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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I know two guys who would more willing to finish off the season as HC and DC and who definitely have lots of motivation skills
  2. I wonder really if he will make it to the end of the season..... the post game show excuses from Burke about the defense not expecting certain players and plays was extremely weak sauce .....
  3. It's disappointing that guys like Isaac Anderson and Doug Pierce didn't step up and steal the jobs away.... but fortunately receivers are dime a dozen and we need some guys who can give a full effort and make the catches.... Edwards has shown life in the last few games it would be nice if others did the same
  4. No way in hell Glenn is going to get traded by Calgary... not a chance. Me thinks Tate would be more likely purely because they don't want his injury issues.
  5. I don't think we should cut Denmark , just feels like he's a good scapegoat.... I'd be shocked if Boatmen still is on the team after NFL cuts... No way Buck is getting cut... *UNLESS* they bring in Jyles purely for the irony and/or they make a trade for Tate..... I definitely do think Tate is probably the only CFL vet they could acquire via trade.
  6. I'm going to say next vets to get the boot will be Denmark, Suber , Palardy, and probably someone else in the secondary.... Anyone making any bets on who gets axed next? I think they'll also bring in some retreads... maybe Romby Bryant, Lobendahn or even Jyles
  7. Well in fairness the Blue were not expecting both Hall and Pierce to go down with injuries so they probably were looking at a body to come in as a 3rd stringer/4th guy. So I won't crucify them if it is Boltus. I will crucify them if they don't bring in new blood at o-line and receiver though....
  8. McPherson maybe or is he still hurt?
  9. I would rather have nobody doing double duties anymore.....
  10. He was 16 for 26 tonight... and 21 for 25 against BC... I know Mack is gone and it hurts... but no reason to just make things up... He didn't look completely lost out there, just made some bad decisions and rookie mistakes... go figure!
  11. Also the really weak blocking call on Sinopoli when Walter ran it down to the 5 yard line was definitely fishy....
  12. And yet Toronto had 8 penalties for 113 yards and Calgary had 6 penalties for 70 yards. I counted at least 5 major penalties that were missed.... I don't see how they didn't call the facemasks when it happened right in front of the refs faces!
  13. He looks like he is playing hurt. He's getting plenty of time to make the throws and his receivers seem to be making the plays moreso then dropping them. Just seems like he's missing his throws quite a bit. The playcalling also was atrocious... they completely abandoned Harris and made it seem real easy to predict what they would do on every down....
  14. Am I the only one who watched the game? What I saw was some absolute one sided reffing... blatant face mask, offsides, horse collared tackles by Toronto that went uncalled. Then the opposite where Calgary was getting dinged for some really questionable calls. When Gord Miller starts pointing out how bad it is then you know something is up. For the game.... Calgary receivers made some big plays.... Bo Levi looked more human but still good enough to hang in the league. Collaros seemed to depend on his cannon arm and made some expected rookie mistakes. Chad Owens did not come to play at all tonight. Toronto's defense is pretty weak sauce. Was amazed at the stats they showed of Ray's last 100 passes and with nearly 70% of them for going 9 yards or less...
  15. He put up more yards then any of our guys have this year lol!
  16. I think whoever on the TSN panel that said BC was better then Toronto should rethink his opinion...... BC has been flat all year long....
  17. Mack was very good at recruiting import players in every position with unfortunately the exception of QB and O-line...... I don't think mack was sipping drinks and sitting on his ass doing nothing..... I do however think his method of getting his own players and completely ignoring quality free agents definitely bit him in the ass in the end.
  18. Elliott yes since he showed something... Brink was not a questionable move... the guy showed no progress at all in his time with us.
  19. Feel bad for Neiswander... gets 3 pass attempts and then loses his back up job after 3 years in Montreal lol!
  20. I was thinking the same thing, the Lions seem completely unfocused and the play calling has been nearly as bad as the Bombers. I don't understand why Andrew Harris has not been used at all in the 2nd half?
  21. It can't possibly get any worse.... how about that? We already were blown out last year against Saskatchewan, we have shot ourselves in the foot so many times since then.... how could it get any worse??
  22. I call your Dinwiddie and raise with a Michael Bishop and Jarious Jackson. I forget which guy had a 12 game winning streak? Dinwiddie or Bishop? Are you saying that Michael Bishop was a good QB? Where did I say he was a good qb? Was he a better qb then Dinwiddie, abso-f'ning-lutely. Jacquie made the mistake of trying to say Bishop/Jackson were subpar qbs in comparison to Dinwiddie when in fact both of those guys did a lot more in the CFL then he did. In the grand scheme of things Bishop was a guy all athelete no brains , but hey at least he had an arm, was durable, and could at least run a bit. Buck at this point is no brains no arm and no durability.... comparing Buck of current to Bishop of the past, clearly Bishop level of talent far exceeds Buck. Hell Dinwiddie of the past and probably present would be better then current Buck. Richie Williams from 2009 is light years better then Buck of current... Buck is the suck.... And wowza I can't believe how people derail an original statement and go crazy about Bishop? I simply said Hall seems to have a weak arm because when he was throwing down field the ball was well behind the receiver and that he didn't have enough zip on the throws. Perhaps it was poor timing, wrong route running , simple miscommunications? I sure hope it's one of those 3, because if he has a noodle arm then he wont last.
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