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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Tall about setting the bar low. Be better than Kavis.
  2. Carter brokered a peace deal between Egypt and Israel essentially buying off Israel's main enemy ,,leader of the Arab world becomes a US client state and then scoring huge arms deals to arm the new Egypt. Carter knew Egypt was supposed to get a new deal for Palestinians as part of the peace treaty. Israel balked at anything concrete (of course)..Carter when ahead with the deal anyway. Long story short Egypt gets buckets of money,( to this day) US arms dealers get rich, Israel pays nothing , The deal just entrenched the problems that are still there now. Whether Carter was incredibly naive or corrupt is debate able but he's far from blameless. US foreign policy is corrupt. Both Democrats and Republicans are equal players.
  3. Of course. When there's a Republican in the white house.
  4. Im not republican, not conservative, not american. Apart from that youre bang on.
  5. It comes off as hollow, opportunistic, partisan when progressives don't take the opportunity to condemn all US escalation in the middle east . But they won't because they can't waste a chance to personify the events around Trump.
  6. It's not so much defending or not defending Obama it's just progressives who say they decry hypocrisy in general yet apply a laser focus on Trump only. Comes accross as simple partisan attacks ergo they can't be taken seriously.
  7. Then you would be wailing about Trump escalating things. When Iran took US sailors hostage OBama did nothing. Stop pretending strange foreign policy decisions began with Trump .
  8. Flag waving.? Do you actually read what I post ?
  9. What's laughable is "progressives" trying to distill the recent events down to more Orange Man Bad and score cheap partisan points . Last few days have been yet another example of the corrupt rotten foreign policy of US, ISrael, Saudi Arabia that BOTH Republicans and Democrats have willingly advanced no matter the cost for 70 odd years . If progressives are really upset how the possibility of war they have to get serious and widen their curiosity over why the system is the way it is. Be better, be smarter. We all have a stake in this.
  10. Now do John Kerry, Noah.
  11. You seriously trying to say Israel doesn't have powerful , linfluential lobbies in Washington ? My gawd you're not informed at all.
  12. Now that Iran is finished with their rocket hissy fit Trump should dial it back and take the win. Too bad he's surrounded by warmongers and AIPAC who won't let him.
  13. Going to be interesting to see which top Dem candidate try an be the anti war candidate and at the same time not protest US actions to loudly. Progressive Tulsi Gabbard dared criticize US foreign policy apparatus long before all this... fellow Dem opponents and MSM tried to bury her for it
  14. Who's cheeleading him apart from fake conservatives, neocons , israel- firsters, military - industry shiils? ( who used to say they'd never support him on anything) "It was the right thing to do but it was Trump so it's also a bad thing to do" is just as stupid a take as the people above.
  15. Then: Trump shows "weakness" when he "abandoned" the Kurds. Withdraws from Syria. Shows weakness when he " appeases" and negotiates with NK, China. Now: Killing was out of porportion , doesnt understand nuance. Trump is an out of control maniac who's going to get us all killed. Pick one, "progressives."
  16. Tons of Trump "boosters" are either condemning it or questioning it too. Hannity is a ridiculously bad example. He's a media personality who would support any Republican so long as they are in power. And it's also ironic some of the same people and media who put their faith in deep state CIA, FBI, DOJ (in hopes they'd make a legal case to avenge Trump win ) are now doubting deep state intelligence that asserts IranIan attack was imminent and assassination was necessary.
  17. When your QB situation is hopeless anybody else would look good. But not getting the Arbuckle love at all. And when you suck overall a new coach seems to be the answer but Lapo, really ? Early days but they arent getting in the playoffs right now.
  18. Will an average QB and Lapo even get them to .500 ? OTT moves, so far, are meh-ish, imo.
  19. In other words pre swamp Trump vs neck-deep in the swamp Trump. Democrats will try and score some convoluted partisan points but it won't be opposed by them in any meaningful way. Democrats are a part of the Deep State /Defense Industry/ Israel forever war nexus as Republicans are.
  20. The deep state/defense industry has been doing this sort without congressional approval since the start of US involvement in Vietnam. Like it or not Iran and their proxies in Iraq helped get the deep state it's "victory" in post invasion Iraq in the early 2000s and helped them defeat ISIS accross half the middle east . Poor chump probably thought all that meant he was safe. Failing miserably to destroy Assads regime in Syria Deep State and Israel now turn to their first love...destroying Shia Iran. They will sell this new middle east war like they sold war to Trump and every president since Carter. ... Freedom, democracy, a dawn of a new era in the middle east . Israel's survival is at stake. ...same liars, same script, new war.
  21. If everyone except Evans played well Evans' brand would have taken a hit for sure. But the GC loss was a group effort. No way in hell Masoli makes any sort of difference.
  22. Was being sarcastic. A lot of people here are in love with " I wanna be here for life" and looking the other way on the length of the deal. They don't want to harsh the "one big happy family" vibe.
  23. Yup. One year for a guy who says he wants to stay for life (just sayin)
  24. Could see second / third and short packages with Masoli running. But he's been reluctant to run like he used to and that was before his injury.
  25. Organization is all in on Evans. He won't lose starting job unless he has the worst camp of his life and Masoli , if hes even there, vice versa, in other words, improbable. Reg season? Wheels would have to come completely off multiple times and Masoli will have to be demonstrably better, again, I don't know how realistic a scenario that is. Masoli parked his career for a season in the primo parking spot. Facing out, close to the door, easy out...whole issue starts all over again late 2020....if he isn't traded by then.
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