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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. But it is . Youre asking what about JCB and why isnt that being investigated if WH is so worried about corruption. "Whataboutism" is a weasel term anyway. If there is a lack of consistency it should be pointed out every time.
  2. Which is "whataboutism" so I'm told.
  3. Shrug. You asked how they thought Biden was relevent. And I answered.
  4. I Is the point that there is selective ethics and morality in politics applied to some people but not others ? Then ,youre welcome.
  5. Is he running for president ? Not really the same thing, is it ?
  6. Legal rational is POTUS has a right to investigate corruption by an american politician in a foreign country. Biden somehow got his unemployed unskilled son on a ukranian energy company BOD. Trump defense wants it explained. A legal rebuttal to the "abuse of power" prosecution theory.
  7. A lot of Trump hires have been baffling. Bolton is at the top of the list.
  8. No he fits the whack job swamp creature bent on revenge. As bad or worse.
  9. Basic politics. You don't go out of your way to give opponent the microphone and camera.
  10. Bolton is just echoing whats already been discredited. No need to be eager for testimony. Quit the contrary it would be just giving air time and sound bites for the media from a Trump hater. If he gets sworn in then either or both of the Bidens do too. Dems are royally spooked by that notion.
  11. Seriously beleive he wants to be questioned under oath now ? Questions about coordinating media leaks, quite possibly illegal, for who knows how long and todays media leak just to juice book sales. Think that might come up in questioning ?
  12. You will spend the rest of your natural life looking for a post by me defending Bolton. Swamp creature , deep state extraordinaire. Try reading what I actually say instead of lazily filtering what you think i say through your leftist bias.
  13. Championing a scumbag warmonger like Bolton and helping him sell books. Do progressives feel the slightest bit conflicted ? You hate Trump so much youre willing to sell yourselves out over that dickbag ? Man, and people thought hitching the wagon to porn star lawyer Avenatti was bad.
  14. But it is all heresay Not one witness has proof of a direct order. They are all parotting what the other said. Cant build a case on assumption and supposition . histrionics ? In Schiffs last speech he said one couldnt trust the outcome of the next election and therefore voters couldnt be trusted to deliver final verdict on Trump.. Hes one the people you think are the good guys ?
  15. Based on an self admitted assumption not on instructions by WH.
  16. But that was the sum total of Democrats opening statements. Two days of heresay evidence and long speeches about how Trump is the antichrist and not removing him gurantees the universe will explode.
  17. Sondland, their supposed star witness, was asked directly if Trump ordered quid pro quo. "No" "Then why did you say there was such an order?" "I just assumed" Zelensky, who actually took the phone call, No quid pro quo,, was never said by Trump, not aware of any aid being withheld at any time. Seriously, dont know what more can be said.
  18. How is it disinformation ? Apart from stans who takes either of them seriously? They are shills each for their corporate masters.
  19. Heresay and dramatic , fabulist speeches are not facts.
  20. By anyone who understands the words "aid was never withheld" "zelensky said he was not told of any quid pro quo by Trump or anyone else". Hannity is the Rachel Maddow of the GOP establishment. Hes a political talk show host dressed up as an news analyst.
  21. Coordinated media leak and book promo in middle of impeachment trial whose hail mary bombshell is Bolton saying the same thing that has already been discredited. And they want people not be cynical and take the whole process seriously.
  22. 1. To stop more infected people coming into this country. To stop the possibility of infecting more people going to that country 2. Leadership is waiting for other countries to do it ?
  23. Largest quarantine in human history happening now. Justin yet to issue travel bans. Put the bong down and get back to work.
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