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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. So was Argo Dave Access Blue? Either way it was annoying that someone would troll the old site, not very cool. I noticed Colin originally had a burst of topics and participation, but that has all but gone now. This site needs more Do Or Die thoughts/opinions and definitely this site needs more gifs!!!
  2. I'm sure half the players from the States are into some kind of drugs, it's not a huge surprise. What's disappointing as said before is that he didn't disclose it to the team in advance, that's quite unprofessional of him
  3. Still surprised that they'd go with a name that could be taken as racist.....
  4. Some of us don't have that option when at work..... And also IE is the 2nd best browser out there.... Firefox has been the absolute drizzling poops for the last 2 years and sadly Chrome is also starting to get a bit shakey with each release...
  5. This is fantastic news that you guys ended up switching to this board, that other site I linked to you has lots of nice neat features that can be added in at any time and they've tinkered with it quite a bit and it seems very easy to add things on the fly. I like the look and the layout, and maybe a bit of gold might be nice, but I'm digging the grey and the blue.
  6. Well every year we have qbs that look fantastic in pre season and then tank once people really start to play.... I will say though.... no matter who they have behind Pierce.... it couldn't be as bad as it has been the last few years.... plus Kevin Glenn is a quick phone call and late round draft pick trade away....
  7. http://ourbombers.com/phpbb/ will take you to the "new" site....
  8. It appears the "other" site has a very similar new look to this site, the only difference is the slightly better color scheme they have going..... verrrrrrry interesting
  9. Won't someone please think about the children!!!
  10. No way to use Chrome or Firefox or to even modify my browser, part of the problem for working for the Gov't..... everything is years behind current tech and this is why OB works perfectly from my computers at work Now that I'm home things look nice, naturally the logo at top as mentioned around here needs an update. I think the site needs more Gold and maybe a slight bit more cowbell So far so good and as I pm'd Jimmy Fresco I wouldn't mind a shoutbox being added at the top. I'm sure as the season goes on the site will grow and flesh out. It would be neat if the site could be even more then just a message board....
  11. This *could* be good , hopefully he keeps the vets in check and keeps them in place. I hope its just not loud shouting that goes ignored like back with Kelly....
  12. it's strange isn't it? Like he can only ever find one type of player or something... I just don't get it. He was good at finding aged over the hill veterans also Not so good at finding kickers
  13. If you go to the User Control Panel (On the Left hand menu) and goto board preferences, you can change which board style you want to use there. The default ProSilver theme is available for you to use and override the default that is set. The caveat here being, I believe setting that will set your preference for wherever you login (so if you do it for work, it will be like that for home as well). I also don't know how much time I can give to supporting two themes with some of the planned changes. I will do my best, and if this starts effecting a lot of people, then let me know, and I will see what other alternatives there are. Unfortunately that did not correct the issue, I wouldn't sweat it to much as most likely it's just my work and it's weak weak restrictions it has. If this site does take off then I'll simply bring my tablet to work and tether it to my cell phone so I can then bombard this site with my sarcasm.
  14. Just an FYI which could be a larger problem for some peeps.... I'm viewing this from work which sadly does not have the latest browswers (ie8) and unfortunately we also have our javascript setting set somewhat tight. The end result is that the page looks like this for me -> I'm sure it won't be the norm for most people, but definitely a chunk of folks who slack at work will have issues viewing the site. Thanks - The artist formerly known as BVD
  15. I just wanted to say that I got the link to this site via a Free Press comments section link.
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