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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Because they want to get her in a room with 11 male Republicans and "hear her out".....then proceed with rushing through Kavanaugh's confirmation. Grassley is making no bones about this......
  2. We need to spend more time rubbing our hands with glee, anticipating the inevitable, glorious and decisive victory over Montreal .... rather than all of this pithy speculation. Am I doing this right?
  3. Scared of Bowman, scared of Johnny Football, scared of my shadow, scared of the dark.... ...scared of gin......well, ok, there are limits...
  4. Ok, stick to the plan. Fine and dandy. But results need to be forthcoming. I like Mike, but really need to start really seeing the beef.
  5. Ironically....Sessions's decision to actually do the principled thing (for once) and recuse himself from the investigation, deferring it to Rosenstein....helped make the Mueller Investigation possible. Which, of course is why IMPOTUS is so angry with him.
  6. If the Republicans....who are desperately trying to hustle Kavanaugh's confirmation through, before the midterms.....are going to allow it.
  7. Flake is not running for re-election, and him and Trump despise each other. Any squeeze attempt by the administration, could backfire, here
  8. Burns me that we lost back to back to these guys.....
  9. With that O.....the Sask D has no margin for error
  10. Part of being a Bomber fan, is merely taking what you can get......
  11. A month ago, we were talking up the upcoming 4 games as "finding out what kind of team we have" Ottawa - didn't show up, got blown out Stamps - 2nd half collapse Riders series - overall was there....but totally boned ourselves with critical errors. That sort of thing.... that can induce a bit of "negativism" It certainty does not indicate some kind of lack of realism. That said, there is time to right the ship and pull a Toronto, this year - but it has to start real soon.
  12. Pipkin turned into a pumpkin, before midnight, tonight......
  13. I'm upbeat......think the Bombers will make out alright, this weekend.
  14. There is extreme partisan politics on both sides.......both sides.
  15. Right now the Bombers cannot be really favored to beat anyone
  16. Both my gin and perception levels are sagely balanced....
  17. When you peek more closely inside the Nothingburger.....one can actually see meat.
  18. Under this deal, Manafort will charged with only 1 count of conspiracy against the United States and 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice by witness tampering. Which allows him to avoid a gazillion years, on this 2nd trial. But in this world you don't get something for nothing. For this deal to be realized - Judge Amy Berman Jackson said Paul Manafort has agreed to cooperate "fully and truthfully" with the special counsel investigation. What the judge says that will include: Interviews with the special counsel and providing relevant documents So we have Trump Campaign Russian point person #1 (Manafort), Trump Campaign Russian point person #2 (Flynn), and Trump's decade long legal fixer (Cohen)...... all in cooperation mode with Mueller. As well as the long time CEO of Trump's various companies and "charitable" Trust. The trails are being followed......the net is closing.
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