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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. What knowledge could he possibly add ? Where is the advantage or benefit ? Not getting this.
  2. Chuckle as Cornish seems to have failed the "class" test amongst Rider fans. This from fans of a team that went out and signed the ever classy Dwight Anderson.
  3. Must be some mistake. Listening to Rider fans I thought they might go undefeated and Cornish was over-rated. Could it be they were so giddy and drunk on "flagship franchise" Kool-aid they were exaggerating and forgot there are other good teams too ?
  4. Wasnt Mack's forte imports and he left the CDN stuff to others ?
  5. From a non- bomber fan p.o. v...... over the years Mack was overly praised for only doing competent things any GM should be doing anyway but also was unfairly blamed for things that were mostly out of any GMs hands. Tough to build a CFL team with such a huge question mark at QB. Obstacle that couldnt be overcome.
  6. How long before Arland Bruce demands to escape from this train wreck ?
  7. Water reported on lower decks and rising, captain.
  8. Notice Jimmy's not skipping the corned beef and poutine. Looks good on ya fat-ass.
  9. Als back to normal or just re-painted deck chairs on RMS Titantic ?
  10. I guess there's no classy way to stab somebody in the back. so ,yeah, I'm calling it classless. Shame on who's behind this.
  11. Brandon London may be the only other consistent threat after Green. Bruce might burn you a couple of times but ....
  12. Restore old formula and they get back to where they were last year - a beat-able 10 win team without the 10 wins, imo.
  13. Torn ACL in practice. Production was down but still a blow.
  14. A rare afternoon game in BC and not 7-730 EST. like 99.999% of the time. Braley's on holiday I guess.
  15. Sheesh. A lot of people agonizing over this. They didn't lose the game . I'm not too worried about it. Only the Austin haters will remember it .
  16. With so many injuries on defense its tough to say anything definitive about HAMs D apart from "struggling", but D-line is being adressed, Isaac certainly adressed some issues, uneartherd a couple very usefull players.... Judging by attitude of players they appear to still believe in what's being preached.... Re Austin's pass play. Either a mis - communication with booth, somebody thought they had more time or thought it was still first down, hard to say. Austin may have honestly thought they could get a first down with that play - poorly executed by Grant as he didnt put himself in first down range anyway. Should have been pass interference - defender was draped all over him and touched Grant before ball arrived .. If defense wasnt so shakey on EDMs last posession it wouldnt be an issue - still a fifty yarder at any rate - hardly automatic.
  17. Thanks, DT Torrey Davis returning was big (hurt in camp). D-line went AWL for some reason in the fourth and not surprisingly Esks surged. Too many kids and some playing out of position as a result of other injuries in the secondary. Getting Mccullough, Isaac and Eric Harris(a nice find) back , rearranging secondary, defense should be competitive.
  18. Anyone see Dunnigan stick it to Mack at half-time ? Ouch. No one came to his defense (which is usually the panel's schtick)
  19. Meh. Nice to be on the other end of a heart-breaker for a change. HAM's defense , ridiculously undermanned, forced a 50 yd. FG attempt so one cant complain too much about the closeness in the late going. Cuts deep for ESKs as they cant get it done at home against a duct-tape defense and a rag-bag offense of HAM.
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