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Posts posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. My favorite quote


    The stadium builder said in January the project was two weeks behind schedule due to bad weather and the loss of a major contractor — who went bankrupt in December — but vowed to double shift crews over six-day weeks to make up the delay.

    Someone refresh my memory. I've heard this before somewhere.....I just can't remember where I had heard it.....

  2. As a recent cottage purchaser.....zero Friday games in June, July and only one in August is great!!

    I can now go to every home game in the summer and then out to the lake on Friday. And for those complaining on the 7:30 start I live out of town and don't get home until about 1-1:30 after the games and still make it to work for 6:30 the next day back in the city. Suck it up ;)

  3. That's a terrible trade for Taman.


    Shomari is overpaid heavily and Chamblin views him as somewhat of a replacement for Butler. Strike one.

    They gave up something pretty substantial for Bartel, who had no role in Hamilton's future. Strike two.

    Dealt two draft picks to move up ONE spot. Strike three.

    Three strikes....does this mean they are out of the CFL?







    Let Edwards play part-time... he's had the **** kicked out of him because he's been our only real go-to guy for the last four or five years... transition him to coach in a year or so...

    The most overused statement on Bomber fan forums ever.

    Correction: Highlighting a portion of someone's post and then replying with an unfounded juvenile remark is actually the most over-used thing on this forum.

    That and Drew Willy penis jokes.

    But you're right, let's just cut Edwards after seven years of busting his ass and getting 1000 yard seasons out of crap QBs and OCs. Good plan, buddy... we all know that good players can't transition into good coaches.

    That's not what I said. But it seems like once a dude hits 5+ years tenure with a club, there are certain posters who just assume that player should transition to coaching.

    'Certain posters' is actually the most overused term on this forum...

    JoLo and Edwards seem like they would be good coaches... don't remember suggesting anyone else.

    So, you don't think Edwards should be transitioned to a coach/mentor type of position...?

    Buck Pierce, Doug Brown, Milt Stegall...I'm probably missing a few more too.

    Miller as ST, Walby as oline coach, simpson as lb coach.. Pretty much any player who put in x amount of seasons was automatically assumed to be awesome coaching material by certain posters on this forum...

    and kels, unravel yer panties dood.. That bunch up you got gling on is gonna end up hurting eventually lol


    What about Cameron as our Kicker coach lol



    What's funny is that Wiecek hasn't blocked me yet. I'd think he would've done it a long time ago.

    He blocked me & I don't even know what I did. I went through my tweets and the last one I could find to him I said something about how funny it would be if Pierce lit us up in his return to Winnipeg.


    Last week I noticed one of his tweets, but it only came through as a RT from someone else. I went to his profile and found out I was blocked. Weird...


    I've never really spent any time with the guy, but one time I was trying to find my seat on "Media Row" at a curling event, and he was a total **** to me. Not sure if I just caught him at a bad time or what, but man oh man was he a jerk...


    Wiecek interviewed me at the Safeway Select.  The guy is a strange man.... 

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