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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Was banned for saying Durant and Riders quit on Greg Marshall and got him fired. There's nothing wrong with the players you troll.... Next offseason new regime cleaned out at least half the roster.
  2. Weird how the official company line corresponds in harmony with theirs...Coaches, GMs, QBs that fall out favour suddenly fall out of favour on that website too...what are the odds
  3. If memory serves.... the standard defense of Robert's back then was " That's Chuck being Chuck..you don't know him like we do" Banks has never been one for decorum
  4. Have good luck tee shirt, worn when HAM has won and lost, yet still maintain it has luck and must be worn.
  5. Yup, Blue Smiles Along With Youuuuu...
  6. CBC in the 70s. Crown Corp with adverts for Canadian Pacific another Crown Corp wrapped around adverts for itself with maybe one private sector ad so it doesn't look at too soviet.
  7. Just trying to keep it light hearted. No malice intended
  8. You're not yourself when you're hungry. Have a Snickers.
  9. Quick question...do pre pee test Harris highlights get a disclaimer ?😆
  10. Depth Chart. Sutton only real change to HAM lineup.
  11. Watched a lot of the old broadcasts. Naturally, CBC pushes the nation building aspect but not the French aspect of it (as CFL/Alouettes were still an Anglo driven market and French fans would be watching the French broadcast anyway..) But by 1976 or 77 someone at CBC decided everything else should be bi lingual...Player intros, on screen graphics of player positions etc should have the French equivalent. Not a coincidence as Quebec nationalism was asserting itself , seperatists in office, and the English vestiges of Quebec quickly swept away and swept out and Als were an East power house and we're getting 60 plus thousand at the Big Owe But by 1980 or 81 poof, it's all gone. Again, not surprising as PQ lost referendum the Als fortunes plummeted and it's new found French audience lost interest in the CFL. Grey Cups can serve as interesting time capsules for Canada and the league in general.
  12. HAM station is good but Toronto station, the supposed flagship, won't even send team to broadcast road games (they play the TV audio). Rest of TOR radio is Roger's Empire which refuse to even report the scores. Being a CFL fan down here ain't easy.
  13. Yup. Black and Carravatta. To be carried by all the affiliates.
  14. I was banned on the other site. Just thought I'd add.
  15. Personally, the cheer only "works" for me during a game. Non game situations I can well imagine it would be annoying for the opposition. Technically it shouldn't be used outside of a game. ,that's where a song is better suited. HAM has a song but it fell out of use long ago.
  16. What's all this about WPG brass complaining about TSN re GC broadcasting ?
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