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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Not seeing all that much love. And if there is its about time. The 15 win team had to listen to media propping up Trevor Harris all last week.. Seriously don't think HAM is on a mission too?
  2. Blimey, Riders goose egg at awards show. Tough luck, that. Maybe it's time for a little self reflection. Maybe you're not as influential as you thought you were ?
  3. Had the most wins. What did you think would happen. No one is crowning them. If anything TSN is downplaying any disparity between both teams.
  4. Anyone care to speculate what one would pay for a ticket if one waited, say, early Sunday afternoon ?
  5. Looking into flights. Can't wait to meet each and every one one of you. Not really but you know what I mean.
  6. "Rest of the league hates us because we win too much like the EDM dynasty". Or "Rest of the league hates us because too many of our fans are insufferable, self absorbed dickbags." Answers need to be submitted by Fri. Noon ET.
  7. Angry mob seems to have settled on McAdoo as designated scapegoat.Dickenson is getting a mulligan. Deciders quiet. Remember this because next failure it'll be Dickenson. Guaran freaking teed.
  8. "I'm just so proud of this team right now". Migs.
  9. Thanks. Whole thing feels meant to be.
  10. Love it 'cause it's old school. P.S. suck my **** SSK.
  11. 2008 west semi. Lions go up two scores late...Suitor is still talking Fantuz, Dressler, Cates like he was in first qtr.
  12. Yup. He sticks to narrative even when game events make it irrelevent. Truly good tv guys don't get caught flat footed. Worse still he seems to fancy himself the elder statesman now pontificating on broader game/ league issues
  13. Is that why you voted CD for coach of the year ? (And prolly Fagardo for MOP)
  14. When Dickenson is run out of Regina, and he will, he will be mocked for being too nice. Book it.
  15. Doubt has nestled in quite nicely over there. "The season was successful no matter what happens" got a test flight from one of the deciders yesterday.
  16. Found it odd no one has asked how EDM can stop the league's best attack..Banks, Addison, unbeaten at home etc etc.
  17. Harris QB of a 8 win team, who beat up the 7th ranked defense last week , as the focus this week. The 15 win team was fine with it. Cam Marshall at RB instead of Sutton tomorrow.
  18. "Be13lieve" weird how they opened themselves up to the 13 thing again.
  19. The appointed deciders over there hate, and I mean HATE, when you argue a point with them and some members start agreeing with you. They will not suffer embarrasment.
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