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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Riders almost made the comeback but bad penalties and the Jock Sanders non conceding the single killed them. Calgarys secondary was god awful, the lbers were also poor in the second half. That defense will prevent them from winning the championship. Rider fans are hilarious, they were lucky that the refs didn't call more major penalties on them. Lots of border line unnecessary roughness penalties missed same with the high tackles.
  2. For a good laugh read riderfans.com they are saying it's the end of the season, the beginning of the downfall and how crappy the Riders are..... love how a team can be 5-0 and then the fans give up on them for maybe losing a game!
  3. If Buck starts again then Burke has then lost his job at the end of this year. Absolutely nobody wants Buck to start and thinks that he should
  4. So far so good for Calgary. Very creative play calling and with the help of a few ill timed penalties and the turnover and they have the lead. Rod Black on the other hand has called an awful game so far. So many mistakes and confusing Sinopoli with Cornish was pretty funny.
  5. Who could they bring in that could do anything?
  6. This is why I think they should trade for Tate now while the Calgary fans are against him because he could really be the best stop gap qb we can get before moving to Goltz or whoever else full time..
  7. With Calgary seemingly fed up with his constant injuries... Why not make a trade for him now? Send Jovon and Poblah and Buck for Tate and another player. We should always have a cfl veteran qb, he'd be the perfect filler guy to have to ride out this season while Goltz gets more experience. Considering how crappy Montreal and Hamilton are, I think the odds of us getting into the playoffs would be much higher with Tate then Buck. I think he'd be the only qb that could salvage or season. Anyone agree?
  8. Qft! I think a few fa signings would of gone really far the team.
  9. People are way over reacting the Bombers current state. This isn't like when Mike Kelly gutted the team and this isn't like when Taman locked up all our salary money on old crusty players. We have a really young team, lots of talent in various positions, we have depth , draft picks and should have lots of free room under the cap. Truly all we need is a few guys on the o line, qb stability, and a good oc. People are way over reacting on the current state. Remember if we had someone average like Glenn and say Doug berry has our oc.... We would of won our first three games easily. I'm hoping they bring in a gm who won't take other teams scraps (boatman) and who will bring in guys to compete on a regular basis. Burke can only stay of he gives full control of the offense to somebody who knows what they are doing. I.e somebody who will bench Pierce and not flip flop on him.
  10. Well looks like it was under my guess...glad they made a move and it'll be better if buck was released also to give rest to the qb spot.
  11. I like the hire and the move. I say keep Crowton and Burke until the end of the year, and force them to play Hall and Goltz for the remainder of the year. Burke can then only stay if he wants to be the dc
  12. I don't blame the fans for booing, so many costly turnovers and lots of bad drops from their big play guys.... messam dropped 2 easy passes that could of extended drives. 2 returns for TD's , lots of bad penalties.... i'd be pissed if i was a fan...
  13. That was a fantastic game to watch and enjoy, Montreal is a bigger train wreck then we are! Devine should get benched ASAP, I looooved when they sacked Collaros deep in Torontos end only for Chip Cox to take a completely stupid 15 yard penalty followed by Edem taking another ridiculous 15 yard penalty.... Popp has no control over his guys. Collaros looked like a rookie out there, was not impressed at all considering he had a tired defense and a running game that was working. The hype has cooled off on him IMO. I love how Matt was puzzled that Popp wouldn't put his back ups in.... I also thought it was very short sighted considering Calvillo is definitely going to retire at the end of this year... me thinks Tate is starting QB for Montreal next season. SJ Green is dropping more balls then Matthews.... Goltz had better stats then Calvillo soooo maybe Popp will get desperate and we can trade Buck to them for some poutine and a draft pick?
  14. I'd be surprised if they fired Mack mid season.... I also supported the guy but ultimately for me it was him not bringing in any new o-linemen this year that really made me lose hope. Also getting rid of Elliott was still a big no no IMO. Crowton and sticking with Buck to me was all on Lapo/Burke....
  15. He's a weird dude for cutting his hair? I think the fans don't give a crap how he acts.... they are more likely done with him because he's Buck 2.0 and can't stay healthy. It only makes sense to keep Bo Levi since the kid is really young still and has a lot of upside and can easily destroy the Bombers defense day in and day out!
  16. Troll == Anyone suggesting that Buck Pierce should go in and also suggesting that Goltz was playing at a lower level then him... plain and simple!
  17. All I know from my few moves is that if you want to raise a family and want to own a bigger house... then Winnipeg is by far the best place to go. Living out East I found most people to be career oriented, keep to themselves quite a bit , not a lot of excitement/action , mostly good if you're focus on your career and not much else. BC is gorgeous, fantastic if you're into a more active lifestyle, a lot more laid back then out East, seem to have a consistently good football team, can be pricey depending on where exactly you want to live. Calgary has way to many Rider fans so therefore it's redneck central, lot more sociable community then in Ontario , lots more fun in town, bizarre weather patterns, a bit pricier but still reasonable..... Winnipeg - Best looking ladies by far in Canada, cheapest cost of living , most restaurants per capita in Canada..... I'm hoping the CONS you listed were written in jest.... to not live in Calgary because you hate Country Music is hilarious if you're being honest.
  18. Blm was his competition and Glenn was the veteran backup? We can only judge huff based on who he protects from Ottawa
  19. I'm kind of disappointed that this site has a few trolls on it. Regardless it's funny the tells have ignored the fact that Buck has three more interceptions. Goltz has four more rushing TDs and 70 more yards running. Also he has way less sacks taking against him. much rather him throw the ball away then for us to take the sack and put us in the hole. That's one of the things Elliott did well with least year and which Buck struggled with. Also at least Goltz can throw a deep ball and actually throw the ball near the receiver unlike Buck missing guys by a mile.
  20. Maybe it's the play calling? Lots of short passes? Buck should have much longer passes considering they continually have him in max protection. What's the stats between both guys for rushing? I'm going to eager goltz had much more yards and TDs. What's the stats for interceptions?
  21. I don't think we can take another injury prone qb....
  22. I agree completely, Matthews and Denmark killed three drives with bad drops. After watching the game the team wasn't that bad. Most definitely Buck doesn't win that game. Goltz extended several plays with his legs, buck is horrible at play action and fake hand offs, and Buck also can't handle the pressure.
  23. Dinwiddie was known for being a big time strategic guy who spent lots of time going over game film and game planning. He coached at Boise state and is a consultant with Montreal. So why not?
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