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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. He said he wants Masoli to come back. One big happy family. ..until the inevitable cries of "Start Masoli!"
  2. Gawd, I wish Priders in the stands at Mosaic watching two other teams play.
  3. Inviting a QB controversy ,to me, means inviting needless turmoil. At their worst they can split lockerrooms. But I can't control those decisions...not today anyway.
  4. Nope. Evans is still making relative backup money. Masoli's return date is an open question so no cap impact. Question here won't be money it'll the usual qb controversy type stuff. Risk of injury is always there but there's no reason to think the wheels will suddenly fall off from Evans. Masoli watching Evans all year with the odd third and short wrinkle followed by the same off season questions of where Masoli will end up is what I expect in 2020.
  5. Masoli re-sign. Would have comfortably bet against it...my guess is there was too much uncertainty around the injury for Masoli to test the market so why not wait it out a year? All my friends are here, know the system...and perhaps a chance to get my job back ?
  6. Happy Christmas to you. Not a whole lot to talk about from my corner of the garden....yet.
  7. So many names so little action ( so far) . How long before someone floats a "collusion" theory ?
  8. Congrats. Well earned. To the victor go the spoils.
  9. Media underestimating WPG is not a reflection of HAMs attitude. Banks is a chirpy guy who is chirping at Priders and Pederson.
  10. HAM had to listen to "Playoff Trevor" and #whynotus for a solid week so it's doubtful they're taking their cues from media.
  11. Credibility took a big hit with the Phil Kessel hot dog thing.
  12. Scott Stinson doesn't even cover CFL. Simmons does a handful of games a year. Don't know why theyre included. Beat reporters , not just columnists, should be asked too
  13. C'mon. If you have to keep saying my sample was contaminated. ..
  14. I know the feeling. Simoni Lawrence is a rotten human being. Odell Willis ? respected veteran.
  15. Collaros is just as much as an in-your-face storyline as Banks is. Just sayin
  16. Holy cow. How did that survive. CKRC still exist ?
  17. Argos not going after OShea and making do with Chamblin says Argo brass aren't that serious turning team around. Pitiful.
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