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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I'd be wary on expecting a lot of people... I seem to remember going to the U of M to watch bigger stars like Lex Luger , Scott Steiner , Buff Bagwell all right after the WCW sale and they struggled to even hit 66% capacity.
  2. I'm sure the rushing stats will bump up once the weather cools down and the grind is more on in the season...
  3. I'd break the bank to sign the guy... he looks like money. If he turns into the next Drew Willy then cut him or trade him to Toronto
  4. I just don't see how these companies recover the costs without commercials?
  5. The customer service for PC sucked, but the benefits were really good and I got good rates in Ontario with PC Financial. Now if you want to talk about banks sucking... let me introduce you to Royal Bank....
  6. I thought the demands were for a "noire" James Bond? We don't need a female bond... isn't Melissa McCarthy doing another spy movie?
  7. The only problem with BC getting **** kicked is that Rider fans will now post ridiculous threads about how they are the elite team in the league ...
  8. So Jennings is just going to toss random long bombs all night? I would think to shake off the rust they would run some high % plays to get him back in the game?
  9. Brandon Banks looks disinterested and slow these days...
  10. It wasn't Duane Forde because the 2nd time the voice was talking over Duane's voice. I would of loved to hear Austin mic'd up... the guy looks nearly Burke like on the sidelines (dead inside)
  11. They are not even competitive... as much as I like mocking the Riders they at least put up a fight. The only way Austin survives is if they air-lift some o-line guys immediately and somehow bring in a whole crap load of talent on the D....
  12. Definitely Jackson . Medlock and Nicholls.
  13. Did anyone else catch I think Milt's mic was left on in the last few minutes of the game? Sounded like he was trashing the Ti-Cats?
  14. The issue is that they should of scored several TD's in the first half to put them in a much better lead.
  15. I don't like pointing to his record as a reason why he is good.... one could always reference the Mike Bishop in Toronto time where he had a near perfect record..
  16. I don't know about the money thing... I also don't think they are losing because are missing on receivers. The team definitely isnt' rising to the occasion, I'd look more at the coaching and a bit on the D side.
  17. I've watched some fun shoot interview clips with Stevie Ray... he's hilarious and very well spoken on the mic. His vid about hardbody harrison was hilarious and IMO he would make a great commentator
  18. Good guy, I'm glad we have players like him playing for the Jets.
  19. Hey Netflix has exclusive Adam Sandler movies
  20. The ease of Kodi also helps... one place where you can access all your shows.
  21. Clearly he retired because he ran out of free passes, this is the best for him and definitely for the club. As I said in training camp...he was a walking band aid and a waste of a spot. We can move on and put anyone else who can stay healthy in his spot to try out.
  22. BC taking undisciplined late penalties... I also lol'd at Glenn talking to the camera
  23. Glenn was playing scared today... Shitty that Carter gets the late TD... the ding dong is going to brag like he did something even though he was invisible all game.
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