bears, you know the powerhouse of the NFL. And 100% no, I don't think he'd be better than Cole. Cole who is getting more and more playing time could very well be our next starting WIL.
  16. Agreed. I'm not sure I understand the "Buck can't adjust" when we've been a 2nd half team all year. Both O and D.
  17. Sorry, that list should have stopped after Fox. the second list you have there is understandable though.
  18. BC...which isn't a big deal imo. SSK during Labour day...again..that's how that week goes for some reason....Ticats IN hammy....which is exactly where they lost last year. And Ott. who had no business hanging with them but did and they needed OT to get the W...I'll ask you to go back to weeks 1 and 2 of last year. So really, the only issue I see is the OTT game. Against a team that had a new QB starting that no one really knew much about. And the Bombers made 3 or 4 HUGE errors that I would bet 99 out of 100 times dont ALL take place in the same game.
  19. I wouldn't say he's more talented than either of the Jeffs. Really the person who is taking his spot (who 100% should not be) is Bennet. And he's the teams #1 draft choice. I feel like there are NFL style politics there...as in, he plays cause he's the #1 draft choice. And helps that he's CND who can go in if there's an injury.
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