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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I think this decision is much easier with a guy like Harris who can easily replace Thorpe as a physical short yardage receiver that can grind a few extra yards.
  2. That sounds about right, big money for everyone involved. I don't see any other fight in the near future generating that kind of revenue in any of the sports...
  3. If I'm Hamilton I wouldn't trade him unless Franklin is coming their way....
  4. 5 wrestlers? I'd easily have Rock, Austin, Mankind, HHH, Micheals, Angle, Edge, Christian, Hardy Boys , New Age Outlaws etc... way more guys that truly defined that era. I barely would put Godfather over Flash Funk lol. He'd be on par with 2 Cool and Rikishi for comic side relief gimmicks that lasted longer then a year lol.
  5. But was it a good promo, it was the same promo over and over again. People only enjoyed the hoe train. Decent worker and his feuds were all light hearted. I definitely did not see him as a HOF caliber talent though.. that was weird.
  6. The Godfather only got over because he had gorgeous women following him around....
  7. Thorpe fumbled twice last week... I'm willing to let the guy have a few more games. You can't bench every rookie if they have a bad game once in a blue moon.
  8. Also Reinbold looks like a genius escaping from that mess... I wonder if they approach LaPo to coach them next season?
  9. No kidding... why does it take the fans and probably the sponsors to scream and shout for Hamilton to realize this was a bad idea? I understand being desperate... but this is ridiculous?
  10. Brandon


  11. I didn't see that much pressure on Jennings... I saw a guy who was beyond rusty. The guy had steamboats and still tossed a pass right at the DB. With Reilly he was throwing on the run... several feet above the receivers heads. Williams made some absolutely amazing catches but Reilly was way off. These weren't passes with guys right in his mug where he just tossed it up as a prayer. He had to leave the pocket at times and throw on the run which he used to do with great ease... yet against the Riders his throws were far off.
  12. Signed the guy probably to mentor the guys on the Moose, smart move.
  13. The issue I had was Hurl not being able to make the tackle mainly on Durant...
  14. Brandon


    My takeaway from watching the fight... McGregor didn't embarass himself... Floyd was in charge the whole fight.... Ref at the beginning was harsh on McGregor and then midway switched.... Two of the judges were completely bias to Mayweather by both giving him Round 2 and 3..... Anyone suggesting anything about McGregor being a fool to box is ridiculous since McGregor is getting paid 30 million and then who knows how much bonuses and undisclosed cash. Rumours that I read was Floyd is closer to 300 million and McGregor is at 100 million. I have no idea how the UFC are going to get Connor to fight for them? They are going to have to pay the man 20 million per fight minimum... Also Mayweather to MMA/UFC is never ever going to happen not even 1% chance. He's a jerk but not an idiot.
  15. I wasn't aware that Ripper transforms into a giant peacock after the Riders fluke two wins in a row against the absolute worst performances by Jennings and Reilly in their career. Does he go into hibernation after a Riders team plays against decent qb'ing?
  16. 54 points yet only getting 240 yards passing and around 80 yards rushing.... that definitely shows how much Edmonton really **** the bed
  17. I only watched the first half.... I just didn't see anything really amazing from Saskatchewan. They had some pressure on the line but what I saw was Reilly tossing balls way over the head of the receivers and so many brain farts and ill timed and pointless penalties by Edmonton. It looked like Edmonton self destructed and Saskatchewan simply played a clean game.
  18. Reilly is way off the mark tonight, I dread going to riderfans as they are going to think that the dbs are hot **** despite the fact that Reilly is throwing bullets way over the head of his receivers.
  19. In fairness to Nik... Durant's first int, the botched 3rd down gamble, the Durant fumble... they definitely made some boneheaded plays.
  20. Brandon


    The track record of Jones makes it nearly impossible to believe that he's innocent... way to many screw ups in the past. I think since USADA started with the UFC he's failed the drug tests in each fight ?
  21. Because a tiny DB will get flattened if they go mid or high.... I just don't understand why someone like Hurl doesn't at least attempt to hit him in his huge gut to at least knock the wind out of the guy?
  22. I saw the opposite... the Defense had a lot of pressure but the LB'ers and the very soft zone were just terrible. As much as I like Randle... that first int was an absolute stinker of a pass by Durant.
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