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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Exactly. in 2011 in the East final Glenn went 13/18 for 113yrds before being yanked for Porter. Difference being this was a cold outdoor game.
  2. "Glenn is climbing this list quickly; he has been the hottest QB in the league over the last two games and has pulled the Riders into playoff contention" Did Glenn pull them into playoff contention or did their defense pull them into contention?
  3. As good as the Riders are playing I just don't see them beating us. I don't think we make the same mistakes Edm is making right now and I don't think we turn the ball over that much giving up 28 points. Likely going to be a fairly low scoring game next weekend with both defences making some big plays.
  4. I actually tried to keep track of the # of times they mentioned the record. I got to 33 times!!!!! I may have even missed a few! I get it's a big night and a big record to accomplish and I have no idea why Rod Black gets to call all of these games. But they didn't need to mention it after every catch. And the thing after was akward and disappointing. You could hear the echos in the place. Wait until the next home game and make it a huge thing. When Milt broke the record they stopped the game for like 45min. They could also have waited until the next game for that.
  5. Let me guess. Rod Black is commentating tomorrow night and we are going to have to hear about this record for the entiiiiiiiiire game..... please don't let him break it tomorrow night!
  6. They were on a bye yes but if they were playing he still wouldn't have worn one. He would have worn his boring black golf shirt. He didn't even bother wearing the ones that were for Canada 150.
  7. Would have been fitting if that ball got picked off shortly after he passed the "legendary" Ronny L.
  8. Why is Jones wearing sunglasses inside of a closed dome????? Is he that hung over?
  9. Legget with 7 tackles and 2 sacks. Welcome back!
  10. Screw it all. Have no refs and no rules. School yard style where everything goes! Would make for a very entertaining game!
  11. No it wasn't. They showed it on the reply as well. He was down and took it off himself. I will post it once it's on youtube!
  12. And I've been whining about this since last night LMAO. But Durant should have had a 15 yard penalty in the 3rd for taking his helmet off after being sacked. He got sacked, ripped his helmet off got up and started whining to the ref. SECTION 4 – OBJECTIONABLE CONDUCT A player shall be penalized for any act of objectionable conduct, including but not limited to: (a) verbal abuse or objectionable gesture directed at an opponent, official or spectator, (b) throwing the ball at an opponent, official or occupant of the team bench area, (c) interfering with the placement of the official’s flag marking the spot for a penalty, (d) baiting or taunting an opponent by act or word, (e) voluntarily removing his helmet after a play while on the field, except during a timeout, or throwing it to the ground, or using it in an intimidating manner against an opponent, official or spectator, (f) unnecessary physical contact with an official,
  13. To be fair......Nichols needs to stop turtling and putting his head down like that. MTL did lead with his head the WHOLE time which is the major reason its RTP. But Nichols isn't going to have a long career taking those kinda shots. He needs to stop lowering his head. He did it two other times in the game but luckly he didn't get hit helmet to helmet on those.
  14. This is what I figured. It just looks to go out of bounds in the air and lands back in bounds on the turf. Wasn't sure the rule on that. Can a ball go out of bounds in the air and come back in. Or did the ball never leave the field at all. Not a complaint either way just curious
  15. Lost in it all VI..... I was at the game and wasn't really able to tell due to the lack of the replays on the screens. But the ball that was stripped and then knocked back into play by montreal and Cunningham picking it up.....What is the ruling on that? Did the ball actually go out of bounds? It looked like it did but if it goes out of bounds in the air and is knocked back in is it still live? That was an unbelievable play by mtl either way!
  16. Back to the topic of bad calls all night. What about the pass interference in the end zone in the first leading to a mtl TD and when Durant took his helmet off on the field after being sacked and whined about it. Should have been a penalty. Really went both ways tonight and it's getting so hard to enjoy.
  17. I said the same thing leaving. We gotta got those guys on here!!
  18. Yeah..... I think rule number one for any anthem anywhere is to not change the lyrics. Do all the slowing down, speeding up etc you want but just leave the extra words out please!
  19. That was the worst rendition of O Canada I have ever heard...... Pinball please don't allow your wife to do that again! That was worse than the LV Possee O Canada/Christmas tree disaster in the 90s!
  20. Montreal beats the Riders Montreal Beats Calgary Calgary Beats Ottawa Ottawa Beats Montreal Typical Crazy start to the CFL season......Any given Sunday! (or Saturday,Friday,Thursday some Wednesdays..)
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