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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Unpreventable prevent D, there.....
  2. Rider OC making some interesting calls, in this one
  3. I tried to warn the good folks in Regina, that Hurl as starter was a very bad idea
  4. Rider OL lookin bad with no depth to call on....
  5. So, at this moment.....no action, at all..... is being taken to locate parents and children and re-unite them. The authorities have stated that they are "waiting for clarification on the President's order". You know, the one that didn't even mention the 23,000 kids that have already been ripped away from their parents. Trump also didn't utter a single word about this, during his latest cult rally...... Just like the "Muslim ban", fixing this enforcement edict executed "on the fly" is going to a unholy mess. Doubtful there was any provision for turning back on this action, as its intent was to intimidate people, exploit them as a legislative bargain chip, give Trump a bump with his followers, and also lay the groundwork for even more draconian measures. It took actual Republican (party of "family values") public criticism, to make them pause - that and the optics, running up to the midterms. I suspect that Trump's favorite fascist, Steven Miller, was a prime mover in this initiative.... The varied comments from Trump, Sessions, the director of DHS, Lewandowski as well as media cretins Tucker Carlson, Hannity, and Laura Ingraham....leading up to the stop order, were both ludicrous and disgusting. A pack of sordid lies, would just about cover it as well...... It blew up in Trump's face.....but the buck will always stop......elsewhere.
  6. So, Jeff Sessions..... didn't really mean it. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/393541-sessions-we-never-really-intended-to-separate-families Sessions, and Trump.....complete and utter lying pieces of crap.
  7. Trump said, the other day....that Cohen "is not my lawyer" and that they..... "haven't spoken, to each other, in a long time". Given that the charges are State and not Federal..... a Trump pardon is simply not possible. Cohen is looking at an oncoming bus....that he will soon be under.
  8. Don Jr. better find the cash, for that Trump Tower debt.....
  9. Good makeup, but could have mobility issues.......
  10. Once he gets "worked in" Mo will provide us with another ball hawk, back there.....
  11. I was referring to style not motive. But, bottom line....he certainly has run rings around Trump's lawyers....and seems to have reserves of dry powder.
  12. Avenatti is an grand stander and attention hog. That said, most of his predictions have come to pass......
  13. People know that Sessions was in such a hurry to deal with this issue,....that forced separations, were taking place 2 months BEFORE the rule was implemented
  14. Which part?......so I know how much gin to consume...
  15. Suspect that a lot of Senators and Congressmen and women, who won't speak out publicly.....had plenty to say about it, behind closed doors.
  16. He should be allowed to stay in his lane....
  17. Not a bad idea....before injury, Moe has been dangerous with the ball in his hands
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